====== Nostromo : Updates ====== **NOSTROMO** feels much more like a game now that the following work: * The alien stalks the corridors around the storage rooms * The crew can knock down walls to break into store rooms * The crew can only carry five items max * The crew can drop items in the escape shuttle * The tally of items carried and stored in the shuttle now update Some of the remaining work to complete include: * Timer display (timer coded, display remaining) * The time expired screen * The alien killed you screen * The level completed screen * Score tally * Next level goal logic to update number of items needed of each type * Game configuration interface to choose video, audio, controls, expansions * 17 x AY-3-8910 audio cues playable through sound drivers * Joystick control (written, needs to be integrated) * Hallway display 1 and 2 for time trial * The alien animation screens for level 7 and beyond * The game over play again screen * The ASCII and AX-2 logo screens (already mocked up) * The NOSTROMO intro screen (already mocked up) * Do I need to add a PMODE 3 screen for Dragon output? * Debug the item placement to fix the occasional mis-placement into the wall * Correct the wall display blocks for SG4 mode after the CoCoVGA font change * Take advantage of red/blue artifact colors on RG6 screen) * Add artifact color switch * High score display for screen shots * Help Key mode for later levels Return to [[:Nostromo:]]