====== TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL ====== NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The NitrOS-9 EOU Project http://www.lcurtisboyle.com/nitros9/nitros9.html The NitrOS-9 Project https://sourceforge.net/projects/nitros9/ 1 NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Revision History: Revision 0.2 Date 10/27/2020 0.1 July 10, 2004 Comment Updated to reflect changes to NitrOS-9 over time and specifically to cover changes related to the EOU (“Ease of Use”) project. Created Acknowledgments: 2004 Input and Typesetting: Boisy Pitre 2020 revision additions and corrections by: L. Curtis Boyle and Jay Searle 2 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual.........................................................................1 Table of Contents.................................................................................................................3 Chapter 1. System Organization........................................................................................10 Layer 1: The Kernel........................................................................................................10 Layer 2: Input Output Mananger (IOMan).....................................................................11 Layer 3: File Managers...................................................................................................11 Layer 4: Device Drivers..................................................................................................12 Layer 5: Device Descriptors...........................................................................................12 Beyond Layer 5: Applications.........................................................................................12 Chapter 2. The Kernel........................................................................................................13 System Initialization.......................................................................................................14 System Call Processing...............................................................................................14 OS9.D and Symbolic Names.......................................................................................15 Types of System Calls.................................................................................................15 Memory Management...................................................................................................16 Memory Use in NitrOS-9............................................................................................17 NitrOS-9 Level 1 Memory Specifics........................................................................17 NitrOS-9 Level 2 Memory Specifics........................................................................18 Color Computer 3 Memory Management Hardware................................................18 Multi-programming (Multitasking)................................................................................22 Process Creation........................................................................................................23 Process States............................................................................................................24 Execution Scheduling.................................................................................................24 Signals........................................................................................................................25 Interrupt Processing..................................................................................................26 Virtual Interrupt Processing.......................................................................................29 Chapter 3. Memory Modules.............................................................................................32 Module Types............................................................................................................32 Module Format..........................................................................................................32 Module Header..........................................................................................................33 Module Body..............................................................................................................33 CRC Value...................................................................................................................33 Module Headers: Standard Information...................................................................34 Sync Bytes..........................................................................................................34 3 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Module Size........................................................................................................34 Offset to Module Name.....................................................................................34 Type/Language Byte..........................................................................................34 $6x-$Bx...................................................................................................................35 Attributes/Revision Level Byte...........................................................................36 Header Check.....................................................................................................36 Module Headers: Type-Dependent Information.......................................................36 Chapter 4. NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System.........................................................40 The I/O Manager........................................................................................................42 File Managers.............................................................................................................43 File Manager Structure..........................................................................................44 Create, Open..........................................................................................................44 MakDir....................................................................................................................45 ChgDir.....................................................................................................................45 Delete.....................................................................................................................45 Seek........................................................................................................................45 Read.......................................................................................................................46 Write......................................................................................................................46 ReadLn...................................................................................................................46 WriteLn..................................................................................................................46 GetStat, SetStat......................................................................................................47 Close.......................................................................................................................47 Interfacing with Device Drivers..................................................................................47 Device Driver Modules...............................................................................................48 Device Driver Module Format...............................................................................50 NitrOS-9 Interaction with Devices.............................................................................51 Suspend State (NitrOS-9 Level 2 only)...................................................................53 Device Descriptor Modules....................................................................................55 Path Descriptors.....................................................................................................57 Path Descriptor: Standard Information.............................................................57 Chapter 5. Random Block File Manager............................................................................59 Logical and Physical Disk Organization......................................................................59 Identification Sector (LSN 0)..................................................................................60 Disk Allocation Map Sector (LSN 1).......................................................................60 Root Directory........................................................................................................61 File Descriptor Sector.............................................................................................61 Directories..................................................................................................................63 4 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The RBF Manager Definitions of the Path Descriptor................................................63 RBF-Type Device Descriptor Modules.......................................................................66 RBF Record Locking................................................................................................68 Record Locking and Unlocking...............................................................................69 Non-Shareable Files...............................................................................................70 End-of-File Lock......................................................................................................70 Deadlock Detection................................................................................................71 RBF-Type Device Driver Modules..............................................................................71 The RBF Device Memory Area Definitions.............................................................72 RBF Device Driver Subroutines..............................................................................74 Init......................................................................................................................75 Read...................................................................................................................76 Write..................................................................................................................77 GetStats and SetStats........................................................................................78 Term...................................................................................................................80 IRQ Service Routine...........................................................................................81 Boot (Bootstrap Module)...................................................................................82 Chapter 6. Sequential Character File Manager..................................................................84 SCF Line Editing Functions.........................................................................................84 Read and Write......................................................................................................84 Read Line and Write Line.......................................................................................85 SCF Definitions of the Path Descriptor..................................................................86 SCF-Type Device Descriptor Modules........................................................................89 SCF-Type Device Driver Modules...............................................................................92 SCF Device Driver Subroutines...............................................................................93 Init......................................................................................................................94 Read...................................................................................................................95 Write..................................................................................................................96 GetSta and SetSta..............................................................................................97 Term...................................................................................................................99 IRQ Service Routine.........................................................................................100 Chapter 7. The Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN).................................................................101 Chapter 8. VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN)......................................................................104 Chapter 9. System Calls...................................................................................................108 Calling Procedure.....................................................................................................108 I/O System Calls.......................................................................................................109 System Call Descriptions..........................................................................................109 5 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual User Mode System Calls Quick Reference...............................................................110 System Mode Calls Quick Reference.......................................................................112 User System Calls.....................................................................................................114 Set an Alarm.........................................................................................................114 Allocate Bits.........................................................................................................116 Allocate RAM.......................................................................................................117 Chain....................................................................................................................118 Clear Specified Block............................................................................................120 Compare Names..................................................................................................121 Copy External Memory........................................................................................122 CRC.......................................................................................................................123 CRC Module Checking..........................................................................................124 Debug (Reboot)....................................................................................................125 Deallocate Bits.....................................................................................................126 Deallocate RAM blocks........................................................................................127 Exit.......................................................................................................................128 Fork......................................................................................................................129 Get System Block Map.........................................................................................132 Get Module Directory..........................................................................................133 Get Process Descriptor........................................................................................134 Intercept..............................................................................................................135 Get ID...................................................................................................................136 Link.......................................................................................................................137 Load......................................................................................................................139 Map Specific Block...............................................................................................141 Memory................................................................................................................142 Link to a module..................................................................................................143 Load a module.....................................................................................................144 Print Error............................................................................................................145 Parse Name..........................................................................................................146 Search Bits............................................................................................................148 Send.....................................................................................................................149 Sleep.....................................................................................................................150 Set Priority...........................................................................................................151 Set SWI.................................................................................................................152 Set Time...............................................................................................................153 Set User ID Number.............................................................................................154 6 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Time.....................................................................................................................155 Unlink...................................................................................................................156 Unlink a Module By Name...................................................................................157 Wait......................................................................................................................158 I/O User System Calls...............................................................................................159 Attach...................................................................................................................159 Change Directory.................................................................................................161 Close Path............................................................................................................162 Create File............................................................................................................163 Delete File............................................................................................................165 Delete A File.........................................................................................................166 Detach Device......................................................................................................167 Duplicate Path......................................................................................................168 Get Status.............................................................................................................169 Make Directory....................................................................................................170 Modify Descriptor in Memory.............................................................................172 Open Path............................................................................................................174 Read.....................................................................................................................176 Read Line With Editing.........................................................................................177 Seek......................................................................................................................178 Set Status.............................................................................................................179 Write....................................................................................................................180 Write Line.............................................................................................................181 Privileged System Mode Calls..................................................................................182 Allocate 64...........................................................................................................182 Allocate High RAM...............................................................................................184 Allocate Image.....................................................................................................185 Allocate Process Descriptor.................................................................................186 Allocate Process Task Number.............................................................................187 Insert Process.......................................................................................................188 Bootstrap System.................................................................................................189 Bootstrap Memory Request................................................................................190 DAT to Logical Address........................................................................................191 Deallocate Image RAM Blocks.............................................................................192 Deallocate Process Descriptor.............................................................................193 Deallocate Task Number......................................................................................194 Link Using Module Directory Entry......................................................................195 7 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Find Module Directory Entry...............................................................................196 Find 64..................................................................................................................197 Get Free High Block..............................................................................................198 Get Free Low Block..............................................................................................199 Compact Module Directory.................................................................................200 Get Process Pointer.............................................................................................201 I/O Delete.............................................................................................................202 I/O Queue............................................................................................................203 Set IRQ.................................................................................................................204 Load A From Task B..............................................................................................205 Get One Byte........................................................................................................206 Get Two Bytes......................................................................................................207 Move Data............................................................................................................208 Next Process........................................................................................................209 Release a Task......................................................................................................210 Reserve Task Number..........................................................................................211 Return 64.............................................................................................................212 Set Process DAT Image........................................................................................213 Set Process Task DAT Registers...........................................................................214 System Link..........................................................................................................215 Request System Memory.....................................................................................216 Return System Memory.......................................................................................217 Set SVC.................................................................................................................218 Store A Byte In A Task..........................................................................................220 Install Virtual Interrupt........................................................................................221 Validate Module..................................................................................................222 Get Status System Calls............................................................................................223 Set Status System Calls............................................................................................265 Appendices.......................................................................................................................327 A. System Module Diagrams........................................................................................328 Executable Memory Module Format...................................................................328 Device Descriptor Format....................................................................................329 INIT Module Format.............................................................................................330 B1. Standard Floppy Disk Format................................................................................333 Physical Track Format Pattern.............................................................................333 B2. 20 Sector per Track Floppy Disk Format................................................................334 Physical Track Format Pattern.............................................................................334 8 Table of Contents NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual C. System Error Codes..................................................................................................335 D. Basic09 Error Codes.................................................................................................339 E. Device Driver Error Codes........................................................................................343 F. VIRQ Example Code..................................................................................................344 9 Chapter 1.System Organization NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 1. System Organization The NitrOS-9 Operating System is composed of groups of modules that work together to perform a common task. The following illustration shows the major modules and their position in the five-layer organization of NitrOS-9. Layer 5 Layer 4 Layer 2 Layer 1 D0 D1 D2 Term T1 T2 Floppy Driver (rb1773) Terminal or serial Driver Layer 3 Disk File Manager (RBF) Character File Manager (SCF) Pipe Pipe Driver (Piper) Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN) Input/Output Manager (IOMan) NitrOS-9 Kernel (Krn,KrnP2) Init Clock/ Clock2 Layer 1: The Kernel At the lowest layer, Krn and KrnP2 make up the two primary parts of the kernel, or core of NitrOS-9. It is the kernel that provides the intelligence behind NitrOS-9, and handles basic system services such as multitasking and memory management. The kernel also links all other NitrOS-9 modules into the system. Another important set of modules that reside at this layer are Clock and Clock2. Together, these two modules work to keep track of both system time (known as the tick, the heartbeat of the system) as well as actual clock time, either through software or via real-time clock hardware. The final module of this layer is Init. This module contains a table of initialization values and is consulted by the kernel during system startup. Information such as the user task to run after boot, initial table sizes, and device names are found in this module. It is loaded into RAM (random access memory) by the NitrOS-9 bootstrap module Boot, along with other necessary system modules. 10 Chapter 1.System Organization NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual It should be mentioned that, on the Coco, when you boot NitrOS-9, the first thing loaded is known as the "kernel track" (usually track 34, which is what the DECB command "DOS" uses). This is always loaded at $2600 in memory, and is comprised of a special 6 byte header, followed by 3 modules (in the following order): REL (short for RELocate), BOOT, and Krn. The 6 byte header is used by the DOS command to make sure this is a legitimate boot track; if it is, it then runs REL (which creates the boot screen, sets up the hardware, and then relocates the boot track to the top of RAM). Then, it jumps to the Krn module, which starts initializing the NitrOS9 system, and eventually calls BOOT, which loads the OS9Boot file. Layer 2: Input Output Mananger (IOMan) The system’s second layer (just above kernel) contains the input/output manager, IOMan. This module provides common processing for all input/output operations, and is required for performing any I/O supported by NitrOS-9. Layer 3: File Managers The system’s third layer contains file managers. File managers perform I/O request processing for similar classes of I/O devices. There are three file managers that come with NitrOS-9: RBF SCF PIPEMAN The random block file manager processes all disk I/O operations. The sequential character file manager handles all non-disk I/O operations that operate one character at a time. These operations include terminal and printer I/O. The pipe file manager handles pipes. Pipes are memory buffers that act as files. Pipes are used for data transfers between processes. 11 Chapter 1.System Organization NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Layer 4: Device Drivers The system’s fourth layer is the device driver layer. Device drivers handle basic I/O functions for specific I/O controller hardware, and are normally provided to you when you purchase new I/O devices or cartridges. You can use pre-written drivers, or you can write your own. Layer 5: Device Descriptors The system’s fifth layer contains the device descriptors. Device descriptors are small tables that define the logical name, device driver and file manager for each I/O port. They also contain port initialization and port address information. Device descriptors require only one copy of each I/O controller driver used. Beyond Layer 5: Applications NitrOS-9’s primary purpose is to act as the manager of data flow for applications, which run as processes outside of the five layer hierarchy. This includes the initial user process, SysGo, which is forked after boot, and Shell, the program that allows commands to be typed and executed by NitrOS-9. 12 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 2. The Kernel The kernel, as stated in the previous chapter, is the true core of NitrOS-9. All resource management and services, from memory allocation to the creation and destruction of processes, are supervised by this very important software component. The kernel is actually split into two parts: Krn (which holds core system calls that must be present during the boot process) and KrnP2 (which handles additional system calls). These two modules complete the concept of the NitrOS-9 kernel. The kernel modules for NitrOS-9 Level 1 are smaller than those of NitrOS-9 Level 2, and are small enough to reside on the boot track. Under NitrOS-9 Level 2, Krn resides in the boot track while KrnP2 is part of the OS9Boot file, a file that is loaded into RAM with the other NitrOS-9 modules at bootstrap time. Here’s a look at the kernel’s main responsibilities:  System initialization after reset  Service request processing  Memory management  Multiprogramming management  Interrupt processing I/O functions are not included in the list because the kernel does not directly process them. Instead, it passes I/O system calls to the I/O Manager, IOMan, for processing. We will now explore the kernel’s responsibilities in more detail. 13 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual System Initialization After a hardware reset, the kernel initializes the system. This involves: 1. Locating modules loaded into memory from the NitrOS-9 boot file. 2. Determining the amount of available RAM. 3. Loading any required modules that were not loaded from the NitrOS-9 boot file. NitrOS-9 also adds the ability to install new system calls through the F$SSvc system service call. Under NitrOS-9 Level 1, user state programs can directly call this system call. However, NitrOS-9 Level 2 user processes cannot call this system call directly because it is privileged. Instead, new system calls are added through special kernel extension modules, named KrnP3, KrnP4, KrnP5, etc. These kernel modules must be present in the OS9Boot file. The cold start routine in KrnP2 performs a link to KrnP3, and if it exists in the boot file, it will be branched to. If KrnP3 does not exist in the boot file, KrnP2 continues with a normal cold start. NitrOS-9 EOU only: KrnP3, a kernel extension which prints full text error messages (based on the /dd/sys/errmsg file), is always pre-installed in EOU. System Call Processing System Calls are used to communicate between NitrOS-9 and programs for such functions as memory allocation and process creation. In addition to I/O and memory management functions, system calls have other functions. These include inter-process control and timekeeping. System calls use the 6809 microprocessor’s SWI2 instruction followed by a constant byte representing the code. You usually pass parameters for system calls in the 6809 registers. 14 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual OS9.D and Symbolic Names A system-wide assembly language equate file, called OS9.D, defines symbolic names for all system calls. This file is normally included when assembling hand-written or compiler- generated code. The NitrOS-9 assembler has a built-in macro to generate system calls. For example: is recognized and assembled as equivalent to: os9 I$Read swi2 fcb I$Read The NitrOS-9 assembler macro “os9” generates an SWI2 instruction. The label I$Read is the label for the system call code $89. Note: Some assemblers are case sensitive with labels, including System call names. The safest practice is to make sure that the exact case match is followed from the DEFS files. NitrOS-9 EOU Beta 2 and up specific: OS9.D, and all other system def files, are always in /dd/defs in EOU. Types of System Calls System calls are divided into two categories: I/O calls and function calls. I/O calls perform various input/output functions. The kernel passes calls of this type to the I/O manager for processing. The symbolic names for I/O calls begin with I$ instead of F$. For example, the Read system call is called I$Read. 15 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Function calls perform memory management, multi-programming and other functions, with most being processed by the kernel. The symbolic names for function calls begin with F$. For example, the Link function call is called F$Link. The function calls include user calls and privileged system mode calls. (See Chapter 8, “System Calls,” for more information.) Memory Management Memory management is an important operating system function. Using memory and modules, NitrOS-9 manages the logical contents of memory and the physical assignment of memory to programs. An important concept in memory management is the memory module. The memory module is a format in which programs must reside. NitrOS-9 maintains a module directory that points to the modules that occupy memory. This module directory contains information about each module, including its name and address and the number of processes using it. The number of processes using a module is reflected in the module’s link count. When a module’s link count reaches zero, NitrOS-9 releases the module, returns the memory it held back to the free pool, and removes its name from the module directory. NOTE: If you have multiple modules merged together, all of their link counts must go down to 0 before they are removed from memory. Memory modules are the foundation of NitrOS-9’s modular software environment, and have several advantages:  Automatic runtime linking of programs to libraries of utility modules  Automatic sharing of re-entrant programs  Replacement of small sections of large programs into memory for update or correction. 16 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Memory Use in NitrOS-9 NitrOS-9 automatically allocates memory when any of the following occurs:  Program modules are loaded into RAM  Processes are created  Processes execute system calls to request additional RAM  NitrOS-9 needs I/O buffers or larger tables NitrOS-9 also has inverse functions to deallocate memory allocated to program modules, new processes, buffers, and tables. In general, memory for program modules and buffers is allocated from high addresses downward. Memory for process data areas is allocated from low addresses upward. NitrOS-9 Level 1 Memory Specifics Under NitrOS-9 Level 1, a maximum of 64K of RAM is supported. The operating system and all processes must share this memory. In the 64K address map, NitrOS-9 reserves some space at the top and bottom of RAM for its own use. The amount depends on the sizes of system tables that are specified in the Init module and what mixture of drivers and descriptors you have in your OS9Boot file. NitrOS-9 pools all other RAM into a free memory space. As the system allocates or deallocates memory, it dynamically takes it from or returns it to this pool. Under NitrOS- 9 Level 2, RAM does not need to be contiguous because the memory management unit can dynamically rearrange memory addresses. The basic unit of memory allocation is the 256-byte page. NitrOS-9 Level 1 always allocates memory in whole numbers of pages. The data structure that NitrOS-9 uses to keep track of memory allocation is a 256-byte bitmap. Each bit in this table is associated with a specific page of memory. A cleared bit indicates that the page is free and available for assignment. A set bit indicates that the page is in use (that no RAM is free at that address). 17 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual NitrOS-9 Level 2 Memory Specifics Because NitrOS-9 Level 2 utilizes the Memory Management Unit (MMU) component of the Color Computer 3, up to 2MB of memory can be supported. However, each process is still limited to a maximum of 64K of RAM accessible at one time. Even with this limitation, there is a significant advantage over NitrOS-9 Level 1. Every process has its own 64K “playground.” Even the operating system itself has its own 64K area (and, if you are running CoGrf/CoWin, which is mandatory in EOU, the graphics sub-system of CoWin/Grfdrv also has it's own 64K area). This means that programs do not have to share a single 64K block with each other or the system. Consequently, larger programs are possible under NitrOS-9 Level 2. These 64K areas are made up of 8K blocks, the size that is imposed by the MMU found in the Color Computer 3. NitrOS-9 Level 2 assembles a number of these 8K blocks to provide every process (including the system) its own 64K working area. Please note, under NitrOS-9 Level 2, $FE00-$FFFF still can not be used by user processes, as this area is reserved for OS Vector page RAM ($FE00-$FEFF), and hardware I/O ($FF00-$FFFF). Within the system’s 64K address map, memory is still allocated in 256-byte pages, just like NitrOS-9 Level 1. Color Computer 3 Memory Management Hardware As mentioned previously, the 8-bit CPU in the Color Computer 3 can directly address only 64K of memory. This limitation is imposed by the 6809/6309, which has only 16 address lines (A0-A15). The Color Computer 3’s Memory Management Unit (MMU) extends the addressing capability of the computer by increasing the address lines to 19 (A0-A18). This lets the computer address up to 512K of memory ($0-$7FFFF), or up to 2MB of memory ($0-$1FFFFF) when enhanced with certain memory upgrades. In this document we will discuss the more common 512K configuration. The 512K address space is called the physical address space. The physical address space is subdivided into 8K blocks. The six high order address bits (A13-A18) define a block number. 18 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual NitrOS-9 creates a logical address space of up to 64K for each task by using the F$Fork system call. Even though the memory within a logical address space appears to be contiguous, it might not be—the MMU translates the physical addresses to access available memory. Address spaces can also contain blocks of memory that are common to more than one map. The MMU consists of a multiplexer and a 16 by 6-bit RAM array. Each of the 6-bit elements in this array is an MMU task register. The computer uses these task registers to determine the proper 8-kilobyte memory segment to address. The MMU task registers are loaded with addressing data by the CPU. This data indicates the actual location of each 8-kilobyte segment of the current system memory. The task registers are divided into two sets consisting of eight registers each. Whether the task register select bit (TR bit) is set or reset determines which of the two sets is to be used. The relation between the data in the task register and the generated addresses is as follows: Bit Corresponding Memory Address D5 A18 D4 A17 D3 A16 D2 A15 D1 A14 D0 A13 When the CPU accesses any memory outside the I/O and control range (XFF00-XFFFF), the CPU address lines (A13-A15) and the TR bit determine what segment of memory to address. This is done through the multiplexer when SELECT is low (See the following table.) When the CPU writes data to the MMU, A0-A3 determine the location of the MMU register to receive the incoming data when SELECT is high. The following diagram illustrates the operation of the Color Computer 3’s memory management. The system uses the data from the MMU registers to determine the block of memory to be accessed, according to the following table: TR Bit 0 0 A15 A14 A13 0 0 0 0 0 1 Address Range X0000-X1FFF X2000-X3FFF MMU Address FFA0 FFA1 19 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 X4000-X5FFF X6000-X7FFF X8000-X9FFF XA000-XBFFF XC000-XDFFF XE000-XFFFF X0000-X1FFF X2000-X3FFF X4000-X5FFF X6000-X7FFF X8000-X9FFF XA000-XBFFF XC000-XDFFF XE000-XFFFF FFA2 FFA3 FFA4 FFA5 FFA6 FFA7 FFA8 FFA9 FFAA FFAB FFAC FFAD FFAE FFAF The translation of physical addresses to 8K blocks is as follows: Range From To 00000 01FFF 02000 03FFF 04000 05FFF 06000 07FFF 08000 09FFF 0A000 0BFFF 0C000 0DFFF 0E000 0FFFF 10000 11FFF 12000 13FFF 14000 15FFF 16000 17FFF 18000 19FFF 1A000 1BFFF 1C000 1DFFF 1E000 1FFFF 20000 21FFF 22000 23FFF Block Number 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 Range From To 40000 41FFF 42000 43FFF 44000 45FFF 46000 47FFF 48000 49FFF 4A000 4BFFF 4C000 4DFFF 4E000 4FFFF 50000 51FFF 52000 53FFF 54000 55FFF 56000 57FFF 58000 59FFF 5A000 5BFFF 5C000 5DFFF 5E000 5FFFF 60000 61FFF 62000 63FFF Block Number 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 20 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 24000 25FFF 26000 27FFF 28000 29FFF 2A000 2BFFF 2C000 2DFFF 2E000 2FFFF 30000 31FFF 32000 33FFF 34000 35FFF 36000 37FFF 38000 39FFF 3A000 3BFFF 3C000 3DFFF 3E000 3FFFF 64000 65FFF 66000 67FFF 68000 69FFF 6A000 6BFFF 6C000 6DFFF 6E000 6FFFF 70000 71FFF 72000 73FFF 74000 75FFF 76000 77FFF 78000 79FFF 7A000 7BFFF 7C000 7DFFF 7E000 7FFFF 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F In order for the MMU to function, the TR bit at $FF90 must be cleared and the MMU must be enabled. However, before doing this, the address data for each memory segment must be loaded into the designated set of task registers. For example, to select a standard 64K map in the top range of the Color Computer 3’s 512K RAM, with the TR bit set to 0, the following values must be preloaded into the MMU’s registers: Data (Hex) Data (Binary) Address Range MMU Location Address FFA0 FFA1 FFA2 FFA3 FFA4 FFA5 FFA6 FFA7 111000 111001 111010 111011 111100 111101 111110 111111 70000-71FFF 72000-73FFF 74000-75FFF 76000-77FFF 78000-79FFF 7A000-7BFFF 7C000-7DFFF 7E000-7FFFF Although this table shows MMU data in the range $38 to $3F, any data between $0 and $3F can be loaded into the MMU registers to select memory addresses in the range 0 to $7FFFF. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 21 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Normally, the blocks containing I/O devices are kept in the system map, but not in the user maps. This is appropriate for timesharing applications, but not for process control. To directly access I/O devices, use the F$MapBlk system call. This call takes a starting block number and block count, and maps them into unallocated spaces of the process’ address space. The system call returns the logical address at which the blocks were inserted. For example, suppose a display screen in your system is allocated at extended addresses $7A000-$7DFFF (blocks $3D and $3E). The following system call maps them into your address space: ldb ldx os9 stu number of blocks starting block number #$02 #$3D F$MapBlk call MapBlk IOPorts save address where mapped On return, the U register contains the starting address at which the blocks were switched. For example, suppose that the call returned $4000. To access extended address $7A020, write to $4020. Other system calls that copy data to or from one task’s map to another are available, such as F$STABX and F$Move. Some of these calls are system mode privileged. You can unprotect them by changing the appropriate bit in the corresponding entry of the system service request table and them making a new system boot with the patched table. Multi-programming (Multitasking) NitrOS-9 is a multiprogramming operating system. This means that several independent programs called processes can be executed at the same time. By issuing the appropriate system call to NitrOS-9, each process can have access to any system resource. Multi-programming functions use a hardware real-time clock. The clock generates interrupts 60 times per second, or one every 16.67 milliseconds (or 50 times per second / one every 20 milliseconds on PAL systems). These interrupts are called ticks. 22 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Processes that are not waiting for some event are called active processes. NitrOS-9 runs active processes for a specific system-assigned period called a time slice. The number of time slices per minute during which a process is allowed to execute depends on a process’ priority relative to all other active processes. Many NitrOS-9 system calls are available to create, terminate and control processes. Process Creation A process is created when an existing process executes the F$Fork system call. This call’s main argument is the name of the program module that the new process is to execute first (the primary module). Finding the Module. NitrOS-9 first attempts to find the module in the module directory. If it does not find the module, NitrOS-9 usually attempts to load into a memory a mass- storage file in the execution directory, with the requested module name as a filename. Assigning a Process Descriptor. Once OS-9 finds the module, it assigns the process a data structure called a process descriptor. This is a 64-byte package (512 byte package in Level 2) that contains information about the process, its state (see the following section, “Process States”), memory allocations, priority, queue pointers, and so on. NitrOS-9 automatically initializes and maintains the process descriptor. Allocate RAM. The next step is to allocate RAM for the process. The primary module’s header contains a storage size, which NitrOS-9 uses, unless a larger one was requested at fork time. The memory is allocated from the free memory space and given to that process. Proceed or Terminate. If NitrOS-9 can perform all of the previous steps, it adds the new process to the active process queue for execution scheduling. If it cannot, it terminates the creation; the process that originated the F$Fork is informed of the error. Assign Process ID and User ID. NitrOS-9 assigns the new process a unique number called a process ID. Other processes can communicate with the process by referring to its ID in various system calls. 23 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The process also has a user ID, which is used to identify all processes and files that belong to a particular user. The user ID is inherited from the parent process. Process Termination. A process terminates when it executes the F$Exit system call, or when it receives a fatal signal. The termination closes any open paths, deallocates memory used by the process, and unlinks its primary module. Process States At any instant a process can be in one of three states:  Active – The process is ready for execution.  Waiting – The process is suspended until a child process terminates or until it receives a signal. A child process is a process that is started by another process known as the parent process.  Sleeping – The process is suspended for a specific period of time or until it receives a signal. Each state has its own queue, a linked list of descriptors of processes in that state. To change a process’ state, NitrOS-9 moves its descriptor to another queue. The Active State. Each active process is given a time slice for execution, according to its priority. The scheduler in the kernel ensures that all active processes, even those of low priority, get some CPU time. The Wait State. This state is entered when a process executes the F$Wait system call. The process remains suspended until one of its child processes terminates or until it receives a signal. (See the “Signals” section later in this chapter.) The Sleep State. This state is entered when a process executes the F$Sleep system call, which expects the number of ticks for which the process is to remain in the sleep queue. The process will remain until the specified time has elapsed, or until it receives a wakeup signal. Execution Scheduling The NitrOS-9 scheduler uses an algorithm that ensures that all active processes get some amount of execution time. 24 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual All active processes are members of the active process queue, which is kept sorted by process age. Age is the number of process switches that have occurred since the process’ last time slice. When a process is moved to the active process queue from another queue, its age is set according to its priority—the higher the priority, the higher the age. Whenever a new process becomes active, the ages of all other active processes increase by one time slice count. When the executing process’ time slice has elapsed, the scheduler selects the next process to be executed (the one with the next highest age, the first one in the queue). At this time, the ages of all other active processes increase by one. Ages never go beyond 255. A new active process that was terminated while in the system state is an exception. The process is given high priority because it is usually executing critical routines that affect shared system resources. When there are no active processes, the kernel handles the next interrupt and then executes a CWAI instruction. This procedure decreases interrupt latency time (the time it takes the system to process an interrupt). Signals A signal is an asynchronous control mechanism used for interprocess communication and control. It behaves like a software interrupt, and can cause a process to suspend a program, execute a specific routine, and then return to the interrupted program. Signals can be sent from one process to another by the F$Send system call. Or, they can be sent from NitrOS-9 service routines to a process. A signal can convey status information in the form of a 1-byte numeric value. Some signal codes (values) are predefined, but you can define most. Those already defined by NitrOS-9 are: 0 1 2 Kill (terminates the process, is non-interceptable) Wakeup (wakes up a sleeping process) Keyboard terminate 25 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 3 4 128-255 Keyboard interrupt Window change, or Hang Up (some modem/serial ports) User defined When a signal is sent to a process, the signal is saved in the process descriptor. If the process is in the sleeping or waiting state, it is changed to the active state. When the process gets its next time slice, the signal is processed. What happens next depends on whether or not the process has set up a signal intercept trap (also known as a signal service routine) by executing the F$Icpt system call. If the process has set up a signal intercept trap, the process resumes execution at the address given in the system call. The signal code passes to this routine. Terminate the routine with an RTI instruction to resume normal execution of the process. Note: A wakeup signal activates a sleeping process. It sets a flag but ignores the call to branch to the intercept routine. If it has not set up a signal intercept trap, the process is terminated immediately. It is also terminated if the signal code is zero. If the process is in the system mode, NitrOS-9 defers the termination. The process dies upon return to the user state. A process can have a signal pending (usually because the process has not been assigned a time slice since receiving the signal). If it does, and another process tries to send it another signal, the new signal is terminated, and the F$Send system call returns an error. To give the destination process time to process the pending signal, the sender needs to execute an F$Sleep system call for a few ticks before trying to send the signal again. Interrupt Processing Interrupt processing is another important function of the kernel. OS-9 sends each hardware interrupt to a specific address. This address, in turn, specifies the address of the device service routine to be executed. This is called vectoring the interrupt. The address that points to the routine is called the vector. It has the same name as the interrupt. 26 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The SWI, SWI2, and SWI3 vectors point to routines that read the corresponding pseudo vector from the process’ descriptor and dispatch to it. This is why the F$SSWI system call is local to a process; it only changes a pseudo vector in the process descriptor. Vector SWI3 SWI2 FIRQ IRQ SWI NMI RESTART Address $FFF2 $FFF4 $FFF6 $FFF8 $FFFA $FFFC $FFFE FIRQ Interrupt. The system uses the FIRQ interrupt. The FIRQ vector is not available to you. The FIRQ vector is reserved for future use. Only one FIRQ generating device can be in the system at a time. Logical Interrupt Polling System Because most NitrOS-9 I/O devices use IRQ interrupts, NitrOS-9 includes a sophisticated polling system. The IRQ polling system automatically identifies the source of the interrupt, and then executes its associated user- or system-defined service routine. IRQ Interrupt. Most NitrOS-9 I/O devices generate IRQ interrupts. The IRQ vector points to the real-time clock and the keyboard scanner routines. These routines, in turn, jump to a special IRQ polling system that determines the source of the interrupt. The pollingsystem is discussed in an upcoming paragraph. NMI Interrupt. The system uses the NMI interrupt. The NMI vector, which points to the disk driver interrupt service routine, is not available to you. The Polling Table. The information required for IRQ polling is maintained in a data structure called the IRQ polling table. The table has an entry for each device that might generate an IRQ interrupt. The table size is permanent and is defined by an initialization constant in the Init module. Each entry in the polling table is given a number from 0 (lowest priority) to 255 (highest priority). In this way, the more important devices (those that have a higher interrupt frequency) can be polled before the less important ones. 27 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Each entry has six variables: Polling Address Flip byte Mask Byte Service Routine Address Static Storage Address Priority Points to the status register of the device. The register must have a bit or bits that indicate if it is the source of an interrupt. Selects whether the bits in the device status register indicate active when set or active when cleared. If a bit in the flip byte is set, it indicates that the task is active whenever the corresponding bit in the status register is clear. Selects one or more interrupt request flag bits within the device status register. The bits identify the active task or device. Points to the interrupt service routine for the device. You supply this address. Points to the permanent storage area required by the device service routine. You supply this address. Sets the order in which the devices are polled (a number from 0 to 255). Polling the Entries. When an IRQ interrupt occurs, NitrOS-9 enters the polling system via the corresponding RAM interrupt vector. It starts polling the devices in order of priority. NitrOS-9 loads the status register address of each entry into Accumulator A, using the device address from the table. NitrOS-9 performs an exclusive-OR operation using the flip byte, followed by a logical- AND operation using the mask byte. If the result is non-zero, NitrOS-9 assumes that the device is the source of the interrupt. NitrOS-9 reads the device memory address and service routine address from the table, and performs the interrupt service routine. Note: If you are writing your own device driver, terminate the interrupt service routine with an RTS instruction, not an RTI instruction. Adding Entries to the Table. You can make entries to the IRQ (interrupt request) polling table by using the F$IRQ system call. This call is a privileged system call, and can only be 28 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual executed in system mode. NitrOS-9 is in system mode whenever it is running a device driver. Note: The code for the interrupt polling system is located in the I/O Manager module. The Krn and KrnP2 modules contain the physical interrupt processing routines. Virtual Interrupt Processing A virtual IRQ, or VIRQ, is useful with devices in Multi-Pak expansion slots. Because of the absence of an IRQ line from the Multi-Pak interface, these devices cannot initiate physical interrupts. VIRQ enables these devices to act as if they were interrupt driven. Use VIRQ only with device driver and pseudo device driver modules, or through Get/SetStat calls through /nil, using the VRN driver (see it's section in the manual). VIRQ is handled in the Clock module, which handles the VIRQ polling table and installs the F$VIRQ system call. Since the F$VIRQ system call is dependent on clock initialization, the SysGo module forces the clock to start. The virtual interrupt is set up so that a device can be interrupted at a given number of clock ticks. The interrupt can occur one time, or can be repeated as long as the device is used. The F$VIRQ system call installs VIRQ in a table. This call requires specification of a 5- byte packet for use in the VIRQ table. This packet contains:  Bytes for an actual counter  A reset value for the counter  A status byte that indicates whether a virtual interrupt has occurred and whether the VIRQ is to be reinstalled in the table after being issued F$VIRQ also specifies an initial tick count for the interrupt. The actual call is summarized here and is described in detail in Chapter 8. Call: Input: os9 F$VIRQ (Y) = address of 5-byte packet (X) = 0 to delete entry, 1 to install entry (D) = initial count value 29 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Output: None (CC) carry set on error (IS) appropriate error code The 5-byte packet is defined as follows: Name Vi.Cnt Vi.Rst Vi.Stat Offset $0 $2 $4 Function Actual counter Reset value for counter Status byte Two of the bits in the status byte are used. These are: Bit 0 – set if a VIRQ occurs Bit 7 – set if a count reset is required When making an F$VIRQ call, the packet might require initialization with a reset value. Bit 7 of the status byte must be either set or cleared to signify a reset of the counter or a one-time VIRQ call. The reset value does not need to be the same as the initial counter value. When NitrOS-9 processes the call, it writes the packet address into the VIRQ table. At each clock tick, NitrOS-9 scans the VIRQ table and subtracts one from each timer value. When a timer count reaches zero, NitrOS-9 performs the following actions: 1. Sets bit 0 in the status byte. This specifies a Virtual IRQ has triggered. 2. Checks bit 7 of the status byte for a count reset request. 3. If bit 7 is set, resets the count using the reset value. If bit 7 is reset, deletes the packet address from the VIRQ table. When a counter reaches zero and makes a virtual interrupt request, NitrOS-9 runs the standard interrupt polling routine and services the interrupt. Because of this, you must install entries on both the VIRQ and IRQ polling tables whenever you are using a VIRQ. Unless the device has an actual physical interrupt, install the device on the IRQ polling table via the F$IRQ system call before placing it on the VIRQ table. 30 Chapter 2.The Kernel NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual If the device has a physical interrupt, use the interrupt’s hardware register address as the polling address for the F$IRQ call. After setting the polling address, set the flip and mask bytes for the device and make the F$IRQ call. If the device is totally VIRQ-driven, and has no interrupts, use the status byte from the VIRQ packet as the status byte. Use a mask byte of %00000001, defined as Vi.IFlag in the OS9.D file. Use a flip byte value of 0. See Appendix F for example code using the VIRQ feature of NitrOS-9. 31 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 3. Memory Modules In Chapter 2, you learned that NitrOS-9 is based on the concept that memory is modular. This means that each program is considered to be an individually named object. You also learned that each program loaded into memory must be in the module format. This format lets NitrOS-9 manage the logical contents of memory, as well as the physical contents. Module types and formats are discussed in detail in this chapter. Module Types There are several types of modules. Each has a different use and function. These are the main requirements of a module:  It cannot modify itself.  It must be position-independent so that NitrOS-9 can load or relocate it wherever space is available. In this respect, the module format is the NitrOS-9 equivalent of load records used in older operating systems. A module need not be a complete program or even 6809/6309 machine language. It can contain BASIC09 I-code, constants, single subroutines, and subroutine packages. Module Format Each module has three parts: a module header, a module body, and a cyclic-redundancy- check value (CRC value). Module Header Program Or Constants CRC Value 32 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Module Header At the beginning of the module (the lowest address) is the module header. Its form depends upon the module’s use. The header contains information about the module and its use. This information includes the following:  Size  Type (machine code, BASIC09 compiled code, and so on)  Attributes (executable, re-entrant, and so on)  Data storage memory requirements  Execution starting address Usually, you do not need to write routines to generate the modules and headers. All OS- 9 programming languages automatically create modules and headers. Module Body The module body contains the program or constants. It usually is pure code. The module name string is included in this area. The following figure provides the offset values for calculating the location of a module’s name. (See “Offset to Module Name.”) CRC Value The last three bytes of the module are the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value. The CRC value is used to verify the integrity of a module. When the system first loads the module into memory, it performs a 24-bit CRC over the entire module, from the first byte of the module header to the byte immediately before the CRC. The CRC polynomial used is $800FE3. As with the header, you usually don’t need to write routines to generate the CRC value. Most OS-9 programs do this automatically. 33 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Module Headers: Standard Information The first nine bytes of all module headers are defined as follows: Relative Address $00,$01 $02,$03 $04,$05 $06 $07 $08 Use Sync bytes ($87,$CD) Module size Offset to module name Module type/language Attributes/revision level Header check Sync Bytes The sync bytes specify the location of the module. (The first sync byte is the start of the module.) These two bytes are constant. Module Size The module size specifies the size of the module in bytes (includes CRC). Offset to Module Name The offset to module name specifies the address of the module name string relative to the start of the module. The name string can be located anywhere in the module. It consists of a string of ASCII characters with the most significant bit set on the last character. Type/Language Byte The type/language byte specifies the type and language of the module. The four most significant bits of this byte indicate the type. Eight types are predefined. Some of these are for OS-9’s internal use only. The type codes are given here (0 is not a legal type code): 34 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The four least significant bits of Byte 6 indicate the language (denoted by x in the previous Figure). The language codes are given here: Code $1x $2x $3x $4x $5x $6x-$Bx $Cx $Dx $Ex $Fx Code $x0 $x1 $x2 $x3 $x4 $x5 $x6 $x7 &8x-$Fx Module Type Program module Subroutine module Multi-module (for future use) Data module Shell+ shell subroutine module User-definable module NitrOS-9 system module NitrOS-9 file manager module NitrOS-9 device driver module NitrOS-9 device descriptor module Name Prgrm Sbrtn Multi Data ShellSub Systm FlMgr Drivr Devic Language Data (non executable) 6809 object code module (6809/6309 until Obj6309 fully implemented) Basic09 I-Code Pascal P-Code C I-Code (not currently used) Cobol I-Code (not currently used) Fortran I-Code (not currently used) 6309 object code (EXPERIMENTAL/NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED) Reserved for future use Name Objct I-Code Data CCode CblCode FrtnCode Obj6309 By checking the language type, high-level language runtime systems can verify that a module is the correct type before attempting execution. Basic09, for example, can run either I-Code or 6809/6309 machine language procedures arbitrarily by checking the language type code. 35 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Attributes/Revision Level Byte The attributes/revision level byte defines the attributes and revision level of the module. The four most significant bits of this byte are reserved for module attributes. Currently, only Bit 7 is defined. When set, it indicates the module is re-entrant and, therefore, shareable. Code $8x $4x $2x $1x Attribute Flag Re-Entrant Module Reserved for upcoming SCF Buffered write support EXPERIMENTAL 6309 native mode Reserved for upcoming SCF Buffered read support Name ReEnt BufsWrits ModNat BufReads The four least significant bits of this byte are a revision level in the range 0 to 15. If two or more modules have the same name, type, language, and so on, NitrOS-9 keeps in the module directory only the module having the highest revision level. Therefore, you can replace or patch a ROM module, simply by loading a new, equivalent module that has a higher revision level. Note: A previously linked module cannot be replaced until its link count goes to zero. Header Check The header check byte contains the one’s complement of the Exclusive-OR of the previous eight bytes. Module Headers: Type-Dependent Information More information usually follows the first nine bytes of a module header. The layout and meaning vary, depending on the module type. Module types $Cx-$Fx (system module, file manager module, device driver module, and device descriptor module) are used only by OS-9. Their formats are given later in the manual. 36 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Module types $1x through $Bx have a general-purpose executable format. This format is often used in programs called by F$Fork or F$Chain. Here is the format used by these module types: 37 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual RELATIVE ADDRESS CHECK RANGE $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D SYNC BYTES ($87, $CD) MODULE SIZE (BYTES) MODULE NAME OFFSET HEADER PARITY TYPE ATTRIBUTES LANGUAGE REVISION HEADER PARITY CHECK EXECUTION OFFSET PERMANENT STORAGE SIZE PERMANENT STORAGE SIZE MODULES BODY, OBJECT CODE, CONSTANTS, AND SO ON CRC CHECK VALUE MODULE CRC As you can see from the preceding chart, the executable memory has four extra bytes in its header. They are: $09,$0A $0B,$0C Execution offset Permanent storage size 38 Chapter 3.Memory Modules NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Execution Offset. The program or subroutine’s offset starting address, relative to the first byte of the sync code. A module that has multiple entry points (such as cold start and warm start) might have a branch table starting at this address. Permanent Storage Size. The minimum number of bytes of data storage required to run. Fork and Chain use this number to allocate a process’ data area. If the module is not directly executed by a Fork or Chain system call (for instance a subroutine package), this entry is not used by NitrOS-9. It is commonly used to specify the maximum stack size required by re-entrant subroutine modules. The calling program can check this value to determine if the subroutine has enough stack space. When NitrOS-9 starts after a single system reset, it searches the entire memory space for ROM modules. It finds them by looking for the module header sync code ($87,$CD). When NitrOS-9 detects the header sync code, it checks to see if the header is correct. If it is, the system obtains the module size from the header and performs a 24-bit CRC over the entire module. If the CRC matches, NitrOS-9 considers the module to be valid and enters it into the module directory. All ROM modules that are present in the system at startup are automatically included in the system module directory. After the module search, NitrOS-9 links to the component modules it found. This is the secret to NitrOS-9’s ability to adapt to almost any 6809/6309 computer. It automatically locates its required and optional component modules and rebuilds the system each time it is started. 39 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 4. NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System Chapter 1 mentioned that NitrOS-9 has a unified I/O system, consisting of all modules except those at the kernel level. This chapter discusses the I/O modules in detail. Below is a chart showing the operating system layers with some sample drivers and descriptors. Your boot may vary, depending on your hardware and setup. 40 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 41 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The VDG interface performs both interface and low-level routines for VDG Color Computer 2 compatible modes and has limited support for high resolution screen allocation. The CoGrf interface provides the standard code interpretations and interface functions. The CoWin interface, available in the Multi-View package, contains all the functionality of CoGrf along with additional support features. If you use CoWin, do not include CoGrf! NOTE: CoWin is required for all versions of EOU. Both CoWin and Grflnt use the low-level driver GrfDrv to perform drawing on the bitmap screens. Term_VDG or VERM uses VTIO/CoVDG while Term_win40/Term_win80 and all window descriptors use VTIO/(CoWin/CoGrf)/GrfDrv modules, by default. It is possible to modify the descriptors to switch them between CoWin/CoGrf and CoVDG, which Gshell itself does, depending on the program being launched. The I/O system provides system-wide, hardware-independent I/O services for user programs and NitrOS-9 itself. All I/O system calls are received by the kernel and passed to the I/O manager for processing. The I/O manager performs some processing, such as the allocation of data structures for the I/O path. Then, it calls the file managers and device drivers to do most of the work. Additional file manager, device driver, and device descriptor modules can be loaded into memory from files and used while the system is running. Please note that: when loading file managers, device drivers and/or device descriptors while the system is running, each such load will take 8K of RAM out of the 64K system map. Merge them together to take the least amount of system RAM possible. The I/O Manager The I/O manager provides the first level of service of I/O system calls. It routes data on I/O process paths to and from the appropriate file managers and device drivers. 42 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The I/O Manager also maintains two important internal OS-9 data structures: the device table and the path table. Never modify the I/O manager. When a path is opened, the I/O manager tries to link to a memory module that has the device name given or implied in the pathlist. This module is the device descriptor. It contains the names of the device driver and file manager for the device. The I/O manager saves the names so later system calls can be routed to these modules. File Managers NitrOS-9 can have any number of file manager modules. Each of these modules processes the raw data stream to or from a class of device drivers that have similar operational characteristics. It removes as many unique characteristics as possible from I/O operations. Thus, it assures that similar devices conform to the NitrOS-9 standard I/O and file structure. The file manager also is responsible for mass storage allocation and directory processing, if these are applicable to the class of devices it serves. File managers usually buffer the data stream and issue requests to the kernel for dynamic allocation of buffer memory. They can also monitor and process the data stream, for example, adding linefeed characters after carriage-return characters. The file managers are re-entrant. The three standard NitrOS-9 file managers are:  Random block file manager: The RBF manager supports random-access, block- structured devices such as disk systems and bubble memories. (Chapter 5 discusses the RBF manager in detail.)  Sequential Character File Manager: The SCF manager supports single-character- oriented devices, such as CRTs or hardcopy terminals, printers, and modems. (Chapter 6 discusses SCF in detail.)  Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN): The pipe manager supports interprocess communication via pipes. 43 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual File Manager Structure Every file manager must have a branch table in exactly the following format. Routines that are not used by the file manager must branch to an error routine that sets the carry and loads B with an appropriate error code before returning. Routines returning without error must ensure that the carry bit is clear. * All routines are entered with: * (Y) = Path Descriptor pointer * (U) = Caller’s register stack pointer * EntryPt equ * lbra Create lbra Open lbra MakDir lbra ChgDir lbra Delete lbra Seek lbra Read lbra Write lbra ReadLn lbra WriteLn lbra GetStat lbra SetStat lbra Close 44 Create, Open Create and Open handle file creating and opening for devices. Typically, the process involves allocating any required buffers, initializing path descriptor variables, and establishing the path name. If the file manager controls multi-file devices (RBF), directory searching is performed to find or create the specified file. Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual MakDir creates a directory file on multi-file devices. MakDir is neither preceded by a Create nor followed by a Close. File managers that are incapable of supporting directories need to return carry set with an appropriate error code in Register B. On multi-file devices, ChgDir searches for a directory file. If ChgDir finds the directory, it saves the address of the directory (up to four bytes) in the caller’s process descriptor. The descriptor is located at P$DIO + 2 (for a data directory) or P$DIO + 8 (for an execution directory). In the case of the RBF manager, the address of the directory’s file descriptor is saved. Open/Create begins searching in the current directory when the caller’s pathlist does not begin with a slash. File managers that do not support directories should return the carry set and an appropriate error code in Register B. Multi-file device managers handle file delete requests by initiating a directory search that is similar to Open. Once a device manager finds the file, it removes the file from the directory. Any media in use by the file are returned to unused status. In the case of the RBF manager, space is returned for system use and is marked as available in the free cluster bitmap on the disk. File managers that do not support multi-file devices return an error. MakDir ChgDir Delete Seek File managers that support random access devices use Seek to position file pointers of an already open path to the byte specified. Typically, the positioning is a logical movement. No error is produced at the time of the seek if the position is beyond the current “end of file.” 45 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Normally, file managers that do not support random access ignore Seek, However, an SCF-type manager can use Seek to perform cursor positioning. Read returns the number of bytes requested to the user’s data buffer. Make sure Read returns an EOF error if there is no data available. Read must be capable of copying pure binary data, and generally performs no editing on the data. Generally, the file manager calls the device driver to actually read the data into the buffer. Then, the file manager copies the data from the buffer into the user’s data area to keep file managers device independent. The Write request, like Read, must be capable of recording pure binary data without alteration. The routines for Read and Write are almost identical with the exception that Write uses the device driver’s output routine instead of the input routine. The RBF manager and similar random access devices that use fixed length records (sectors) must often pre-read a sector before writing it, unless they are writing the entire sector. In OS- 9, writing past the end of file on a device expands the file with new data. ReadLn differs from Read in two respects. First, ReadLn terminates when the first end- of-line (carriage return) is encountered. ReadLn performs any input editing that is appropriate for the device. In the case of SCF, editing involves handling functions such as backspace, line deletion, and the removal of the high order bit from characters. WriteLn is the counterpart of ReadLn. It calls the device driver to transfer data up to and including the first (if any) carriage return encountered. Appropriate output editing can also be performed. For example, SCF outputs a line feed, a carriage return character, and nulls (if appropriate for the device). It also pauses at the end of a screen page. Read Write ReadLn WriteLn 46 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual GetStat, SetStat The GetStat (get status) and SetStat (set status) system calls are wildcard calls designed to provide a method of accessing features of a device (or file manager) that are not generally device independent. The file manager can perform specific functions such as setting the size of a file to a given value. Pass unknown status calls to the driver to provide further means of device independence. For example, a SetStat call to format a disk track might behave differently on different types of disk controllers. Close Close is responsible for ensuring that any output to a device is completed. (If necessary, Close writes out the last buffer.) It releases any buffer space allocated in an Open or Create. Close does not execute the device driver’s terminate routine, but can do specific end-of-file processing if you want it to, such as writing end-of-file records on disks, or form feeds on printers. Interfacing with Device Drivers Strictly speaking, device drivers must conform to the general format presented in this manual. The I/O Manager is slightly different because it only uses the Init and Terminate entry points. Other entry points need only be compatible with the file manager for which the driver is written. For example, the Read entry point of an SCF driver is expected to return one byte from the device. The Read entry point of an RBF driver, on the other hand, expects Read to return an entire sector. The following code is part of an SCF file manager. The code shows how a file manager might call a driver. ******************** * IOEXEC * * Passed: (A) = Output character (write) Execute Device's Read/Write Routine 47 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual (X) = Device Table entry ptr (Y) = Path Descriptor pointer (U) = Offset of routine (D$Read,D$Write) (A) = Input char (read) (B) = Error code, CC set if error * * * * * Returns: * * * Destroys B,CC IOEXEC V$STAT,x V$DRIV,x save registers get static storage for driver get driver module address pshs a,x,y,u ldu ldx ldd M$EXEC,x and offset of execution entries addd 5,s leax d,x ,s+ lda jsr ,x puls x,y,u,pc emod offset by read/write absolute entry address restore char (for write) execute driver read/write return (A)=char, (B)=error Module CRC Size equ * size of sequential file manager Device Driver Modules The device driver modules are subroutine packages that perform basic, low-level I/O transfers to or from a specific type of I/O device hardware controller. These modules are re-entrant. So, one copy of the module can concurrently run several devices that use identical I/O controllers. Device driver modules use a standard module header, in which the module type is specified as code $Ex (device driver). The execution offset address in the module header points to a branch table that has a minimum of six 3-byte entries. Each entry is typically an LBRA to the corresponding subroutine. The file managers call specific routines in the device driver through this table, passing a pointer to a path descriptor and passing the hardware control register address in the 6809 registers. The branch table looks like this: 48 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code $00 $03 $06 $09 $0C $0F Meaning Device initialization routine Read from device Write to device Get device status Set device status Device termination routine (For a complete description of the parameters passed to these subroutines, see the “Device Driver Subroutines” sections in Chapters 5 and 6.) 49 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Device Driver Module Format $0D Mode Byte – (D S PE PW PR E W R) 50 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual NitrOS-9 Interaction with Devices Device drivers often must wait for hardware to complete a task or for a user to enter data. Such a wait situation occurs if an SCF device driver receives a Read but there is no data is available, or if it receives a Write and no buffer space is available. NitrOS-9 drivers that encounter this situation should suspend the current process (via F$Sleep). In this way the driver allows other processes to continue using CPU time. The most efficient way for a driver to awaken itself and resume processing data is by using interrupt requests (IRQs). It is possible for the driver to sleep for a number of system clock ticks and then check the device or buffer for a ready signal. The drawbacks to this technique are: • • It requires the system clock to always remain active. It might require a large number of ticks (perhaps 20) for the device to become ready. Such a case leaves you with a dilemma. If you make the program sleep for two ticks, the system wastes CPU time while checking for device ready. If the driver sleeps 20 ticks, it does not have a good response time. An interrupt system allows the hardware to report to the CPU and the device drivers when the device is finished with an operation. Using interrupts to its advantage, a device driver can setup interrupt handling to occur when a character is sent or received or when a disk operation is complete. There is a built-in polling facility for pausing and awakening processes. Here is a technique for handling interrupts in a device driver: 1. Use the Init routine to place the driver interrupt service call (IRQSVC) routine in the IRQ polling sequence via an F$IRQ system call: IRQPOLL,pcr IRQSERVC,pcr ldd V.Port,u leax leay os9 F$IRQ bcs get address to poll point to IRQ packet point to IRQ routine add dev to poll Sequence Error abnormal exit if error 2. Ensure that driver programs waiting for their hardware call the sleep routine. The sleep routine copies V.Busy to V.Wake. Then, it goes to sleep for some period of time. 51 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 3. When the driver program wakes up, have it check to see whether it was awakened by an interrupt or by a signal sent from some other process. Usually, the driver performs this check by reading the V.Wake storage byte. The V.Busy byte is maintained by the file manager to be used as the process ID of the process using the driver. When V.Busy is copied into V.Wake, then V.Wake becomes a flag byte and an information byte. A non-zero Wake byte indicates that there is a process awaiting an interrupt. The value in the Wake byte indicates the process to be awakened by sending a wakeup signal as shown in the following code: lda sta andcc get proc ID V.Busy,u V.Wake,u arrange for wakeup #^IntMasks prep for interrupts Sleep50 ldx OS9 ldx ldb bne tst bne #0 F$Sleep D.Proc P$Signal,x SigTest V.Wake,u Sleep50 or any other tick time (if signal test ) await an IRQ get proc desc ptr if signal test is signal present? (if signal test) bra if so if signal test IRQ occur? bra if not Note that the code labeled “if signal test” is only necessary if the driver wishes to return to the caller if a signal is sent without waiting for the device to finish. Also note that IRQs and FIRQs must be masked between the time a command is given to the device and the moving of V.Busy and V .Wake. If they are not masked, it is possible for the device IRQ to occur and the IRQSERVC routine to become confused as to whether it is sending a wakeup signal or not. 4. When the device issues an interrupt, NitrOS-9 calls the routine at the address given in F$IRQ with the interrupts masked. Make the routine as short as possible, and have it return with an RTS instruction. IRQSERVC can verify that an interrupt has occurred for the device. It needs to clear the interrupt to retrieve any data in the device. Then the V.Wake byte communicates with the main driver module. If 52 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual V.Wake is non-zero, clear it to indicate a true device interrupt and use its contents as the process ID for an F$Send system call. The F$Send call sends a wakeup signal to the process. Here is an example: get device address is it real interrupt from device? get data from device ldx V.Port,u ?? tst bne IRQSVC90 bra to error if not lda Data,x 0,y sta lda V.Wake,u beq clr ldb os9 F$Send IRQSVC80 bra if none V.Wake,u #S$Wake clear it as flag to main routine get wakeup signal Send Signal to driver IRQSVC80 clrb clear carry bit (all is well) IROSVC90 comb Set carry bit (is an IRQ call) rts rts Suspend State (NitrOS-9 Level 2 only) The Suspend State allows the elimination of the F$Send system call during interrupt handling. Because the process is already in the active queue, it need not be moved from one queue to another. The device driver IRQSERVC routine can now wake up the suspended main driver by clearing the process status byte suspend bit in the process state. Following are sample routines for the Sleep and IRQSERVC calls: lda D.Proc sta V.Wake,u prep for re-awakening get process ptr * enable device to IRQ, give command, etc. enter suspend loop bra Cmd50 Cmd30 ldx D.Proc lda P$State,x get ptr to process desc get state flag 53 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual P$State,x ora #Suspend put proc in suspend state sta save it in proc desc andcc #^IntMasks unmask interrupts give up time slice #1 ldx suspend (in active queue) OS9 F$Sleep Cmd50 get proc desc addr (if signal test) P$Signal,x get signal (if signal test) orcc #IntMasks mask interrupts while changing state ldx D.Proc lda bra if signal to be handled beq SigProc true interrupt? lda V.Wake,u bne Cmd30 bra if not andcc #^IntMasks assure interrupts unmasked Note that D.Proc is a pointer to the process descriptor of the current process. Process descriptors are always allocated on 256 byte page boundaries. Thus, having the high order byte of the address is adequate to locate the descriptor. D.Proc is put in V.Wake as a dual value. In one instance, it is a flag byte indicating that a process is indeed suspended. In the other instance, it is a pointer to the process descriptor which enables the IRQSERVC routine to clear the suspend bit. It is necessary to have the interrupts masked from the time the device is enabled until the suspend bit has been set. Masking the interrupts ensure that the IRQSERVC routine does not think it has cleared the suspend bit before it is even set. If this happens, when the bit is set the process might go into permanent suspension. The IRQSERVC routine sample follows: ldy V.Port,u tst Beq IRQSVCER no exit V.Wake,u get dev addr is process awaiting IRQ? *clear device interrupt, exit if IRQ not from this device lda V.Wake,u get process ptr clrb stb V.Wake,u tfr d,x P$State,x lda anda #Suspend P$State,x sta clrb clear proc waiting flag get process descriptor ptr get state flag clear suspend state save it clear carry bit 54 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual IRQSVCER comb Set carry bit rts rts Device Descriptor Modules Device descriptor modules are small, non-executable modules. Each one provides information that associates a specific I/O device with its logical name, hardware controller address(es), device driver, file manager name, and initialization parameters. Unlike the device drivers and file managers, which operate on classes of devices, each device descriptor tailors its functions to a specific device. Each device must have a device descriptor. Device descriptor modules use a standard module header, in which the module type is specified as code $Fx (device descriptor). The name of the module is the name by which the system and user know the device (the device name given in path lists). The rest of the device descriptor header consists of the information in the following chart: Use Relative Address(es) $09,$0A $0B,$0C $0D $0E,$0F,$10 $11 $12,$13...n The relative address of the file manager name string address The relative address of the device driver name string Mode/Capabilities: D S PE PW PR E W R (directory, single user, public execute, public write, public read, execute, write, read) The absolute physical (24-bit) address of the device controller The number of bytes (n bytes) in the initialization table Initialization table When OS-9 opens a path to the device, the system copies the initialization table into the option section (PD.OPT) of the path descriptor. (See “Path Descriptors” in this chapter.) 55 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The values in this table can be used to define the operating parameters that are alterable by the Get Status and Set Status system calls (I$GetStt and I$SetStt). For example, parameters that are used when initializing terminals define which control characters are to be used for functions such as backspace and delete. The initialization table can be a maximum of 32 bytes long. If the table is fewer than 32 bytes long, OS-9 sets the remaining values in the path descriptor to 0. You might wish to add devices to your system. If a similar device driver already exists, all you need to do is add the new hardware and load another device descriptor. Device descriptors can be in the boot module or they can be loaded into RAM from mass- storage files while the system is running. The following diagram illustrates the device descriptor format: Device Descriptor Format Name Bytes Use M$ID M$Size M$Name M$Type M$Revs M$Parity M$FMgr M$PDev M$Mode M$Port M$Opt Relative Address $00-$01 $02-$03 $04-$05 $06 $07 $08 $09-$0A $0B-$0C $0D $0E-$10 $11 $12,$12…n 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 n Sync Bytes ($87CD) Module Size (bytes) Offset to Module Name Type ($F) / Language ($1) Attributes / Revision Level Header Parity Check File Manager Name Offset Device Driver Name Offset Mode Port Address (24 bit) Initialization Table Size Initialization table Name Strings, and so on CRC Check Value 56 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Path Descriptors Every open path is represented by a data structure called a path descriptor (PD). The PD contains the information the file managers and device drivers require to perform I/O functions. PDs are 64 bytes long and are dynamically allocated and deallocated by the I/O manager as paths are opened and closed. They are internal data structures that are not normally referenced from user or applications programs (except for the PD.OPT section; see table below). The description of PDs is presented here mainly for those programmers who need to write custom file managers, device drivers, or other extensions to OS-9. PDs have three sections. The first section, which is ten bytes long, is the same for all file managers and device drivers. The information in the first section is shown in the following chart. Path Descriptor: Standard Information Name PD.PD PD.MOD PD.CNT PD.DEV PD.CPR PD.RGS PD.BUF PD.FST PD.OPT Address $00 $01 $02 $03 $05 $06 $08 $0A $20 Bytes Use 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 22 32 Path number Access mode: 1 = read, 2 = write, 3 = update Number of open paths using this PD Address of the associated device table entry Current process ID Address of the caller’s register stack Address of the 256-byte data buffer (if used) Defined by the file manager Reserved for the GetStat/SetStat options PD.FST is a 22-byte storage reserved for and defined by each type of file manager for file pointers, permanent variables, and so on. PD.OPT is a 32-byte option area used for file or device operating parameters that are dynamically alterable. When the path is opened, the I/O manager initializes these 57 Chapter 4.NitrOS-9’s Unified Input/Output System NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual variables by copying the initialization table that is in the device descriptor module. User programs can change the values later, using the Get Status and Set Status system calls. PD.FST and PD.OPT are defined for the file manager in the assembly-language equate file (scf.d for the SCF manager or rbf.d for the RBF manager). 58 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 5. Random Block File Manager The random block file manager (RBF manager) supports disk storage. It is a re-entrant subroutine package called by the I/O manager for I/O system calls to random-access devices. It maintains the logical and physical file structures. During normal operation, the RBF manager requests allocation and deallocation of 256- byte data buffers. Usually, one buffer is required for each open file. When physical I/O functions are necessary, the RBF manager directly calls the subroutines in the associated device drivers. All data transfers are performed using 256-byte data blocks (pages). The RBF manager does not deal directly with physical addresses such as tracks and cylinders. Instead, it passes to the device drivers address parameters, using a standard address called a logical sector number, or LSN. LSNs are integers from 0 to n-1, where n is the maximum number of sectors on the media. The driver translates the logical sector number to actual cylinder/track/sector values. Because the RBF manager supports many devices that have different performance and storage capacities, it is highly parameter-driven. The physical parameters it uses are stored on the media itself. On disk systems, the parameters are written on the first few sectors of Track 0. The device drivers also use the information, particularly the physical parameters stored on Sector 0. These parameters are written by the FORMAT program that initializes and tests the disk. Logical and Physical Disk Organization All disks used by NitrOS-9 store basic information, file structure, and storage allocation information on these first few sectors. LSN 0 is the identification sector. Starting at LSN 1 is the disk allocation map, which is usually a single sector for floppy drives, but can be multiple sectors for hard drives. The first sector following the end of the disk allocation map marks the beginning of the disk's root directory. The following section tells more about LSN 0 and the disk allocation map. 59 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Identification Sector (LSN 0) LSN 0 contains a description of the physical and logical characteristics of the disk. These characteristics are set by the FORMAT command program when the disk is initialized. The following table gives the NitrOS-9 mnemonic name, byte address, size, and description of each value stored in this LSN 0. Name Relative Address $00 DD.TOT $03 DD.TKS $04 DD.MAP $06 DD.BIT DD.DIR $08 DD.OWN $0B $0D DD.ATT $0E DD.DSK $10 DD.FMT $11 DD.SPT $13 DD.RES $15 DD.BT $18 DD.BSZ $1A DD.DAT Size (Bytes) 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 5 DD.NAM $1F 32 DD.OPT $3F Use Number of sectors on disk Track size (in sectors) Number of bytes in the allocation bit map Number of sectors per cluster Starting sector of the root directory Owner’s user number Disk attributes Disk identification (for internal use) Disk format, density, number of sides Number of sectors per track Reserved for future use Starting sector of the bootstrap file Size of the bootstrap file (in bytes) Time of creation (Y:M:D:H:M). Year is 1900 + byte value. Volume name in which the last character has the most significant bit set Path descriptor options Disk Allocation Map Sector (LSN 1) LSN 1 is the start of the disk allocation map, which is created by FORMAT. This map shows which sectors are allocated to the files and which are free for future use. Each bit in the allocation map represents a sector or cluster of sectors on the disk. If the bit is set, the sector is considered to be in use, defective, or non-existent. If the bit is cleared, the corresponding cluster is available. The allocation map usually starts at LSN 60 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 1. The number of sectors it requires varies according to how many bits are needed for the map. DD.MAP specifies the actual number of bytes used in the map. Multiple sector allocation maps allow the number of sectors/cluster to be as small as possible for high volume media. The FORMAT utility bases the size of the allocation map on the size and number of sectors per cluster. The DD.MAP value in LSN 0 specifies the number of bytes (in LSN 1) that are used in the map. Each bit in the disk allocation map corresponds to one sector cluster on the disk. The DD.BIT value in LSN 0 specifies the number of sectors per cluster. The number is an integral power of 2 (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and so on). If a cluster is available, the corresponding bit is cleared. If it is allocated, non-existent, or physically defective, the corresponding bit is set. Root Directory This file is the parent directory of all other files and directories on the disk. It is the directory accessed using the physical device name (such as /D1). Usually, it immediately follows the Allocation Map. The location of the root directory file descriptor is specified in DD.DIR. The root directory contains an entry for each file that resides in the directory, including other directories. File Descriptor Sector The first sector of every file is the file descriptor. It contains the logical and physical description of the file. The following table describes the contents of the file descriptor. 61 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name FD.ATT FD.OWN FD.DAT FD.LNK FD.SIZ FD.Creat FD.SEG Use Relative Address $00 $01 $03 Size (Bytes) 1 2 5 $08 $09 $0D $10 1 4 3 240 File attributes: D S PE PW PR E W R (see next chart) Owner’s user ID Date last modified (Y:M:D:H:M). Year is 1900 + byte value. Link count File size (number of bytes) Date created (Y M D). Year is 1900 + byte value. Segment list (see next chart) FD.ATT. The attribute byte contains the file permission bits. When set the bits indicate the following: Bit 7 Directory Bit 6 Single user Bit 5 Public execute Bit 4 Public write Bit 3 Public read Bit 2 Execute Bit 1 Write Bit 0 Read FD.SEG. The segment list consists of a maximum of 48 5-byte entries that have the size and address of each file block in logical order. Each entry has the block’s 3-byte LSN and 2-byte size (in sectors). NOTE: RBF is currently limited to segments being no larger than 2048 ($800) sectors. The entry following the last segment is zero. After creation, a file has no data segments allocated to it until the first write. (Write operations past the current end-of-file cause sectors to be added to the file. The first write is always past the end-of-file.) If the file has no segments, it is given an initial segment. Usually, this segment has the number of sectors specified by the minimum allocation entry in the device descriptor. If, 62 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual however, the number of sectors requested is more than the minimum, the initial segment has the requested number. Later expansions of the file usually are also made in minimum allocation increments. Whenever possible, NitrOS-9 expands the last segment instead of adding a segment. When the file is closed, NitrOS-9 truncates unused sectors in the last segment. NitrOS-9 tries to minimize the number of storage segments used in a file. In fact, many files have only one segment. In such cases, no extra read operations are needed to randomly access any byte in the file. If a file is repeatedly closed, opened, and expanded, it can become fragmented so that it has many segments. You can avoid this fragmentation by writing a byte at the highest address you want to be used on a file. Do this before writing any other data. Directories Disk directories are files that have the D attribute set. A directory contains an integral number of entries, each of which can hold the name and LSN of a file or another directory. Each directory entry contains 29 bytes for the filename followed by three bytes for the LSN of the file’s descriptor sector. The filename is left-justified in the field with the most significant bit of the last character set. Unused entries have a zero byte in the first filename character position. Every disk has a master directory called the root directory. The DD.DIR value in LSN 0 (identification sector) specifies the starting sector of the root directory. The RBF Manager Definitions of the Path Descriptor As stated earlier in this chapter, the PD.FST section of the path descriptor is reserved for and defined by the file manager. The following table describes the use of this section by the RBF manager. For your convenience, it also includes the other sections of the PD. 63 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use Universal Section (Same for all file managers and device drivers) PD.PD PD.MOD $00 $01 1 1 Path number Access mode 1 = read 2 = write 3 = update Number of open images (paths using this PD) Address of the associated device table entry Current process ID Address of the caller’s 6809 register stack Address of the 256-byte data buffer (if used) Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use The RBF manager Path Descriptor Definitions (PD.FST Section) PD.SMF $0A 1 State flag: Bit 0 = current buffer is altered Bit 1 = current sector is in the buffer Bit 2 = descriptor sector is in the buffer Current logical file position (byte address) File size Segment beginning logical sector number (LSN) Segment beginning physical sector number (PSN) Segment size Disk ID (for internal use only) Address of drive table $02 $03 $05 $06 $08 PD.CNT PD.DEV PD.CPR PD.RGS PD.BUF Name PD.CP PD.SIZ PD.SBL PD.SBP PD.SSZ PD.DSK PD.DTB $0B $0F $13 $16 $19 $1C $1E 1 2 1 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 64 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use The RBF manager Option Section Definitions (PD.OPT Section) (Copied from the device descriptor) PD.DTP $20 1 Device class 0 = SCF 1 = RBF 2 = PIPE 3 = SBF Drive number (0..n) Step rate Device type Density capability Number of cylinders (tracks) Number of sides (surfaces) 0 = verify disk writes Default number of sectors per track Default number of sectors per track (Track 0) Sector interleave factor Segment allocation size DMA transfer mode Path extension for record locking Sector/track offsets File attributes (D S PE PW PR E W R) File descriptor PSN Directory file descriptor PSN File’s directory entry pointer Address of the device table entry 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $27 $28 $29 $2B $2D $2E $2F $30 $32 PD.DRV PD.STP PD.TYP PD.DNS PD.CYL PD.SID PD.VFY PD.SCT PD.T0S PD.ILV PD.SAS PD.TFM PD.EXTEN PD.STOFF (Not copied from the device descriptor) PD.ATT PD.FD PD.DFD PD.DCP PD.DVT $33 $34 $37 $3A $3E 1 3 3 4 2 Any values not determined by this table default to zero. 65 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual RBF-Type Device Descriptor Modules This section describes the use of the initialization table contained in the device descriptor modules for RBF-type devices. The following values are those the I/O manager copies from the device descriptor to the path descriptor. Name IT.DTP Relative Address $00-$11 $12 Size (Bytes) Use 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Standard device descriptor module header Device type: 0 = SCF 1 = RBF 2 = PIPE 3 = SBF Drive number Step rate Device type (see RBF path descriptor) Media density: Always 1 (double) (see following information) Number of cylinders (tracks) Number of sides 0 = Verify disk writes 1 = no verify Default number of sectors per track Default number of sectors per track (Track 0) Sector interleave factor Minimum size of segment allocation (number of sectors to be allocated at one time) IT.DRV IT.STP IT.TYP IT.DNS IT.CYL IT.SID IT.VFY IT.SCT IT.T0S IT.ILV IT.SAS $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $19 $1A $1B $1D $1F $20 IT.DRV is used to associate a 1-byte integer with each drive that a controller handles. Number the drives for each controller as 0 to n-1, where n is the maximum number of drives the controller can handle. IT.TYP specifies the device type (all types).The high bit (bit 7) specifies if it is a hard drive or a floppy drive; the meaning of bits 0 to 4 change depending on this type: 66 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Bit definitions common to floppy and hard drives: 0 = Floppy diskette Bit 7 1 = Hard drive 0 = Non-Standard format Bit 6 1 = Standard NitrOS-9 format 0 = Non-Coco format Bit 5 1 = Coco format Bit definitions 0 to 4 for floppy drives: Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Bit definitions 0 to 4 for hard drives: Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bits 0-1 0 = Do not query drive for size 1 = Query drive for size Reserved for future use/special drivers Reserved for future use/special drivers 00=256 bytes/sector 01=512 bytes/sector 10=1024 bytes/sector 11=2048 bytes/sector Reserved for future use/special drivers Reserved for future use/special drivers 0 = 256 byte physical sectors 1 = 512 byte physical sectors 0 = Sector base offset=0 (sector #'s start at 0) 1 = Sector base offset=1 (sector #'s start at 1) 0 = 5.25" floppy 1 = 3.5" floppy (actually doesn't affect driver) IT.DNS specifies the density capabilities (floppy diskette only): Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 0 = Single bit density (FM) 1 = Double bit density (MFM) 0 = Single-track density (5 inch, 48/135 tracks per inch) 1 = Double-track density (5 inch, 96 tracks per inch) 0 = Double density track 0 1 = Single density track 0 IT.SAS specifies the minimum number of sectors allocated at one time. 67 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The above constitutes all of initialization table used by floppy drives and the CocoSDC. For some older hard drive system (like SuperDriver SCSI, etc.), this table gets extended with the following additional values: Use Name IT.TFM IT.Exten IT.ST0ff IT.WPC IT.OFS Relative Address $21 $22 $24 $25 $26 Size (Bytes) 1 2 1 1 2 IT.RWC $28 2 DMA Transfer Mode (Reserved For Future Use) Path Extension (PE) for record locking Sector/Track offsets (for “foreign” disk formats) Write Precomp cylinder/4 (used on some older drives) Starting cylinder offset (for partitions on some older hard drives) Reduced write current cylinder (used on some older hard drives) NOTE: The Superdriver redefines from Relative address $25 (IT.WPC) onwards differently than the older hard drive drivers did: Name IT.SOFF1 Relative Address $25 Size (Bytes) 3 Use IT.LLDRV IT.MPI $28 $29 2 1 RBF Record Locking SuperDriver offset (partition offset by physical number?) SuperDriver offset (logical drive # for RGB/HDBDos?) CocoSDC/SuperDriver (Reserved for future use) Record locking is a general term that refers to methods designed to preserve the integrity of files that can be accessed by more than one user or process. The NitrOS-9 implementation of record locking is designed to be as invisible as possible. This means that existing programs do not have to be rewritten to take advantage of record locking facilities. You can usually write new programs without special concern for multi-user activity. 68 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Record locking involves detecting and preventing conflicts during record access. Whenever a process modifies a record, the system locks out other procedures from accessing the file. It defers access to other procedures until it is safe for them to write to the record. The system does not lock records during reads; so, multiple processes can read the records at the same time. Record Locking and Unlocking To detect conflicts, NitrOS-9 must recognize when a record is being updated. The RBF manager provides true record locking on a byte basis. A typical record update sequence is: OS9 I$Read program reads record RECORD is LOCKED . . . program updates record OS9 I$Seek reposition to record OS9 I$Write record is rewritten RECORD IS RELEASED When a file is opened in update mode, any read causes locking of the record being accessed. This happens because the RBF manager cannot determine in advance if the record is to be updated. The record stays locked until the next read, write, or close. However, when a file is opened in the read or execute modes, the system does not lock accessed records because the records cannot be updated in these two modes. A subtle but important problem exists for programs that interrogate a data base and occasionally update its data. If you neglect to release a record after accessing it, the record might be locked indefinitely. This problem is characteristic of record locking systems and you can avoid it with careful programming. Only one portion of a file can be locked at a time. If an application requires more than one record to be locked, open multiple paths to the same file and lock the record accessed by each path. RBF notices that the same process owns both paths and keeps them from locking each other. 69 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Non-Shareable Files Sometimes (although rarely), you must create a file that can never be accessed by more than one user at a time. To lock the file, you set the single-user bit in the file’s attribute byte. You can do this by using the proper option when the file is created, or later using the NitrOS-9 ATTR command. Once the single-user bit is set, only one use can open the file at a time. If other users attempt to open the file, Error 253 (Non-Shareable file busy) is returned. Note, however, that non-shareable means only one path can be opened to a file at one time. Do not allow two processes to concurrently access a non-shareable file through the same path. More commonly, you need to declare a file as single-user only during the execution of a specific program. You can do this by opening the file with the single-user bit set. For example, suppose a process is sorting a file. With the file’s single-user bit set, NitrOS-9 treats the file exactly as though it had a single-user attribute. If another process attempts to open the file, NitrOS-9 returns Error 253. You can duplicate non-shareable files by using the I$Dup system call. This means that it can be inherited and therefore accessible to more than one process at a time. Single- user means only that the file can be opened only once. End-of-File Lock A special case of record locking occurs when a user reads or writes data at the end of a file, creating an EOF Lock. An EOF Lock keeps the end of the file locked until a process performs a read or write that it is not at the end of the file. It prevents problems that might otherwise occur when two users want to simultaneously extend a file. The EOF Lock is the only case in which a write call automatically causes portions of a file to be locked. An interesting and useful side effect of the EOF Lock function occurs if a program creates a file for sequential output. As soon as the program creates the file, EOF Lock is set and no other process can pass the writer in processing the file. For example, if an assembler redirects a listing to a disk file, and a spooler utility tries to print a line from the file it is written, record locking makes the spooler wait and stay at least one step behind the assembler. 70 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deadlock Detection A deadly embrace, or deadlock, typically occurs when two processes attempt to gain control of two or more disk areas at the same time. If each process gets one area (locking the other process), both processes become permanently stuck. Each waits for a segment that can never become free. This situation is not restricted to any particular record locking scheme or operating system. When a deadly embrace occurs, RBF returns a deadlock error (Error 254) to the process that caused NitrOS-9 to detect the deadlock. To avoid deadlocks, make sure that processes always access records of shared files in the same sequence. When a deadlock error occurs, it is not sufficient for a program to retry the operation that caused the error. If all processes use this strategy, none can ever succeed. For any process to proceed, at least one must cancel operation to release control over a requesting segment. RBF-Type Device Driver Modules An RBF-type device driver module contains a package of subroutines that perform sector-oriented I/O to or from a specific hardware controller. Such a module is usually re-entrant. Because of this, one copy of one device driver module can simultaneously run several devices that use identical I/O controllers. The I/O manager allocates a permanent memory area for each device driver. The size of the memory area is given in the device driver module header. The I/O manager and the RBF manager use some of this area. The device driver can use the rest in any manner. This area is used as follows: 71 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The RBF Device Memory Area Definitions Name V.PAGE V.PORT Relative Address $00 $01 Size (Bytes) 1 2 Use Port extended address bits A20-A16 Device base address (defined by the I/O manager) ID of the last active process (not used by RBF device drivers) ID of the current process using driver (defined by RBF) 0 = no current process ID of the process waiting for I/O completion (defined by the device driver) Beginning of file manager specific storage Maximum number of drives the controller can use (defined by the device driver) Reserved Beginning of the drive tables 8 0 DRVMEM*N Space for number of tables reserved (n) 0 Beginning of space available for driver 1 1 1 0 1 V.LPRC $03 V.BUSY $04 V.WAKE $05 V.USER V.NDRV DRVBEG TABLES FREE $06 $06 $07 $0F $0F These values are defined in files in the DEFS directory. TABLES. This area contains one table for each drive that the controller handles. (The RBF manager assumes that there are as many tables as indicated by V.NDRV.) Some time after the driver Init routine is called, the RBF manager issues a request for the driver to read LSN 0 from a drive table by copying the first part of LSN 0 (up to DD.SIZ) into the table. Following is the format of each drive table: Use Name DD.TOT DD.TKS DD.MAP DD.BIT DD.DIR Relative Address $00 $03 $04 $06 $08 Size (Bytes) 3 1 2 2 3 Number of sectors Track size (in sectors) Number of bytes in the allocation bit map Number of sectors per bit (cluster size) Address (LSN) of the root directory 72 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual DD.OWN DD.ATT DD.DSK DD.FMT DD.SPT DD.RES DD.SIZ V.TRAK V.BMB V.FILEHD V.DISKID V.BMAPSZ V.MAPSCT V.RESBIT V.SCTKOF V.SCOFST V.TKOFST DRVMEM $0B $0D $0F $10 $11 $13 $15 $15 $17 $18 $1A $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $22 $26 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 . Owner’s user number Disk access attributes (D S PE PW PR E W R) Disk ID (a pseudo-random number used to detect diskette swaps) Media format Number of sectors per track. (Track 0 can use a different value specified by IT.T0S in the device descriptor.) Reserved for future use Minimum size of device descriptor Number of the current track (the track that the head is on, and the track updated by the driver) Bit-map use flag: 0 = Bit map is not in use (Disk driver routines must not alter V.BMB) Open file list for this drive Disk ID Size of bitmap Lowest reasonable bitmap sector Reserved bitmap sector Sector/track byte Sector offset split from byte above Reserved for future use Size of each drive table The format attributes (DD.FMT) are these: Bit 0 Number of sides 0 = Single-sided 1 = Double-sided Bit 1 Density 0 = Single-density 1 = Double-density Bit 2 Track density 0 = Single (48 tracks per inch) 1 = Double (96 tracks per inch) 73 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Bit 5 0 = Double Density track 0 1 = Single Density track 0 RBF Device Driver Subroutines Like all device driver modules, RBF device drivers use a standard executable memory module format. The execution offset address in the module header points to a branch table that has six 3-byte entries. Each entry is typically a long branch (LBRA) to the corresponding subroutine. The branch table is defined as follows: ENTRY LBRA INIT LBRA READ LBRA WRITE LBRA GETSTA LBRA SETSTA LBRA TERM Initialize drive Read sector Write sector Get status Set status Terminate device Ensure that each subroutine exits with the C bit of the condition code register cleared if no error occurred. If an error occurs, set the C bit and return an appropriate error code in Register B. The rest of this chapter describes the RBF device driver subroutines and their entry and exit conditions. 74 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Init Initializes a device and the device’s memory area. Entry Conditions: Y U address of the device descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 1. If you want NitrOS-9 to verify disk writes, use the Request Memory system call (F$SRqMem) to allocate a 256-byte buffer area in which a sector can be read back and verified after a write. 2. You must initialize the device memory area. For floppy diskette controllers, initialization typically consists of: A. B. Initializing V.NDRV to the number of drives with which the controller works Initializing DD.TOT (in the drive table) to a non-zero value so that Sector 0 can be read or written Initializing V.TRAK to $FF so that the first seek finds Track 0 C. D. Placing the IRQ service routing on the IRQ polling list, using the Set IRQ system call (F$IRQ) Initializing the device control registers (enabling interrupts if necessary) E. 3. Prior to being called, the device memory area is cleared (set to zero), except for V.PAGE and V.PORT. (These areas contain the 24-bit device address.) Ensure the driver initializes each drive table appropriately for the type of diskette that the driver expects to be used on the corresponding drive. 75 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Read Reads a 256-byte sector from a disk and places it in a 256-byte sector buffer. Entry Conditions: B X Y U MSB of the disk’s LSN LSW of the disk’s LSN address of the path descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: • The following is a typical routine for using Read: 1. Get the sector buffer address from PD.BUF in the path descriptor. 2. Get the drive number from PD.DRV in the path descriptor. 3. Compute the physical disk address from the logical sector number. 4. 5. Copy V.BUSY to V.WAKE. The driver goes to sleep and waits for the I/O to Initiate the Read operation complete. (The IRQ service routine is responsible for sending a wakeup signal.) After awakening, the driver tests V.WAKE to see if it is clear. If it is not clear, the driver goes back to sleep. • Whenever you read LSN 0, you must copy the first part of this sector into the proper drive table. (Get the drive number from PD.DRV in the path descriptor.) The number of bytes to copy is in DD.SIZ. Use the drive number (PD.DRV) to compute the offset for the corresponding drive table as follows: LDA LDB MUL LEAX LEAX PD.DRV,Y #DRVMEM DRVBEG,U D,X Get the drive number Get the size of a drive table Get the address of the first table Compute the address of the table 76 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Write Writes a 256-byte sector buffer to a disk. Entry Conditions: MSB of the disk LSN LSW of the disk LSN address of the path descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: B X Y U • Following is a typical routine for using Write: 1. Get the sector buffer address from PD.BUF in the path descriptor. 2. Get the drive number from PD.DRV in the path descriptor. 3. Compute the physical disk address from the logical sector number. 4. 5. Copy V.BUSY to V.WAKE. The driver then goes to sleep and waits for the I/O Initiate the Write operation. to complete. (The IRQ service routine sends the wakeup signal.) After awakening, the driver tests V.WAKE to see if it is clear. If it is not, the driver goes back to sleep. If the disk controller cannot be interrupt-driven, it is necessary to perform a programmed I/O transfer. If PD.VFY in the path descriptor is equal to zero, read the sector back in and verify that it is written correctly. Verification usually does not involve a comparison of all of the data bytes. 6. • If disk writes are to be verified, the Init routine must request the buffer in which to place the sector when it is read back. Do not copy LSN 0 into the drive table when reading it back for verification. • Use the drive number (PD.DRV) to compute the offset to the corresponding drive table as shown for the Read routine. 77 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual GetStats and SetStats Reads or changes device’s operating parameters. Entry Conditions: U Y address of the device memory area address of the path descriptor The function code must be pulled from getting the callers register stack ptr (PD.RGS,y), and then the code itself from the R$B offset within that stack (see below)." Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 2. 1. Get/set the device’s operating parameters (status) as specified for the Get Status and Set Status system calls. GetStat and SetStat are wild card calls. It might be necessary to examine or change the register stack that contains the values of the 6809 registers at the time of the call. The address of the register stack is in PD.RGS, which is located in the path descriptor. You can use the following offsets to access any value in the register stack (It is recommended that you get these values from the /dd/defs/os9.d, with the H6309 value set appropriately, so that the offsets are correct for your CPU (NOTE: All system calls currently only use 6809 registers (for compatibility) for passing parameters, but the offsets need to be adjusted between CPU's): Reg. R$CC R$D R$A R$B R$DP Relative Address (6809) $00 Relative Address (6309) $00 $01 $01 $02 $03 $01 $01 $02 $05 Size 6809 Register 1 2 1 1 1 Condition code register Register D Register A Register B Register DP 78 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual R$X R$Y R$U R$PC $04 $06 $08 $0A $06 $08 $0A $0C 2 2 2 2 Register X Register Y Register U Program counter 3. Register D overlays Registers A and B. 79 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual U address of the device memory area Term Terminate a device. Entry Conditions: Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: • This routine is called when a device is no longer in use in the system (when the link count of its device descriptor module becomes zero). • Following is a typical routine for using Term: 1. Wait until any pending I/O is completed. 2. Disable the device interrupts. 3. Remove the device from the IRQ polling list. 4. If the Init routine reserved a 256-byte buffer for verifying disk writes, return the memory with the Return System Memory system call (F$SRtMem). 80 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual IRQ Service Routine Services device interrupts Additional Information: • The IRQ Service routine sends a wakeup signal to the process indicated by the process ID in V.WAKE when the I/O is complete. It then clears V.WAKE as a flag to indicate to the main program that the IRQ has indeed occurred • When the IRQ Service routine finishes servicing an interrupt, it must clear the carry and exit with an RTS instruction. • Although this routine is not included in the device driver module branch table and is not called directly by the RBF manager, it is a key routine in interrupt- driven drivers. Its function is to: 1. Service the device interrupts (receive data from device or send data to it). The IRQ Service routine puts its data into and gets its data from buffers that are defined in the device memory area. 2. Wake up a process that is waiting for I/O to be completed. To do this, the routine checks to see if there is a process ID in V.WAKE (if the bit is non- zero); if so, it sends a wakeup signal to that process. 3. If the device is ready to send more data, and the out buffer is empty, disable the device’s ready to transmit interrupts. 81 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Boot (Bootstrap Module) Loads the boot file into RAM. Entry Conditions: None Exit Conditions: D X CC B Additional Information: size of the boot file (in bytes) address at which the boot file was loaded into memory carry set on error error code (if any) 1. The Boot module is not part of the disk driver. It is a separate module that is stored on the boot track of the system disk with Krn and REL. 2. The bootstrap module contains one subroutine that loads the bootstrap file and related information into memory. It uses the standard executable module format with a module type of $C. The execution offset in the module header contains the offset to the entry point of this subroutine. 3. The module gets the starting sector number and size of the OS9Boot file from LSN 0. NitrOS-9 allocates a memory area large enough for the Boot file. Then, it loads the Boot file into this memory area. 4. Following is a typical routine for using Boot: A. Read LSN 0 from the disk into a buffer area. The Boot module must pick its own buffer area. LSN 0 contains the values for DD.BT (the 24-bit LSN of the bootstrap file), and DD.BSZ (the size of the bootstrap file in bytes). B. Get the 24-bit LSN of the bootstrap file from DD.BT. C. Get the size of the bootstrap file from DD.BSZ. The Boot module is contained in one logically contiguous block beginning at the logical sector specified in DD.BT and extending for DD.BSZ/256+1 sectors. D. Use the NitrOS-9 Request System Memory system call (F$SRqMem) to request the memory area in which the Boot file is loaded. E. Read the Boot file into this memory area. 82 Chapter 5.Random Block File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual F. Return the size of the Boot file and its location. Boot file is loaded. 83 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 6. Sequential Character File Manager The Sequential Character File Manager (SCF) supports devices that operate on a character-by-character basis. These include terminals, printers, and modems. SCF is a re-entrant subroutine package. The I/O manager calls the SCF manager for I/O system handling of sequential, character-oriented devices. The SCF manager includes the extensive I/O editing functions typical of line-oriented operations, such as: character insert character delete • • • backspace • line delete • line repeat • auto line feed • screen pause • return delay padding The SCF-type device driver modules are VTIO, SCBBT, and SCBBP, and VRN. They run the video display, printer, serial ports, and nil device respectively. See the NitrOS-9 Commands manual for additional Color Computer I/O devices. SCF Line Editing Functions The SCF manager supports two sets of read and write functions. I$Read and I$Write pass data with no modification. I$ReadLn and I$WritLn provide full line editing of device functions. Read and Write The Read and Write system calls to SCF-type devices correspond to the BASIC09 GET and PUT statements. While they perform little modification to the data they pass, they do filter out keyboard interrupt, keyboard terminate, and pause characters. (Editing is disabled if the corresponding character in the path descriptor contains a zero). 84 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Carriage returns are not followed by line feeds or nulls automatically, and the high order bits are passed as sent/received. Read Line and Write Line The Read Line and Write Line system calls to SCF-type devices correspond to the BASIC09 INPUT, PRINT, READ, and WRITE statements. They provide full line editing of all functions enabled for a particular device. The system initializes I$ReadLn and I$WritLn functions when you first use a particular device. (NitrOS-9 copies the option table from the device descriptor table associated with the specific device. Later, you can alter the calls—either from assembly-language programs (using the Get Status system call), or from the keyboard (using the TMODE command). All bytes transferred by I$ReadLn and I$WritLn have the high order bit cleared. NitrOS-9 supports extended editing keys in SCF input devices compared to the original OS-9. These additional keys are: Key Left Arrow Right Arrow Ctrl-Left Arrow Ctrl-Right Arrow Shift-Left Arrow Shift-Right Arrow Move to end of line Editing Function Move left one character in edit buffer* Move right one character in edit buffer* Delete character under cursor ** Insert character under cursor ** Move to beginning of line *   = cursor movement requires backspace path option to be non destructive (not backspace-space-backspace). ** = These values are hard-coded into SCF, and are not able to be set from device or path descriptors. You can also pre-fill the keyboard input buffer with the SS.Fill SetStat system call (see the System Calls section for details) 85 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SCF Definitions of the Path Descriptor The PD.FST and PD.OPT sections of the path descriptor are reserved for and used by the SCF file manager. The following table describes the SCF manager’s use of PD.FST and PD.OPT. For your convenience, the table also includes the other sections of the path descriptor. The PD.OPT section contains the values that determine the line editing functions. It contains many device operating parameters that can be read or written by the Set Status or Get Status system call. Any values not set by this table default to zero. Note: You can disable most of the editing functions by setting the corresponding control character in the path descriptor to zero. You can use the Set Status system call or the TMODE command to do this. Or, you can go a step further by setting the corresponding control character value in the device descriptor module to zero. To determine the default settings for a specific device, you can inspect the device descriptor. Universal Section Name Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use Universal Section (Same for all file managers) PD.PD PD.MOD $00 $01 1 1 Path number Access mode: 1 = read 2 = write 3 = update Number of open images (paths using this path descriptor) Address of the associated device table entry Current process ID Address of the caller’s 6809 register stack Address of the 256-byte data buffer (if used) PD.CNT $02 PD.DEV PD.CPR PD.RGS PD.BUF $03 $05 $06 $08 1 2 1 2 2 86 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use SCF Path Descriptor Definitions (PD.FST Section) 2 $0A PD.DV2 1 PD.RAW $0C $0D PD.MAX $0F PD.MIN $10 PD.STS PD.STM $12 2 1 2 2 Name Relative Address Size (Bytes) Use SCF Option Section Definition (PD.OPT Section) (Copied from the device descriptor) PD.DTP $20 1 Device table address of the second (echo) device Edit flag: 0 = raw mode 1 = edit mode Read Line maximum character count Devices are mine if cleared Status routine module address Reserved for status routine PD.UPC $21 PD.BSO $22 PD.DLO $23 PD.EKO $24 PD.ALF $25 PD.NUL $26 1 1 1 1 1 1 Device class: 0 = SCF 1 = RBF 2 = PIPE 3 = SBF Case: 0 = uppercase and lowercase 1 = uppercase only Backspace: 0 = backspace 1 = backspace, space, and backspace Delete: 0 = backspace over line 1 = carriage return, line feed Echo: 0 = no echo 1 = echo Auto line feed: 0 = no auto line feed 1 = auto line feed End-of-line null count: 87 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual PD.PAU $27 PD.PAG PD.BSP PD.DEL PD.EOR PD.EOF PD.RPR PD.DUP PD.PSC PD.INT PD.QUT PD.BSE PD.OVF PD.PAR PD.BAU PD.D2P PD.XON PD.XOFF PD.ERR PD.TBL PD.PLP PD.PST $28 $29 $2A $2B $2C $2D $2E $2F $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $35 $36 $38 $39 $3A $3B $3D $3F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 N = number of nulls ($00) sent after each carriage return or carriage return and line feed (n = $00-$FF) End of page pause: 0 = no pause 1 = pause Number of lines per page Backspace character Delete-line character End-of-record character (End-of-line character) Read only. Normally set to $0D 0 = Terminate read-line only at the end of the file End-of-file character (read only) Reprint-line character Duplicate-last-line character Pause character Keyboard-interrupt character Keyboard-terminate character Backspace-echo character Line-overflow character (bell CTRL-G) Device initialization value (parity) Software settable baud rate Offset to second device name string ACIA XON character ACIA XOFF character Most recent I/O error status Copy of device table address Path descriptor list pointer Current path status PD.EOF specifies the end-of-file character. If this is the first and only character that is input to the SCF device, SCF returns an end-of-file error on Read or ReadLn. PD.PSC specifies the pause character, which suspends output to the device before the next end-of-record character. The pause character also deletes any type-ahead input for ReadLn. 88 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual PD.INT specifies the keyboard-interrupt character. When the character is received, the system sends a keyboard-terminate signal to the last user of a path. The character also terminates the current I/O request (if any) with an error identical to the keyboard interrupt signal code. PD.QUT specifies the keyboard-terminate character. When this character is received, the system sends a keyboard-terminate signal to the last user of a path. The system also cancels the current I/O request (if any) by sending an error code identical to the keyboard interrupt signal code. PD.PAR specifies the parity information for external serial devices. For screens, it instead has these bit flags: %0XXXXXXX = VDG window. %1XXXXXXX = Co(Grf/Win) window. %0XXXXXX0 = True lowercase on VDG window. %0XXXXXX1 = Inverse video lowercase on VDG window. PD.BAU specifies baud rate, word length, and stop bit information for serial devices. PD.XON contains either the character used to enable transmission of characters or a null character that disables the use of XON. PD.XOFF contains either the character used to disable transmission of characters or a null character that disables the use of XOFF. SCF-Type Device Descriptor Modules The following chart shows how the initialization table in the device descriptors is used for SCF-type devices. The values are those the I/O manager copies from the device descriptor to the path descriptor. An SCF editing function is turned off if its corresponding value is set to zero. For example, if IT.EOF is set to zero, there is no end-of-file character. 89 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name (header) IT.DVC Relative Address $00-$11 $12 Size (Bytes) Use 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IT.UPC $13 IT.BSO $14 IT.DLO $15 IT.EKO $16 IT.ALF $17 IT.NUL IT.PAU $18 $19 IT.PAG IT.BSP IT.DEL IT.EOR IT.EOF IT.RPR IT.DUP IT.PSC IT.INT IT.QUT $1A $1B $1C $1D $1E $1F $20 $21 $22 $23 Standard device descriptor module header Device class: 0 = SCF 1 = RBF 2 = PIPE 3 = SBF Case: 0 = upper- and lowercase 1 = uppercase only Backspace: 0 = backspace 1 = backspace, space, and backspace Delete: 0 = backspace over line 1 = carriage return Echo: 0 = echo off 1 = echo on Auto line feed: 0 = auto line feed disabled 1 = auto line feed enabled End-of-line null count Pause: 0 = end-of-page pause disabled 1 = end-of-page pause enabled Number of lines per page Backspace character Delete-line character End-of-record character End-of-file character Reprint-line character Duplicate-last-line character Pause character Interrupt character Quit character 90 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual IT.BSE IT.OVF IT.PAR $24 $25 $26 $27 IT.BAU $28 IT.D2P $2A IT.XON $2B IT.XOFF IT.COL $2C IT.ROW $2D $2E IT.WND $2F IT.VAL $30 IT.STY $31 IT.CPX $32 IT.CPY $33 IT.FGC $34 IT.BGC $35 IT.BDC 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Backspace echo character Line-overflow character (bell) Initialization value—used to initialize a device control register when a path is opened to it (parity) Baud rate Attached device name string offset X-ON character X-OFF character Number of columns for display Number of rows for display Window number Data in rest of descriptor is valid Window type X cursor position Y cursor position Foreground color Background color Border color 91 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SCF-Type Device Driver Modules An SCF-type device driver module contains a package of subroutines that perform raw (unformatted) data I/O transfers to or from a specific hardware controller. Such a module is usually re-entrant so that one copy of the module can simultaneously run several devices that use identical I/O controllers. The I/O manager allocates a permanent memory area for each controller sharing the driver. The size of the memory area is defined in the device driver module header. The I/O manager and SCF use some of the memory area. The device driver can use the rest in any way (typically as variables and buffers). Typically, the driver uses the area as follows: Use Relative Address $00 $01 $03 $04 Size (Bytes) 1 2 1 1 V.WAKE $05 Name V.PAGE V.PORT V.LPRC V.BUSY V.USER V.TYPE V.LINE V.PAUS V.DEV2 V.INTR V.QUIT V.PCHR V.ERR V.XON 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 $06 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F Port extended 24-bit address Device base address (defined by the I/O manager) ID of the last active process ID of the active process (defined by SCF): 0 = no active process ID of the process to reawaken after the device completes I/O (defined by the device driver): 0 = no waiting process Beginning of file manager specific storage Device type or parity Lines left until the end of the page Pause request: 0 = no pause requested Attached device memory area (echo output device) Interrupt character Quit character Pause character Error accumulator XON character 92 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual V.XOFF V.KANJI V.KBUF V.MODADR V.PDLHD V.RSV V.SCF FREE $10 $11 $12 $14 $16 $18 $1D $1D 1 1 2 2 2 5 0 0 XOFF character Reserved Reserved Reserved Path descriptor list header Reserved End of SCF memory requirements Free for the device driver to use V.LPRC contains the process ID of the last process to use the device. The IRQ service routine sends this process the proper signal if it receives a quit character or an interrupt character. V.LPRC is defined by SCF. V.BUSY contains the process ID of the process that is using the device. (If the device is not being used, V.BUSY contains a zero.) The process ID is used by SCF to prevent more than one process from using the device at the same time. V.BUSY is defined by SCF. SCF Device Driver Subroutines Like all device drivers, SCF device drivers use a standard executable memory module format. The execution offset address in the module header points to a branch table that has six 3-byte entries. Each entry is typically an LBRA to the corresponding subroutine. The branch table is defined as follows: ENTRY LBRA INIT LBRA READ LBRA WRITE LBRA GETSTA LBRA SETSTA LBRA TERM Initialize driver Read character Write character Get status Set status Terminate device If no error occurs, each subroutine exits with the C bit in the Condition Code register cleared. If an error occurs, each subroutine sets the C bit and returns an appropriate error code in Register B. The rest of this chapter describes these subroutines and their entry and exit conditions. 93 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Init Initializes device control registers and enables interrupts if necessary. Entry Conditions: Y U address of the device descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 1. Prior to being called, the device memory area is cleared (set to zero), except for V.PAGE and V.PORT. (V.PAGE and V.PORT contain the device address.) There is no need to initialize the part of the memory area used by the I/O manager and SCF. 2. Follow these steps to use Init: Initialize the device memory area. A. B. Place the IRQ service routine on the IRQ polling list, using the Set IRQ system call (F$IRQ). Initialize the device control registers. C. 94 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Read Reads the next character from the input buffer. Entry Conditions: Y U address of the path descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: A CC B character read carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 1. This is a step by step description of a Read operation: A. Read gets the next character from the input buffer. B. If no data is ready, Read copies its process ID from V.BUSY into V.WAKE. It then uses the Sleep system call to put itself to sleep. C. Later, when Read receives data, the IRQ service routine leaves the data in a buffer. Then, the routine checks V.WAKE to see if any process is waiting for the device to complete I/O. If so, the IRQ service routine sends a wakeup signal to the waiting process. 2. Data buffers are not automatically allocated. If a buffer is used, it defines it in the device memory area. 95 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Write Sends a character (places a data byte in an output buffer) and enables the device output interrupts. Entry Conditions: A Y U character to write address of the path descriptor address of the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 1. If the data buffer is full, Write copies its process ID from V.BUSY into V.WAKE. Write then puts itself to sleep. Later, when the IRQ service routine transmits a character and makes room for more data, it checks V.WAKE to see if there is a process waiting for the device to complete I/O. If there is, the routine sends a wakeup signal to that process. 2. Write must ensure that the IRQ service routine that starts it begins to place data in the buffer. After an interrupt is generated, the IRQ service routine continues to transmit data until the data buffer is empty. Then, it disables the device’s ready-to-transmit interrupts. 3. Data buffers are not allocated automatically. If a buffer is used, define it in the device memory area. 96 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual GetSta and SetSta Gets/sets device operating parameters (status) as specified for the Get Status and Set Status system calls. GetSta and SetSta are wildcard calls. Entry Conditions: A Y U Function Code address of the path descriptor address of the device memory area Other registers depend on the function code. Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Other registers depend on the function code Additional Information: driver. 1. Any codes not defined by the I/O manager or SCF are passed to the device 2. You might need to examine or change the register stack that contains the values of the 6809 registers at the time of the call. The address of the register stack can be found in PD.RGS, which is located in the path descriptor. 3. You can use the following offsets to access any value in the register packet (It is recommended that you get these values from the /dd/defs/os9.d, with the H6309 value set appropriately, so that the offsets are correct for your CPU (NOTE: All system calls currently only use 6809 registers (for compatibility) for passing parameters, but the offsets need to be adjusted between CPU's): Reg. R$CC R$D R$A R$B Relative Address (6809) $00 $01 $01 $02 Relative Address (6309) $00 $01 $01 $02 Size 6809 Register 1 2 1 1 Condition code register Register D Register A Register B 97 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual R$DP R$X R$Y R$U R$PC $03 $04 $06 $08 $0A $05 $06 $08 $0A $0C 1 2 2 2 2 Register DP Register X Register Y Register U Program counter The function code is retrieved from R$B on the caller’s stack. 98 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Term Terminates a device. Term is called when a device is no longer in use (when the link count of the device descriptor module becomes zero). Entry Conditions: U pointer to the device memory area Exit Conditions: CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information: 1. To use Term: A. Wait until the IRQ service routine empties the output buffer. B. Disable the device interrupts. C. Remove the device from the IRQ polling list. 2. When Term closes the last path to a device, NitrOS-9 returns to the memory pool the memory that the device used. If the device has been attached to the system using the I$Attach system call, NitrOS-9 does not return the static storage for the driver until an I$Detach call is made to the device. Modules contained in the Boot file are never terminated, even if their link counts reach zero. 99 Chapter 6.Sequential Character File Manager NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual IRQ Service Routine Receives device interrupts. When I/O is complete, the routine sends a wakeup signal to the process identified by the process ID in V.WAKE. The routine also clears V.WAKE as a flag to indicate to the main program that the IRQ has occurred. Additional Information: 1. The IRQ Service Routine is not included in the device driver branch tables, and is not called directly by SCF. However, it is a key routine in device drivers. 2. When the IRQ Service routine finishes servicing an interrupt, the routine must clear the carry and exit with an RTS instructions. 3. Here is a typical sequence of events that the IRQ Service Routing performs: A. Service the device interrupts (receive data from the device or send data to it). Ensure this routine puts its data into and gets its data from buffers that are defined in the device memory area. C. B. Wake up any process that is waiting for I/O to complete. To do this, the routine checks to see if there is a process ID in V.WAKE (a value other than zero); if so, it sends a wakeup signal to that process. If the device is ready to send more data, and the output buffer is empty, disable the device’s ready-to-transmit interrupts. If a pause character is received, set V.PAUS in the attached device storage area to a value other than zero. The address of the attached device memory area is in V.DEV2. If a keyboard terminate or interrupt character is received, signal the process in V.LPRC (last known process) if any. D. E. 100 Chapter 7.The Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 7. The Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN) The Pipe file manager handles control or processes that use paths to pipes. Pipes allow concurrently executing processes to send each other data by using the output of one process (the writer) as input to a second process (the reader). The reader gets input from the standard input. The exclamation point (!) or pipe symbol (|) (when used in the Shell) operator specifies that the input or output is from or to a pipe. Use the descriptor ‘/pipe’ instead when using pipes within a program. The Pipe file manager allocates a 256-byte block and a path descriptor for data transfer. The Pipe file manager also determines which process has control of the pipe. The Pipe file manager has the standard file manager branch table at its entry point: ENTRY LBRA Create LBRA Open LBRA MakDir LBRA ChgDir LBRA Delete LBRA Seek LBRA PRead LBRA PWrite LBRA PRdLn LBRA PWrLn LBRA GetStat LBRA SetStat LBRA Close You cannot use MakDir, ChgDir, Delete, and Seek with pipes. If you try to do so, the system returns E$UNKSVC (unknown service request). GetStat and SetStat are also no- action service routines. They return without error. Create and Open perform the same functions. They set up the 256-byte data exchange buffer and save several addresses in the path descriptor. 101 Chapter 7.The Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual The Close request checks to see if any process is reading or writing through the pipe. If not, NitrOS-9 returns the buffer. PRead, PWrite, PRdLn, and PWrLn read data from the buffer and write data to it. The ! or | operator tells the Shell that processes wish to communicate through a pipe. For example: proc1 ! proc2 ENTER In this example, shell forks Proc1 with the standard output path to a pipe and forks Proc2 with the standard input path from a pipe. Shell can also handle a series of processes using pipe. For example: proc1 | proc2 |proc3 | proc4 ENTER The following outline shows how to set up pipes between processes: Open /pipe Dup path #1 Close #1 Dup x Fork proc1 Close #1 Dup y Close y Dup path #0 Close #0 Dup x Fork proc2 Close #0 Dup y Close x Close y save path in variable x save stdout in variable y make path available put pipe in stdout (Dup uses lowest available) fork process 1 make path available restore stdout make path available save stdin in Y make path available put pipe in stdin fork process 2 make path available restore stdin no longer needed no longer needed 102 Chapter 7.The Pipe File Manager (PIPEMAN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Example: The following example shows how an application can initiate another process with the stdin and stdout routed through a pipe: Open /pipe1 Open /pipe2 Dup 0 Dup 1 Close #0 Close #1 Dup a Dup b Fork new process Close #0 Close #1 Dup x Dup y Return a&b save path in variable a save path in variable b save stdin in variable x save stdout in variable y make stdin path available make stdout path available make pipe1 stdin make pipe2 stdout make stdin path available make stdout path available restore stdin restore stdout return pipe path numbers to caller 103 Chapter 8.VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 8. VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN) The VRN driver is a special driver that interfaces through the SCF File Manager (mainly to drive the /nil device), but also allows user process    access to setting up and accessing VIRQ's, and allocating/de-allocating RAM blocks outside of the user’s process space. Two specially named descriptors (/FTDD and /VI) are installed for backwards compatibility with programs sold by Tandy, which originally had custom drivers using these descriptors. The newer VRN driver combines both of those older drivers, along with new functionality, in one new, combined driver, and then merged in support for /nil (from the Level 2 Development System) and new memory calls. Some of the original features of those drivers have also been enhanced. It is recommended that all new programs use the standard /NIL device for all functions in this driver, and we will eventually phase out the older descriptors (for those curious, the original descriptor /FTDD was used for special user VIRQ functions in Sub Logic's Flight Simulator II, and the original descriptor /VI was used for different special user VIRQ functions in Sierra's King Quest III and Leisure Suit Larry). /nil is a null descriptor; anything directed to it just returns without doing anything and never generates an error; and anything trying to read from it immediately receives an EOF (End of File) error. It is usually used to redirect standard output and/or standard error paths to, so that the output isn't displayed on a screen or written to a file (ex. to do a DIR from a Shell, but not showing normal DIR output, but only errors, one could do a 'DIR >/nil'). All other functionality with VRN is done through GetStat and SetStat calls. It should be noted that VIRQ signals are based on unique process ID number and path number combinations, combined. This way a single process can specify multiple paths, each with their own VIRQ setting. The system wide limit is currently 4 unique entries. Since VRN is an SCF based device, the beginning of it's device memory area is the exact same as shown in Chapter 6 (SCF), up through V.SCF. The remainder of it's device memory area is typically defined as follows: 104 Chapter 8.VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Name Relative Address $1D Size (Bytes) 5 Use VIRQPckt Standard VIRQ packet (see Virtual Interrupt Processing in Chapter 2) Current path number Current process ID 4 VIRQ table entries, each 14 bytes (see below) 32 RAM table entries, each 5 bytes (See below) PathNmbr ProcNmbr VIRQTbls RAMTbls PathNmbr is a temp holder for the current path # of the calling process. ProcNmbr is a temp holder for the current process # of the calling process. $22 $23 $24 $5C 1 1 56 160 For each VIRQTbls entry, the following offsets are used: Name Offset Use Size (Bytes) 1 1 1 2 $0 $1 $2 $3 2 1 4 1 1 $5 $7 $8 $C $D FS2.ID FS2.Pth FS2.Sgl FS2.Tmr Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ process ID Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ path # Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ signal code Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ countdown timer Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ reset count Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) VIRQ signal counter Flight Simulator 2 (and FS2+) total VIRQ counter Kings Quest III VIRQ process ID Kings Quest III VIRQ path number FS2.Rst FS2.STot FS2.VTot KQ3.ID KQ3.Pth FS2.Tmr - # of VIRQ's (1/60th second increments) before a signal is sent. FS2.Rst - is the reset count. Once a signal has been sent, this how many 1/60th second VIRQ's need to happen before the next time the signal is sent. If this is set to 0, it is a "one shot" VIRQ, and doesn't ever trigger again. FS2.STot - this is how many signals (0-255) have been sent (this can be reset to 0 at any time by the caller). FS2.VTot - this is how many VIRQ's (regardless of how many signals have been sent) that have occurred since this count was last reset. This is a 32 bit unsigned number (0 to 4,294,967,296). 105 Chapter 8.VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual - The original Flight Simulator 2 driver always sends a signal code of $80 (this is referred to as 'FS2' in this documentation). The FS2+ additions allow the caller to define their own signal codes (and also define multiple ones with different countdowns, using separate paths). The KQ3 is also hardcoded to send a signal code of $80. - KQ3 VIRQ's are always 1/60th of second. - FS2/FS2+ VIRQ's are programmable, can be single shot VIRQ's or repeating, and can also keep track of both how many 1/60th second VIRQ's have occurred, and how many times each signal has been sent. They are more versatile than the KQ3 ones, but take a little longer to service in the VIRQ routine. For each RAMTbls entry, the following offsets are used: Name Offset Use RAM.ID RAM.Pth RAM.Bks RAM.StB Size (Bytes) 1 1 1 2 $0 $1 $2 $3 RAM process ID RAM path # Number of 8K RAM blocks allocated Starting RAM block number Each path's RAM allocation is of contiguous MMU Blocks. A program can open multiple paths to get non-contiguous chunks of RAM. The VRN driver itself has a six entry branch table at it's entry point: VRNEnt lbra Init lbra Read lbra Write lbra GetStat lbra SetStat lbra Term Init allocates a 256 byte device memory page to VRN, which by default allows up to 4 simultaneous user VIRQ entries active in the system at once. (It also sets up it's VIRQ & IRQ routines, for 1/60th of second). In addition, it by default allows up to 32 106 Chapter 8.VIRQ / RAM / NIL Driver (VRN) NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual simultaneous contiguous RAM allocation blocks in the system at once. It should be noted that both the VIRQ and RAM entries can be from different processes, or multiples of each within the same process (the latter requires you opening multiple path's to /nil from a single process). Read always returns an EOF Error. Write always returns with no error, and simply ignores any data written. GetStat handles the following functions (see the System Call chapter entries for details):     SS.Ready - Always returns Device Not Ready error.     SS.VCtr - FS2(+) VIRQ call - returns total VIRQ's triggered count, and resets that count to 0.     SS.VSig - FS2(+) VIRQ call - returns # of signals triggered, and resets that count to 0.     All other GetStat calls to VRN return an Unknown Service error. SetStat handles the following functions (see the System Call chapter entries for details):     SS.Close - This clears all entries (VIRQ or RAM) for the caller's process #/path #.     SS.FClr - Set or Clear FS2 VIRQ for calling process #/path #., or Clear FS2+ VIRQ for calling process #/path #..     SS.FSet - Set FS2+ VIRQ for calling process #/path #.     SS.KSet - Set KQ3 VIRQ for calling process #/path #.     SS.KClr - Clear KQ3 VIRQ for calling process #/path #.     SS.ARAM - Allocate RAM blocks for calling process #/path #.     SS.DRAM - Deallocate RAM blocks for calling process #/path #.     All other SetStat calls to VRN return an Unknown Service error. Term disables VRN's VIRQ and IRQ entries. 107 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Chapter 9. System Calls System calls are used to communicate between the NitrOS-9 operating system and assembly-language programs. There are two major types of calls—I/O calls and function calls. Function calls include user mode calls and system mode calls. Each system call has a mnemonic name. Names of I/O calls start with I$. For example, the Change Directory call is I$ChgDir. Names of function calls start with F$. For example, the Allocate Bits call is F$AllBit. The names are defined in the assembler-input conditions equate file called OS9.D. System mode calls are privileged. You can execute them only while NitrOS-9 is in the system state (when it is processing another system call, executing a file manager or device driver, and so on). System mode calls are included in this manual primarily for programmers writing device drivers and other system-level applications. Calling Procedure To execute any system calls, you need to use an SWI2 instruction: 1. Load the 6809 registers with any appropriate parameters. 2. Execute an SWI2 instruction, followed immediately by a constant byte, which is the request code. In the references in this chapter, the first line is the system call name (for example Close Path) and the second line contains the call’s mnemonic name (for example I$Close), the software interrupt Code 2 (103F), and the call’s request code (for example, 8F) in hexadecimal. 3. After NitrOS-9 processes the call, it returns any parameters in the 6809 registers. If an error occurs, the C bit of the condition code register is set and Register B contains the appropriate error code. This feature permits a BCS or BCC instruction immediately following the system call to branch either if there is an error or if no error occurs. 108 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual As an example, here is the Close system call: LDA SWI2 FCB BCS LDA OS9 BCS PATHNUM $8F ERROR PATHNUM I$Close ERROR You can use the assembler’s OS9 directive to simplify the call, as follows: The ASM assembler defaults to case sensitive, but can be overridden to be case insensitive on mnemonic names with the ‘U’ option. The RMA assembler, included in the OS-9 Level Two Development Pak, is case sensitive. The names in this manual have been spelled with upper and lower case letters, matching the defs for RMA. I/O System Calls NitrOS-9’s I/O calls are easier to use than many other systems’ I/O calls. This is because the calling program does not have to allocate and set up file control blocks, sector buffers, and so on. Instead, NitrOS-9 returns a 1-byte path number whenever a process opens a path to a file or device. Until the path is closed, you can use this path number in later I/O requests to identify the file or device. In addition, NitrOS-9 allocates and maintains its own data structures; so, you need not deal with them. System Call Descriptions The rest of this chapter consists of the system call descriptions. At the top of each description is the system call name, followed by its mnemonic name, the SWI2 code, and the request code. Next are the call’s entry and exit conditions, followed by additional information about the code where appropriate. 109 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual In the system call descriptions, registers not specified as entry or exit conditions are not altered. Strings passed as parameters are normally terminated with a space character and end-of-line character, or with Bit 7 of the last character set. If an error occurs on a system call, the C bit of Register CC is set and Register B contains the error code. If no error occurs, the C bit is clear and Register B contains a value of zero. User Mode System Calls Quick Reference Following is a summary of the User Mode System Calls referenced in this chapter: F$Alarm F$AllBit F$AllRAM F$Chain F$ClrBlk F$CmpNam F$CpyMem F$CRC F$CRCMod F$Debug F$DelBit F$DelRAM F$Exit F$Fork F$GBlkMp F$GPrDsc F$Icpt F$ID F$Link F$Load F$MapBlk F$Mem F$NMLink Sets up an alarm Sets bits in an allocation bit map Allocates RAM blocks Chains a process to a new module Clears the specified block of memory Compares two names Copies external memory Generates a cyclic redundancy check Enables/Disables or reports status of module CRC checking Reboots the Coco to Disk BASIC Deallocates bits in an allocation bit map Deallocates RAM blocks Terminates a process Starts a new process Gets a copy of a system block map Gets a copy of a process descriptor Set a signal intercept trap Returns a process ID Links to a memory module Loads a module from mass storage Maps the specified blocks Changes a process’s data area size Links to a module; does not map the module into the user’s address space 110 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual F$NMLoad F$PErr F$PrsNam F$SchBit F$Send F$Sleep F$SPrior F$SSWI F$STime F$SUser F$Time F$UnLink F$UnLoad F$Wait I$Attach I$ChgDir I$Close I$Create I$Delete I$DeletX I$Detach I$Dup I$GetStt I$MakDir I$ModDsc I$Open I$Read I$ReadLn I$Seek I$SetStt I$Write I$WritLn Loads a module but does not map it into the user’s address space Prints an error message Parses a pathlist name Searches a bit map Sends a signal to a process Suspends a process Sets a process’s priority Sets a software interrupt vector Sets a system time Sets a user ID number Returns the current time Unlinks a module Unlinks a module by name Waits for a signal Attaches to an I/O device Changes a working directory Closes a path Creates a new file Deletes a file Deletes a file from the execution directory Detaches an I/O device Duplicates a path Gets a device’s status Creates a directory file Modify bytes in a device descriptor Opens a path to an existing file Reads data from a device Reads a line of data from a device Positions a file pointer Sets a device’s status Writes data to a device Writes a data line to a device 111 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual System Mode Calls Quick Reference Following is a summary of the System Mode Calls referenced in this chapter: F$All64 F$AlHRAM F$AllImg F$AllPrc F$AllTsk F$AProc F$Boot F$BtMem F$DATLog F$DelImg F$DelPrc F$DelTsk F$ELink F$FModul F$Find64 F$FreeHB F$FreeLB F$GCMDir F$GProcP F$IODel F$IOQu F$IRQ F$LDABX F$LDAXY F$LDDDXY F$Move F$NProc F$RelTsk F$ResTsk F$Ret64 F$SetImg F$SetTsk Allocates a 64-byte memory block Allocates high RAM Allocates image RAM blocks Allocates a process descriptor Allocates a process task number Enters active process queue Performs a system bootstrap Performs a memory request bootstrap Converts a DAT block offset to a logical address Deallocates image RAM blocks Deallocates a process descriptor Deallocates a process task number Links modules using a module directory entry Finds a module directory entry Finds a 64-byte memory block Gets a free high block Gets a free low block Compacts module directory entries Gets a process’s pointer Deletes an I/O module Puts an entry into an I/O queue Makes an entry into IRQ polling table Loads Register A from 0,X in Task B Loads A[X,[Y]] Loads D[D+X,[Y]] Moves data to a different address space Starts the next process Releases a task number Reserves a task number Returns a 64-byte memory block Sets a process DAT image Sets a process’s task DAT registers 112 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual F$SLink F$SRqMem F$SRtMem F$SSvc F$STABX F$VIRQ F$VModul Performs a system link Performs a system memory request Performs a system memory return Installs a function request Stores Register A at 0,X in Task B Makes an entry in a virtual IRQ polling table Validates a module 113 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets an alarm, or a signal to send to a specified process ID, at a specified time User System Calls Set an Alarm OS9 F$Alarm 103F 1E Entry Conditions X relative address of 6-byte time packet (YYMMDDHHMMSS) (not needed if D=0000) = operation to perform (A:B = D) A = 00 B = Function 00 = clear the setting 01 = cause the alarm to "beep" for 15 seconds after system time or matches the time packet sent 02 = inquire alarm settings A = process ID to signal on time match B = signal to send on time match Exit Conditions (if D=0002 on entry) X address of current alarm setting packet returned (same address that was passed) process to receive sign on match signal to be sent on time match A B Error Output CC B carry set on error appropriate error code Additional Information or sends the specified signal. • When the system reaches the specified alarm time, it rings the bell for 15 seconds 114 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • The time packet is identical to the packet used in the F$STime call. See F$STime for additional information on the format of the packet. • All alarms begin at the start of a minute and any seconds in the packet are ignored. • The system is currently limited to one alarm at a time. 115 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets bits in an allocation bit map D X Y number of the first bit to set starting address of the allocation bit map number of bits to set Allocate Bits OS9 F$AllBit 103F 13 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information bit map. 0). • Bit numbers range from 0 to n-1, where n is the number of bits in the allocation • Warning: Do not issue the Allocate Bits call with Register Y set to 0 (a bit count of 116 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Searches the memory block map for the desired number of contiguous free RAM blocks Exit Conditions D start block number of RAM found ($0000-$00FF on the CoCo) Allocate RAM OS9 F$AllRAM 103F 39 Entry Conditions B number of blocks Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The support module for this system call is Krn. • This call searches starting at the lowest RAM address. 117 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Loads and executes a new primary module without creating a new process Chain OS9 F$Chain 103F 05 Entry Conditions A B X Y U language/type code ($00 = any language/type) size of the area (in 256 byte pages); must be at least one page address of the module name or filename (can be CR or hi-bit terminated) parameter area size (in bytes); defaults to zero if not specified starting address of the parameter area; must be at least one page Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Chain loads and executes a new primary module, but does not create a new process. A Chain system call is similar to a Fork followed by an Exit, but it has less processing overhead. Chain resets the calling process program and data memory areas and begins executing a new primary module. It does not affect open paths. This is a user mode system call. • Warning: Make sure that the hardware stack pointer (Register SP) is located in the direct page before Chain executes. Otherwise the system might crash or return a suicide attempt error. This precaution also prevents a suicide in the event that the new module requires a smaller data area than that in use. Allow approximately 200 bytes of stack space for execution of the Chain system call. • Chain performs the following steps: It causes NitrOS-9 to unlink the process’s old primary module. 1. 2. NitrOS-9 parses the name string of the new process’s primary module (the program that is to be executed first). Then, it causes NitrOS-9 to search the system module directory to see if a module with the same name, type, and language is already in memory. If the module is in memory, it links to it. If the module is not in memory, it uses the name string as the pathlist of a file to load into memory. Then, it links to the first module in this file. (Several modules can be loaded from a single file.) 3. 118 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 4. 5. It reconfigures the data memory area to the size specified in the new primary module’s header. It intercepts and erases any pending signals. The following diagram shows how Chain sets up the data memory area and registers for the new module.  Y (highest address)  X,SP Parameter Area Data Area Direct Page  U,DP (lowest address) parameter area size D PC module entry point absolute address F=0, I=0; others are undefined CC Registers Y and U (the top-of-memory and bottom-of-memory pointers, respectively) always have values at page boundaries. If the parent process does not specify a size for the parameter area, the size (Register D) defaults to zero. The data area must be at least one page. (For more information, see the Fork system call.) 119 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Marks blocks in the process DAT image as unallocated Clear Specified Block OS9 F$ClrBlk 103F 50 Entry Conditions B U number of blocks address of first block Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • After Clear Specified Block deallocates blocks, the blocks are free for the process to use for other data or program areas. If the block address passed to Clear Specified Block is invalid or if the call attempts to clear the stack area, returns E$IBA (Illegal Block Address). • The support module for the call is KrnP2. 120 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Compares two strings for a match Compare Names OS9 F$CmpNam 103F 11 Entry Conditions B X Y length of string1 address of string1 address of string2 Exit Conditions CC carry clear if the strings match Additional Information • The Compare Names call compares two strings and indicates whether they match. Use this call with the Parse Name system call. The second string must have the most significant bit (Bit 7) of the last character set. 121 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Reads external memory into the user’s buffer for inspection Copy External Memory OS9 F$CpyMem 103F 1B Entry Conditions D X Y U DAT image pointer offset in block to begin copy byte count caller’s destination buffer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • • You can view any system memory through the use of the Copy External Memory call. The call assumes Register X is the address of the 64K address space described by the DAT image given. If you pass the entire DAT image of a process, place a value in Register X that equals the address in the process space. If you pass a partial DAT image (the upper half), place a value in Register X that equals the offset from the beginning of the DAT image ($8000). • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 122 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Calculates the CRC of a module CRC OS9 F$CRC 103F 17 Entry Conditions X Y U starting byte address number of bytes address of the 3-byte CRC accumulator Exit Conditions Updates the CRC accumulator. Additional Information • The CRC call calculates the CRC (cyclic redundancy count) for use by compilers, assemblers, or other module generators. • The calculation begins at the starting byte address and continues over the specified number of bytes. • You need not cover an entire module in one call since the CRC can be accumulated over several calls. The CRC accumulator can be any 3-byte memory area. You must initialize it to $FFFFFF before the first CRC call. • • F$CRC can be used to both create a new CRC, or to verify an existing one. If you are verifying an existing one, the calculation should be performed on the entire module (including the header and CRC itself). The CRC accumulator will contain the CRC constant bytes ($800FE3) if the module CRC is correct. If the CRC of a new module is to be generated, the CRC is accumulated over the module (excluding the CRC itself). • The updated accumulator does not include the last three bytes of the module. The three CRC bytes are stored there. • Be sure to initialize the CRC accumulator only once for each module check by CRC. 123 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Reports or turns module CRC checking ON or OFF starting byte address A=0 : Report current module CRC checking mode A=1 : Turn module CRC checking OFF A=2 : Turn module CRC checking ON 0=Module CRC checking is OFF, 1=Module CRC checking is ON CRC Module Checking OS9 F$CRCMod 103F 55 Entry Conditions A Exit Conditions A Error Output None Additional Information • Module CRC checking (to check for a corrupted module) currently defaults to OFF on boot (in NitrOS-9; OS-9 level 2 *always* has CRC checking ON). The default can be changed in the the INIT module in the OS9Boot file. Enabling it will slow down the launch of programs, sometimes taking a few seconds extra for large ones. • This call is handled by KrnP2. • This call was added in NitrOS-9 Level 2. 124 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Reboots the Coco to Disk BASIC (for debugging) A function ($FF=Reboot to BASIC. $00-$FE reserved for future use). None. The system exits NitrOS-9, and returns to BASIC. Debug (Reboot) OS9 F$Debug 103F 23 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions Error Output: CC B Carry set on error Error code (if any) Additional Information • Currently, only the function $FF (Reboot to DECB) is supported. Any memory outside of BASIC’s initialization is left alone, making it useful for debugging purposes. Also useful for rebooting under software control, versus the RESET button. • The calling process also must be either the system task, or the Superuser (User 0). All other users will received Error $D0 (208 – Unknown Service Request) • This call is handled by KrnP2. • This call was added in NitrOS-9 Level 2. 125 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Clears allocation map bits Deallocate Bits OS9 F$DelBit 103F 14 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions None Additional Information D X Y number of the first bit to clear starting address of the allocation bit map number of bits to clear • The Deallocate Bits call clears bits in the allocation bit map pointed to by Register X. Bit numbers are in the range 0 to n-1, where n is the number of bits in the allocation bit map. • Warning: Do not call Deallocate Bits with Register Y set to zero (a bit count of zero). 126 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Clears a block’s RAM In Use flag in the system memory block map Deallocate RAM blocks OS9 F$DelRAM 103F 51 Entry Conditions B X number of blocks starting block number Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Deallocate RAM Blocks call assumes the blocks being deallocated are not associated with any DAT image. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 127 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Terminates the calling process Exit OS9 F$Exit 103F 06 Entry Conditions CC B Carry bit clear if no error Status code to return to the parent process CC B Carry bit set if error Error code to return to the parent process Exit Conditions The process is terminated. Additional Information • The Exit system call is the only way a process can terminate itself. Exit deallocates the process’s data memory area and unlinks the process’s primary module. It also closes all open paths automatically. • The Wait system call always returns to the parent the status code passed by the child in its Exit call. Therefore, if the parent executes a Wait and receives the status code, it knows the child has died. • Exit unlinks only the primary module. Unlink any module that is loaded or linked to by the process before calling Exit. 128 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Fork OS9 F$Fork 103F 03 Entry Conditions Creates a child process A B X Y U language/type code ($00 = any language/type) size of the optional data area (in pages) address of the module name or filename (can be CR, NUL or hi-bit terminated) size of the parameter area (in pages); defaults to zero if not specified starting address of the parameter area; must be at least one page Exit Conditions X A address of the last byte of the name + 1 (See the following example) new process I/O number • Fork creates a new process, a child of the calling process. Fork also sets up the child process’s memory and 6809 registers and standard I/O paths. Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Before the Fork call: T E S T $0D ↑ X • After the Fork call: T E S T $0D ↑ X 129 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • This is the sequence of Fork’s operations: 1. NitrOS-9 parses the name string of the new process’s primary module (the program that NitrOS-9 executes first). Then, it searches the system module directory to see if the program already is in memory. 2. The next step depends on whether or not the program is already in memory. If the program is in memory, NitrOS-9 links the module to the process and executes it. a) If the program is not in memory, NitrOS-9 uses the name as the pathlist of the file that is to be loaded into memory. Then, the first module in the this file is linked to and executed. (Several modules can be loaded from one file.) 3. NitrOS-9 uses the primary module’s header to determine the initial size of the process’s data area. It then tries to allocate a contiguous RAM area of that size. (This area includes the parameter passing area, which is copied from the parent process’s data area.) 4. The new process’s data memory area and registers are set up as shown in the following diagram. NitrOS-9 uses the execution offset given in the module header to set the program counter to the module’s entry point.  Y (highest address)  X,SP Parameter Area Data Area Direct Page  U,DP (lowest address) size of the parameter area D PC module entry point absolute address 130 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual CC F=0, I=0, other condition code flags are undefined Registers Y and U (the top-of-memory and bottom-of-memory pointers, respectively) always have values at page boundaries. As stated earlier, if the parent does not specify the size of the parameter area, the size defaults to zero. The minimum overall data area size is one page. When the shell processes a command line, it passes a string in the parameter area. The string is a copy of the parameter part of the command line. To simplify string-oriented processing, the shell also inserts an end-of-line character at the end of the parameter string. Register X points to the start byte of the parameter string. If the command line includes the optional memory size specification (#n or #nK), the shell passes that size as the requested memory size when executing the Fork. • If any of the preceding operations is unsuccessful, the Fork is terminated and NitrOS-9 returns an error to the caller. • The child and parent processes execute at the same time unless the parent executes a Wait system call immediately after the Fork. In this case, the parent waits until the child dies before it resumes execution. • Be careful when recursively calling a program that uses the Fork system call. Another child can be created with each new execution. This continues until the process table becomes full. • Do not fork a process with a memory size of zero. 131 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Gets a copy of the system block map pointer to the 1024-byte buffer (NOTE: The Coco version of NitrOS-9 only needs a 256 byte buffer) number of bytes per block ($2000 on the Coco version of NitrOS-9) (MMU block size dependent) system memory block map size (number of 8K blocks of RAM available on the Coco version of NitrOS-9) Get System Block Map OS9 F$GBlkMp 103F 19 Entry Conditions X Y Exit Conditions D Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Get System block Map call copies the system’s memory block map into the user’s buffer for inspection. The NitrOS-9 MFREE command uses this call to find out how much free memory exists. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 132 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Get Module Directory OS9 F$GModDr 103F 1A Entry Conditions Gets a copy of the system module directory X pointer to the 2048-byte buffer to hold module directory copy Error Output Y U CC B end of copied module directory start address of the system module directory carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Get Module Directory call copies the system’s module directory into the user’s buffer for inspection. The NitrOS-9 MDIR command uses this call to read the module directory. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 133 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Gets a copy of the process’s process descriptor Get Process Descriptor OS9 F$GPrDsc 103F 18 Entry Conditions A X requested process ID pointer to a 512-byte buffer Error Output CC X carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Get Process Descriptor call copies a process descriptor into the calling process’s buffer for inspection. The data in the process descriptor cannot be changed. The NitrOS-9 PROCS and PROC commands uses this call to get information about each existing process. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 134 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets a signal intercept trap Intercept OS9 F$Icpt 103F 09 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions X U address of the intercept routine starting address of the routine’s memory area Signals sent to the process cause the intercept routine to be called instead of the process being killed. Additional Information • • Intercept tells NitrOS-9 to set a signal intercept trap. Then, whenever the process receives a signal, NitrOS-9 executes the process’s intercept routine. Store the address of the signal handler routine in Register X and the base address of the routine’s storage area in Register U. • Once the signal trap is set, NitrOS-9 can execute the intercept routine at any time because a signal can occur at any time. • Terminate the intercept routine with an RTI instruction. • If a process has not used the Intercept system call to set a signal trap, the process terminates if it receives a signal. • This is the order in which F$Icpt operates: • When the process receives a signal, NitrOS-9 sets Registers U and B as follows: routine. U B starting address of the intercept routine’s memory area signal code (process’s termination status) Note: The value of Register DP cannot be the same as it was when the Intercept call was made. • After setting the registers, NitrOS-9 transfers execution to the intercept 135 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Returns a caller’s process ID and user ID Get ID OS9 F$ID 103F 0C Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions A Y process ID user ID Additional Information a unique process ID. • The process ID is a byte value in the range 1 to 255. NitrOS-9 assigns each process • The user ID is an integer from 0 to 65,535. It is defined in the system password file, and is used by the file security system and a few other functions. Several processes can have the same user ID. • On the Color Computer 3, the initial user ID on your startup windows is inherited from SysGo, which forks the initial shell, unless you use LOGIN during startup. 136 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Link OS9 F$Link 103F 00 Entry Conditions Links to a memory module that has the specified name, language, and type A X language/type code ($00 = any language/type) address of the module name (See the following example) Exit Conditions A B X Y U type/language code attributes / revision level (if no error) address of the last byte of the module name + 1 (See the following example) module entry point absolute address module header absolute address Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • • The module’s link count increases by one whenever Link references its name. Incrementing in this manner keeps track of how many processes are using the module. If the module requested is not shareable (not re-entrant), only one process can link to it at a time. • Before the Link call: T E S T $0D ↑ X • After the Link call: T E S T $0D ↑ X 137 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • This is the order in which the Link call operates: 1. NitrOS-9 searches the module directory for a module that has the specified 2. name, language, and type. If NitrOS-9 finds the module, the address of the module’s header is returned in Register U and the absolute address of the module’s execution entry point is returned in Register Y. (This, and other information, is contained in the module header.) • • If NitrOS-9 finds the module, the address of the module’s header is returned in Register U and the absolute address of the module’s execution entry point is returned in Register Y. (This, and other information, is contained in the module header.) If NitrOS-9 does not find the module or if the type/language codes in the entry and exit conditions do not match, NitrOS-9 returns one of the following errors: • Module not found • Module busy (not shareable and in use) • Incorrect or defective module header 138 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Loads a module or modules from a file Load OS9 F$Load 103F 01 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions A B X Y U Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information A X type / language code; 0 = any language / type address of the pathlist (filename) (See the following example) language / type code attributes / revision level (if no error) address of the last byte of the pathlist (filename) + 1 (See the following example) primary module entry point address address of the module header • The Load call loads one or more modules from the file specified by a complete pathlist or from the working execution directory (if an incomplete pathlist is given). • The file must have the execute access bit set. It also must contain one or more modules with proper module headers. • NitrOS-9 adds all modules loaded to the system module directory. It links the first module read. The exit conditions apply only to the first module loaded. • Before the Load call: / D 0 / A C C T S R C V $0D ↑ X • After the Load call: / D 0 / A C C T S R C V $0D ↑ X 139 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • Possible errors: • Module directory full • Memory full • Errors that occur on the Open, Read, Close, and Link system calls. 140 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Maps the specified block(s) into unallocated blocks of process space Map Specific Block OS9 F$MapBlk 103F 4F Entry Conditions X B starting block number number of blocks Exit Conditions U address of first block Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The system maps blocks from the top down. It maps new blocks into the highest available addresses in the address space. See Clear Specified Block for information on unmapping. 141 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Changes process’s data area size Memory OS9 F$Mem 103F 07 Entry Conditions D size of the new memory area (in bytes); 0 = return current size and upper bound Exit Conditions Y D address of the new memory area upper bound actual size of the new memory (in bytes) Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Memory call expands or contracts the process’s data memory area to the specified size. Or, if you specify zero as the new size, the call returns the current size and upper boundaries of data memory. • NitrOS-9 rounds off the size to the next page boundary. In allocating additional memory, NitrOS-9 continues upward from the previous highest address. In deallocating unneeded memory, it continues downward from that address. 142 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Link to a module OS9 F$NMLink 103F 21 Entry Conditions Links to a module; does not map the module into the user’s address space A X language/type code ($00 = any language/type) address of the module name Exit Conditions A B X skipped Y type / language code module revision address of the last byte of the module name + 1; any trailing blanks are storage requirement for the module Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Although this call is similar to F$Link, it does not map the specified module into the user’s address space but does return the memory requirement for the module. A calling process can use this memory requirement information to fork a program with a maximum amount of space. F$NMLink can therefore fork larger programs than can be forked by F$Link. 143 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Loads one or more modules from a file but does not map the module into the user’s address space Load a module OS9 F$NMLoad 103F 22 Entry Conditions A X language/type code ($00 = any language/type) address of the pathlist Exit Conditions A B X Y type / language code module revision address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1 storage requirement for the module Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • If you do not provide a full pathlist for this call, it attempts to load from a file in the current execution directory. • Although this call is similar to F$Load, it does not map the specified module into the user’s address space but does return the memory requirement for the module. A calling process can use this memory requirement information to fork a program with a maximum amount of space. F$NMLoad can therefore fork larger programs than can be forked by F$Load. 144 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Writes an error message to a specified path Print Error OS9 F$PErr 103F 0F Entry Conditions B error code Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Print Error writes an error message to the standard error path for the specified process. By default, NitrOS-9 shows: ERROR #decimal number • The error reporting routine is vectored. Using the Set SVC system call, you can replace it with a more elaborate reporting module. To replace this routine use the Set SVC system call. NitrOS-9 EOU: In EOU, KrnP3 replaces the standard F$PErr call with an enhanced one that prints the full error name from /dd/sys/errmsg". 145 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Scans an input string for a valid NitrOS-9 name Parse Name OS9 F$PrsNam 103F 10 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions X Y A B Error Output CC B Y X address of the pathlist (See the following example) address of the optional slash + 1 address of the last character of the name + 1 trailing byte (delimiter character) length of the name carry set on error error code (if any) address of the first non-delimiter character in the string Additional Information • Parses, or scans, the input text string for a legal NitrOS-9 name. It terminates the name with any character that is not a legal name character. • Parse Name is useful for processing pathlist arguments passed to a new process. • Because Parse Name processes only one name, you might need several calls to process a pathlist that has more than one name. As you can see from the following example, Parse Name finishes with Register Y in position for the next parse. If Register Y was at the end of a pathlist, Parse Name returns a bad name error. It then moves the pointer in Register Y past any space characters so that it can parse the next pathlist in a command line. • • Before the Parse Name call: / D 0 / P A Y R O L ↑ X L 146 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • After the Parse Name call: P A Y R O L / D 0 / L ↑ X ↑ Y B=2 A=’/’ 147 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Searches a specified memory allocation bit map for a free memory block of a specified size Search Bits OS9 F$SchBit 103F 12 Entry Conditions D X Y U starting bit number starting address of the map bit count (free bit block size) ending address of the map Exit Conditions D Y starting bit number bit count Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Search Bit call searches the specified allocation bit map for a free block (cleared bits) of the required length. The search starts at the starting bit number. If no block of the specified size exists, the call returns with the carry set, starting bit number, and size of the largest block. 148 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sends a signal to a specified process A B destination's process ID (0=All non-system processes. If not super-user, only processes with caller's user number are allowed.) signal code Send OS9 F$Send 103F 08 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • • The signal code is a single byte value in the rage 0 through 255. • If the destination process is sleeping or waiting, NitrOS-9 activates the process so that the process can process the signal. If a signal trap is set up, F$Send executes the signal processing routing (Intercept). If none was set up, the signal terminates the destination process and the signal code becomes the exit status. (See the Wait system call.) An exception is the wakeup signal; that signal does not cause the signal intercept routine to be executed. Signal codes are defined as follows: • 0 1 2 3 128-255 System terminate (cannot be intercepted) Wake up the process Keyboard terminate Keyboard interrupt User defined • If you try to send a signal to a process that has a signal pending, NitrOS-9 cancels the current Send call and returns an error. Issue a Sleep call for a few ticks; then, try again. • The Sleep call saves CPU time. See the Intercept, Wait, and Sleep system calls for more information. 149 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Temporarily turns off the calling process Sleep OS9 F$Sleep 103F 0A Entry Conditions X One of the following: sleep time (in ticks) 0 = sleep indefinitely 1 = sleep for the remainder of the current time slice Exit Conditions X sleep time minus the number of ticks that the process was asleep Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • • • If Register X contains zero, NitrOS-9 turns the process off until it receives a signal. Putting a process to sleep is a good way to wait for a signal or interrupt without wasting CPU time. If Register X contains one, NitrOS-9 turns the process off for the remainder of the process’s current time slice. It inserts the process into the active process queue immediately. The process resumes execution when it reaches the front of the queue. If Register X contains an integer in the rage 2-255, NitrOS-9 turns off the process for the specified number of ticks, n. It inserts the process into the active process queue after n-1 ticks. The process resumes execution when it reaches the front of the queue. If the process receives a signal, it awakens before the time has elapsed. • When you select processes among multiple windows, you might need to sleep for two ticks. 150 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Changes the priority of a process Set Priority OS9 F$SPrior 103F 0D Entry Conditions A B process ID priority 0 255 lowest highest Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Set Priority changes the process’s priority to the priority specified. A process can change another process’s priority only if it has the same user ID. • The process ID can not be 0. 151 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets the SWI, SWI2, and SWI3 vectors A X SWI type code address of the user software interrupt routine Set SWI OS9 F$SSWI 103F 0E Entry Conditions Error Output C B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information 1 2 3 SWI SWI2 SWI3 Sets the interrupt vectors for SWI, SWI2, and SWI3 instructions. • • Each process has its own local vectors. Each Set SWI call sets one type of vector according to the code number passed in Register A: • When NitrOS-9 creates a process, it initializes all three vectors with the address of the NitrOS-9 service call processor. • Warning: Microware-supplied software uses SWI2 to call NitrOS-9. If you reset this vector, these programs cannot work. If you change all three vectors, you cannot call NitrOS-9 at all. 152 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets the system time and date X Points to 6 byte Date and Time packet data Set Time OS9 F$STime 103F 16 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Set Time sets the current system date and time and starts the system real-time clock. The date and time are passed in a time packet as follows: Relative Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 Value Year (1900+value, good until 2155) month day hours minutes seconds Then, the call makes a link system call to find the clock. If the link is successful, NitrOS-9 calls the clock initialization. The clock initialization: ◦ Sets up hardware dependent functions ◦ Sets up the F$Time system call via F$SSVc 153 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Set User ID Number OS9 F$SUser 103F 1C Changes the current user ID without checking for errors or checking the ID number of the caller Entry Conditions Y desired user ID number Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The support module for this call is Krn. 154 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Gets the system date and time X address of the area in which to store the date and time packet Exit Conditions X Pointer to the date and time packet Time OS9 F$Time 103F 15 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • The Time call returns the current system date and time in the form of a 6-byte packet (in binary). NitrOS-9 copies the packet to the address passed in Register X. • The packet looks like this: Relative Address 0 1 2 3 4 5 Value Year (1900+value, good until 2155) month day hours minutes seconds • Time is a part of the clock module and it does not exist if no previous call to F$STime has been made. 155 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Unlinks (removes from memory) a module that is not in use and that has a link count of zero U address of the module header Unlink OS9 F$UnLink 103F 02 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • Unlink unlinks a module from the current process’s address space, decreases its link count by one, and, if the link count becomes zero, returns the memory where the module was located to the system for use by other processes. • You cannot unlink system modules or device drivers that are in use. • Unlink operates in the following order: • Unlink tells NitrOS-9 that the calling process no longer needs the module. • NitrOS-9 decreases the module’s link count by one. • When the resulting link count is zero, NitrOS-9 destroys the module. If any other process is using the module, the module’s link count cannot fall to zero. Therefore, NitrOS-9 does not destroy the module. • • If you pass a bad address, Unlink cannot find a module in the module directory and does not return an error. If modules were loaded merged together, the link count of ALL modules within that merge have to be 0 before they are removed from memory. 156 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Decrements a specified module’s link count, and removes the module from memory if the resulting link count is zero Unlink a Module By Name OS9 F$UnLoad 103F 1D Entry Conditions A X module type pointer to module name Error Output CC B carry set on error error code (if any) Additional Information • This system call differs from Unlink in that it uses a pointer to the module name • instead of the address of the module header. If modules were loaded merged together, the link count of ALL modules within that merge have to be 0 before they are removed from memory. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 157 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Temporarily turns off a calling process Wait OS9 F$Wait 103F 04 Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions A Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information deceased child process’s ID (0 means the F$Wait exited by a signal received in the calling program (not child) deceased child process’s exit status (if no error) B • The Wait call turns off the calling process until a child process dies, either by exiting an Exit system call, or by receiving a signal. The Wait call helps you save system time. • NitrOS-9 returns the child’s process ID and exit status to the parent. If the child died because of a signal, the exit status byte (Register B) contains the signal code. If the caller has several children, NitrOS-9 activates the caller when the first one dies. Therefore, you need to use one Wait system call to detect the termination of each child. • NitrOS-9 immediately reactivates the caller if a child dies before the Wait call. If the caller has no children, Wait returns an error. (See the Exit system call for more information.) If the Wait call returns with the carry bit set, the Wait function was not successful. If the carry bit is cleared, Wait functioned normally and any error that occurred in the child process is returned in Register B. If A=0, then the process calling F$Wait received a signal itself (and should have ran the Intercept trap, if it was set up). If B=0 as well, then it was a Wake signal. • • • 158 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Attaches a device to the system or verifies device attachment. I/O User System Calls Attach OS9 I$Attach 103F 80 Entry Conditions A X access mode (0=any access mode) address of the device name string Exit Conditions X U updated past device name address of the device table entry Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information any process. • Attach does not reserve the device. It only prepares the device for later use by • NitrOS-9 installs most devices automatically on startup. Therefore, you need to use Attach only when installing a device dynamically or when verifying the existence of a device. You need not use the Attach system call to perform routing I/O. • The access mode parameter specifies the read and/or write operations to be allowed. These are: 0 = Use any special device capabilities 1 = Read only 2 = Write only 3 = Update (read and write) Attach will make sure that both the device descriptor and it's driver support the access mode requested. 159 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • Attach operates in this sequence: • NitrOS-9 searches the system module to see if any memory contains a device descriptor that has the same name as the device. • NitrOS-9’s next operation depends on whether or not the device is already attached. If NitrOS-9 finds the descriptor and if the device is not already attached, NitrOS-9 link the device’s file manager and device driver. It then places the address of the manager and the driver in a new device table entry. NitrOS-9 then allocates any memory needed by the device driver, and calls the driver’s initialization routine, which initializes the hardware. If NitrOS-9 finds the descriptor, and if the device is already attached, NitrOS-9 verifies the attachment. • 160 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Changes the working directory of a process to a directory specified by a pathlist. Change Directory OS9 I$ChgDir 103F 86 Entry Conditions A X access mode address of the pathlist Exit Conditions X updated past pathlist Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • If the access mode is read, write, or update, NitrOS-9 changes the current data directory. If the access mode is execute, NitrOS-9 changes the current execution directory. • The calling process must have read access to the directory specified (public read if the directory is not owned by the calling process). • The access modes are: Read only 1 = 2 = Write only 3 = Update (read and write) 4= Execute 161 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Terminates an I/O path Close Path OS9 I$Close 103F 8F Entry Conditions A path number Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Close Path terminates the I/O path to the file or device specified by path number. Until you use another Open, Dup, or Create system call for that path, you can no longer perform I/O to the file or device. If you close a path to a single-user device, the device becomes available to other requesting processes. NitrOS-9 deallocates internally managed buffers and descriptors. • • The Exit system call automatically closes all open paths. Therefore, you might not need to use the Close Path system call to close some paths. • Do not close a standard I/O path unless you want to change the file or device to which it corresponds. • Close Path performs an implied I$Detach call. If it causes the device link count to become 0, the device termination routine is executed. See I$Detach for additional information. 162 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Creates and opens a disk file Create File OS9 I$Create 103F 83 Entry Conditions A B X access mode (write or update) file attributes address of the pathlist (can be NUL or CR terminated) (See the example below) Exit Conditions A X path number address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1; skips any trailing blanks • NitrOS-9 parses the pathlist and enters the new filename in the specified directory. If you do not specify a directory, NitrOS-9 enters the new filename in the working directory. • NitrOS-9 gives the file the attributes passed in Register B, which has bits defined Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information as follows: Bit Definition Read 0 1 Write 2 3 4 5 6 Execute Public read Public write Public execute Shareable file 163 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • These access mode parameters passed in Register A must have the write bit set if any data is to be written. These access codes are defined as follows: 2 = write, 3 = update. The mode affects the file only until the file is closed. • You can reopen the file in any access mode allowed by the file attributes. (See the • • Open system call.) Files opened for write can allow faster data transfer than those opened for update because update sometimes needs to pre-read sectors. If the execute bit (Bit 2) is set, the file is created in the working execution directory instead of the working data directory. • Create File causes an implicit I$Attach call. If the device has not previously been attached, the device’s initialization routine is called. • Later I/O calls use the path number to identify the file, until the file is closed. • NitrOS-9 does not allocate data storage for a file at creation. Instead, it allocates the storage either automatically when you first issue a write or explicitly by the SetStat subroutine. If the filename already exists in the directory, an error occurs. If the call specifies a non-multiple file device (such as a printer or terminal), Create behaves the same as Open. • • You cannot use Create to make directories. (See the Make Directory system call for instructions on how to make directories.) • Before the Create File call: / D 0 / W O R K $0D ↑ X • After the Create File call: / D 0 / W O R K $0D ↑ X 164 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deletes a specified disk file X address of the pathlist (can be NUL or CR terminated) address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1; skips any trailing blanks Delete File OS9 I$Delete 103F 87 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions X Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Delete File call deletes the disk file specified by the pathlist. The file must have write permission attributes (public write, if the calling process is not the owner). An attempt to delete a device results in an error. The caller must have non-shareable write access to the file or an error results. Example Before the Delete File call: / D 0 / W O R K ↑ X After the Delete File Call: / D 0 / W O R K M E M O $0d M E M O $0d ↑ X 165 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deletes a file from the current data or current execution directory Delete A File OS9 I$DeletX 103F 90 Entry Conditions A X access mode address of the pathlist (can be NUL or CR terminated) Exit Conditions X address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1; skips any trailing blanks Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Delete A File call removes the disk file specified by the selected pathlist. This function is similar to I$Delete except that it accepts an access mode byte. If the access mode is execute, the call selects the current execution directory. Otherwise, it selects the current data directory. If a complete pathlist is provided (the pathlist begins with a slash (/)), the access mode of the call ignored. • • Only use this call to delete a file. If you attempt to use I$DeletX to delete a device, the system returns an error. 166 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Removes a device from the system device table U address of the device table entry Detach Device OS9 I$Detach 103F 81 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Detach Device call removes a device from both the system and the system device table, assuming the device is not being used by another process. You must use this call to detach devices attached using the Attach system call. Attach and Detach are both used mainly by the I/O manager. SCF also uses Attach and Detach to set up its second device (echo device). • This is the sequence of the operation of Detach Device: • Detach Device calls the device driver’s termination routine. Then, NitrOS-9 deallocates any memory assigned to the driver. • NitrOS-9 unlinks the associated device driver and file manager modules. • NitrOS-9 then removes the driver, as long as no other module is using that driver. 167 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Returns a synonymous path number Duplicate Path OS9 I$Dup 103F 82 Entry Conditions A old path number (number of path to duplicate) Exit Conditions A new path number (if no error) Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Duplicate Path returns another, synonymous path number for the file or device specified by the old path number. • The shell uses the Duplicate Path call when it redirects I/O. • System calls can use either path number (old or new) to operate on the same file or device. • Makes sure that no more than one process is performing I/O on any one path at the same time. Concurrent I/O on the same path can cause unpredictable results with RBF files. • The I$Dup call always uses the lowest available path number. This lets you manipulate standard I/O paths to contain any desired paths. 168 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Returns the status of a file or device Get Status OS9 I$GetStt 103F 8D Entry Conditions A B path number function code Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Status is a wildcard call. Use it to handle device parameters that: • Are not the same for all devices • Are highly hardware-dependent • Must be user-changeable • The exact operation of the Get Status system call depends on the device driver and file manager associated with the path. A typical use is to determine a terminal’s parameters for such functions as backspace character and echo on/off. The Get Status call is commonly used with the Set Status call. • The Get Status function codes that are currently defined are listed in the “Get Status System Calls” section. 169 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Creates and initializes a directory B X directory attributes address of the pathlist (can be NUL or CR terminated) Exit Conditions X address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1; skips any trailing blanks Make Directory OS9 I$MakDir 103F 85 Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Make Directory call creates and initializes a directory as specified by the pathlist. The directory contains only two entries, one for itself (.) and one for its parent directory (..). • NitrOS-9 makes the calling process the owner of the directory. • Because the Make Directory call does not open the directory, it does not return a path number. • The new directory automatically has its directory bit set in the access permission attributes. The remaining attributes are specified by the byte passed in Register B. The bits are defined as follows: Bit Definition 0 Read 1 Write 2 3 4 5 6 7 Execute Public read Public write Public execute Single-user Don’t care 170 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Example Before the Make Directory call: / D 0 / N E W D I ↑ X R $0D After the Make Directory call: / D 0 / N E W D I R $0D ↑ X 171 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Modify Descriptor in Memory Modify byte(s) in a device descriptor OS9 I$ModDsc 103F 91 Entry Conditions X B U A Exit Conditions CC Error Output B Pointer to the module name to modify (high bit OR Carriage Return terminated) Number of bytes to change Pointer to start of 2 byte change pairs (2 * B): Byte 0 is the offset into the descriptor to change (>M$DType offsets ONLY) Byte 1 is the new byte value to write at that offset Carry clear if no error; also, the descriptor is updated, with the header parity and CRC updated as well, OR Carry set if error Error code (if any). Some possible ones: $BB (187) Illegal Argument error: Caused by attempting to modify the module header, or modifying byte offsets beyond the size of the descriptor. $D8 (216) File Not Found error: If the specified module name is not currently loaded in the module directory. If an Illegal Argument error was returned, then A contains the first byte offset that contained the error. Additional Information • This call allows larger programs to directly modify device descriptors (including outside of the OPT section), without having to map the device descriptor into the calling program’s memory space. This especially helps if the device descriptor is merged with other modules (a prime example being the OS9Boot file itself), as otherwise an F$Link call will try to load in the entire merged file into the process’ memory space. • You can only modify bytes after M$DTyp until the end of the module, up to 127 bytes maximum (ie, you can not modify the module header). If you specify an 172 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual offset out of range, the first such offset encountered will be return in A along with your error. You can specify the CRC byte offsets; however, the value you ask to write will be ignored and the CRC recalculated anyways. • This call was added in NitrOS-9 EOU Beta 5. 173 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Opens a path to an existing file or device as specified by the pathlist Open Path OS9 I$Open 103F 84 Entry Conditions A X access mode (D S PE PW PR E W R) address of the pathlist (can be NUL or CR terminated) (See example below) Exit Conditions A X path number address of the last byte of the pathlist + 1 Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • NitrOS-9 searches for the file in one of the following: • The directory specified by the pathlist if the pathlist begins with a slash. • The working data directory, if the pathlist does not begin with a slash. • The working execution directory, if the pathlist does not begin with a slash and if the execution bit is set in the access mode. • NitrOS-9 returns a path number for later system calls to use to identify the file. • The access mode parameter lets you specify which read and/or write operations are to be permitted. When set, each access mode bit enables one of the following: Write, Read, Read and Write, Update, Directory I/O. • The access mode must conform to the access permission attributes associated with the file or device. (See the Create system call.) Only the owner can access a file unless the appropriate public permission bits are set. • • The update mode might be slightly slower than the others because it might require pre-reading of sectors for random access of bytes within sectors. Several processes (users) can open files at the same time. Each device has an attribute that specifies whether or not it is shareable. If the single-user bit is set, the file is opened for single-user access regardless of the settings of the file’s permission bits. • 174 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • You must set the directory flag if you are opening for read or write a file with the directory bit set. • Open Path always uses the lowest path number available for the process. Example Before the Open Path call: / D 0 / A C C T S P A Y $0D ↑ X After the Open Path call: / D 0 / A C C T S P A Y $0D ↑ X • Open Path always uses the lowest path number available for the process. 175 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Read n bytes from a specified path Read OS9 I$Read 103F 89 Entry Conditions A X Y path number address in which to store the data number of bytes to read Exit Conditions Y number of bytes read (including carriage return on SCF devices) Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Read call reads the specified number of bytes from the specified path. It returns the data exactly as read from the file/device without additional processing or editing. The path must be opened in the read or update mode. If there is not enough data in the specified file to satisfy the read request, the read call reads fewer bytes than requested but an end-of-file error is not returned. After all data in file is read, the next I$Read call returns an end-of-file error. If the specified file is open for update, the record read is locked out on RBF-type devices. • • • The keyboard terminate, keyboard interrupt, and end-of-file characters are filtered out of the Entry Conditions data on SCF-type devices unless the corresponding entries in the descriptor have been set to zero. You might want to modify the device descriptor so that these values are initialized to zero when the path is opened. • The call reads the number of bytes requested unless Read encounters any of the following: • An end-of-file character • An end-of-record character (SCF only) • An error 176 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Reads a text line with editing Read Line With Editing OS9 I$ReadLn 103F 8B Entry Conditions A X Y path number address at which to store data maximum number of bytes to read Exit Conditions Y number of bytes read (includes carriage return on SCF devices) Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Read Line is similar to Read. The difference is that Read Line reads the input file or device until it encounters a carriage return character or until it reaches the maximum byte count specified, whichever comes first. The Read Line also automatically activates line editing on character oriented devices, such as terminals and printers. The line editing refers to auto line feed, null padding at the end of the line, backspacing, line deleting, and so on. SCF requires that the last byte entered be an end-of-record character (usually a carriage return). If more data is entered than the maximum specified, Read Line does not accept it and a PD.OVF character (usually a bell) is echoed. • After one Read Line call reads all the data in a file, the next Read Line call generates an end-of-file error. For more information about line editing, see “SCF Line Editing Functions” in Chapter 6. • • 177 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Repositions a file pointer Seek OS9 I$Seek 103F 88 Entry Conditions A X U path number MS 16 bits of the desired file position LS 16 bits of the desired file position Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Seek call repositions the path’s logical file pointer, the 32-bit address of the next byte in the file to be read from or written to. • You can perform a seek to any value, regardless of the file’s size. Later writes automatically expand the file to the required size (if possible). Later reads, however, return an end-of-file condition. Note that a seek to Address 0 is the same as a rewind operation. • NitrOS-9 usually ignores seeks to non-random access devices, and returns without error. • On RBF devices, seeking to a new disk sector causes the internal disk buffer to be rewritten to disk if it has been modified. Seek does not change the state of record locking. 178 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Sets the status of a file or device Set Status OS9 I$SetStt 103F 8E Entry Conditions path number function code A B Other registers depend on the function code Error Output CC B Other registers depend on the function code carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Set Status is a wildcard call. Use it to handle device parameters that: • Are not the same for all devices • Are highly hardware-dependent • Must be user-changeable • The exact operation of the Set Status system call depends on the device driver and file manager associated with the path. A typical use is to set a terminal’s parameters for such functions as backspace character and echo on/off. The Set Status call is commonly used with the Get Status call. • The Set Status function codes that are currently defined are listed in the “Set Status System Calls” section. 179 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Writes to a file or device Write OS9 I$Write 103F 8A Entry Conditions A X Y path number starting address of data to write number of bytes to write Exit Conditions Y number of bytes written Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information specified. • The Write system call writes to the file or device associated with the path number • Before using Write, be sure the path is opened or created in the write or update access mode. NitrOS-9 writes data to the file or device without processing or editing the data. NitrOS-9 automatically expands the file if you write data path the present end-of-file. 180 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Writes to a file or device until it encounters a carriage return Write Line OS9 I$WritLn 103F 8C Entry Conditions A X Y path number address of the data to write maximum number of bytes to write Exit Conditions Y number of bytes written Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Writes to the file or device that is associated with the path number specified. • Write Line is similar to Write. The difference is that Write Line writes data until it encounters a carriage return character. It also activates line editing for character- oriented devices, such as terminals and printers. The line editing refers to auto line feed, null padding at the end of the line, backspacing, line deleting, and so on. • Before using Write Line, be sure the path opened or created in the write or • update access mode. For more information about line editing, see “SCF Line Editing Functions” in Chapter 6. 181 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Privileged System Mode Calls Dynamically allocates 64-byte blocks of memory X base address of the page table; 0 = the page table has not been allocated Allocate 64 OS9 F$All64 103F 30 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions A X Y block number base address of the page table address of the block Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Allocate 64 system call allocates the 64-byte blocks of memory by splitting pages (256-byte sections) into four sections. • NitrOS-9 uses the first 64 bytes of the base page as a page table. This table contains the page number (most significant byte of the address) of all pages in the memory structure. If Register X passes a value of zero, the call allocates a new base page and the first 64-byte memory block. • Whenever a new page is needed, a Request System Memory system call (F$SRqMem) executes automatically. • The first byte of each block contains the block number. Routines that use the Allocate 64 call should not alter this byte. • The following diagram shows how seven blocks might be allocated: 182 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Any Memory Page Any Memory Page Base Page  Page Table (64 bytes) X Block 1 (64 bytes) X Block 2 (64 bytes) X Block 3 (64 bytes) X Block 4 (64 bytes) X Block 5 (64 bytes) X Block 6 (64 bytes) X Block 7 (64 bytes) 183 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Allocate system memory from high physical memory Allocate High RAM OS9 F$AlHRAM 103F 53 Entry Conditions B number of blocks Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information Exit Conditions D start block number of RAM found • This call searches for the desired number of contiguous free RAM blocks, starting its search at the top of memory. F$AllHRam is similar to F$AllRAM except F$AllRAM begins its search at the bottom of memory. Screen allocation routines use this call to provide a better chance of finding the necessary memory for a screen. • 184 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Allocates RAM blocks for process DAT image Allocate Image OS9 F$AllImg 103F 3A Entry Conditions A B X starting block number number of blocks process descriptor pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Use the Allocate Image system call to allocate a data area for a process. The blocks that Allocate Image define might not be contiguous. • The support module for this system call is Krn. 185 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Allocate Process Descriptor Allocates and initializes a 512-byte process descriptor OS9 F$AllPrc 103F 4B Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions U process descriptor pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The process descriptor table houses the address of the descriptor. Initialization of the process descriptor consists of clearing the first 256 bytes of the descriptor, setting up the state as a system state, and marking as unallocated as much of the DAT image as the system allows—typically, 60-64 kilobytes. • The support module for this system call is KrnP2. The call also branches to the F$SRqMem call. 186 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Determines whether NitrOS-9 has assigned a task number to the specified process Allocate Process Task Number OS9 F$AllTsk 103F 3F Entry Conditions X process descriptor pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • If the process does not have a task number, NitrOS-9 allocates a task number and copies the DAT image into the DAT hardware. • The support module for this call is Krn. Allocate Process Task Number also branches to F$ResTsk and F$SetTsk. 187 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Inserts a process into the queue for execution X address of the process descriptor Insert Process OS9 F$AProc 103F 2C Entry Conditions Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Insert Process system call inserts a process into the active process queue so that NitrOS-9 can schedule the process for execution. • NitrOS-9 sorts all processes in the queue by process age (the count of how many process switches have occurred since the process’s last time slice). When a process is moved to the active process queue, NitrOS-9 sets its age according to its priority—the higher the priority, the higher the age. • An exception is a newly active process that was deactivated while in the system state. NitrOS-9 gives such a process higher priority because the process usually is executing critical routines that affect shared system resources. 188 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Links either the module named Boot or the module specified in the INIT module Bootstrap System OS9 F$Boot 103F 35 Entry Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • When it calls the linked module, Boot expects to receive a pointer giving it the location and size of an area in which to search for the new module. • The support module for this call is Krn. Bootstrap System also branches to the F$Link and F$VModul system calls. 189 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Bootstrap Memory Request OS9 F$BtMem 103F 36 Allocates the requested memory (rounded to the nearest block) as contiguous memory in the system’s address space Entry Conditions D byte count requested Exit Conditions D U byte count granted pointer to allocated memory Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • This call is identical to F$SRqMem. • The Bootstrap Memory Request support module is Krn. 190 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Converts a DAT image block number and block offset to its equivalent logical address DAT to Logical Address OS9 F$DATLog 103F 44 Entry Conditions B X DAT image offset block offset Exit Conditions X logical address Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Following is a sample conversion: Input: B = 2 X = $0329 Output: X=$4329 $4000-$5FFF $2000-$3FFF $0000-$1FFF • The support module for this call is Krn. 191 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deallocate Image RAM Blocks Deallocates image RAM blocks OS9 F$DelImg 103F 3B Entry Conditions A B X number of starting block block count process descriptor pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • This system call deallocates memory from a process’s address space. It frees the RAM for system use and frees the DAT image for the process. Its main use is to let the system clean up after a process death. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 192 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deallocate Process Descriptor Returns a process descriptor’s memory to a free memory pool OS9 F$DelPrc 103F 4C Entry Conditions A process ID Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Use this call to clear the system scratch memory and stack area associated with the process. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 193 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deallocate Task Number OS9 F$DelTsk 103F 40 Releases the task number that the process specified by the passed descriptor pointer Entry Conditions X process descriptor pointer Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The support module for this call is Krn. 194 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Link Using Module Directory Entry Performs a link using a pointer to a module directory entry OS9 F$ELink 103F 4D Entry Conditions B X module type pointer to module directory entry Exit Conditions U Y module header address module entry point Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • This call differs from Link in that you supply a pointer to the module directory entry rather than a pointer to a module name. • The support module for this call is Krn. 195 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Find Module Directory Entry Returns a pointer to the module directory entry OS9 F$FModul 103F 4E Entry Conditions A X Y module type ($00 = any module type) pointer to the name string DAT image pointer (for name) Exit Conditions A B X U module type module revision number updated name string (if Register A contains 0 on entry) module directory entry pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Find Module Directory Entry call returns a pointer to the module directory entry for the first module that has a name and type matching the specified name and type. If you pass a module type of zero, the system call finds any module. • The support module for this call is Krn. 196 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Returns the address of a 64-byte memory block Find 64 OS9 F$Find64 103F 2F Entry Conditions A X block number address of the block Exit Conditions Y CC address of the block carry set if block not allowed or not in use Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • NitrOS-9 uses Find 64 to find path descriptors when given their block number. The block number can be any positive integer. 197 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Get Free High Block OS9 F$FreeHB 103F 3E Searches the DAT image for the highest set of contiguous free blocks of the specified size Entry Conditions B Y block count DAT image pointer Exit Conditions A starting block number Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Get Free High Block call returns the block number of the beginning memory address of the free blocks. • The support module for this system call is Krn. 198 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Get Free Low Block OS9 F$FreeLB 103F 3D Searches the DAT image for the lowest set of contiguous free blocks of the specified size Entry Conditions B Y block count DAT image pointer Exit Conditions A starting block number Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Get Free Low Block call returns the block number of the beginning memory address of the free blocks. • The support module for this system call is Krn. 199 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Compact Module Directory OS9 F$GCMDir 103F 52 Compacts the entries in the module directory Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information a program. • This function is only for internal NitrOS-9 system use. You should never call it from 200 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Gets a pointer to a process Get Process Pointer OS9 F$GProcP 103F 37 Entry Conditions A process ID Exit Conditions Y Error Output CC B Additional Information pointer to process descriptor (if no error) carry set on error error code (If an error occurs (E$(BPrcID) - Bad Process ID) • The Get Process Pointer call translates a process ID number to the address of its process descriptor in the system address space. Process descriptors exist only in the system task address space. Because of this, the address space returned only refers to system address space. • The support module for this call is KrnP2. 201 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deletes an I/O module that is not being used X address of an I/O module I/O Delete OS9 F$IODel 103F 33 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The I/O Delete call deletes the specified I/O module from the system, if the module is not in use. This system call is used mainly by the I/O Manager, and can be of limited or no use for other applications. • This is the order in which I/O Delete operates: • Register X passes the address of a device descriptor module, device driver module, or file manager module. • NitrOS-9 searches the device table for the address. • If NitrOS-9 finds the address, it checks the module’s use count. If the count is zero, the module is not being used; NitrOS-9 deletes it. If the count is not zero, the module is being used; NitrOS-9 returns an error. • I/O Delete returns information to the Unlink system call after determining whether a device is busy. 202 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Inserts the calling process into another process’s I/O queue, and puts the calling process to sleep I/O Queue OS9 F$IOQu 103F 2B Entry Conditions A process ID Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The I/O Queue call links the calling process into the I/O queue of the specified process and performs an untimed sleep. The I/O Manager and the file managers are primary and extensive users of I/O Queue. • Routines associated with the specified process send a wake-up signal to the calling process. 203 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Adds a device to or removes it from the polling table Set IRQ OS9 F$IRQ 103F 2A Entry Conditions D X Y U address of the device status register 0 (to remove a device) or the address of a packet (to add a device)  the address at X is the flip byte  the address at X + 1 is the mask byte  the address at X + 2 is the priority byte address of the device IRQ service routine address of the service routine’s memory area Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Set IRQ is used mainly by device driver routines. (See “Interrupt Processing” in Chapter 2 for a complete discussion of the interrupt polling system.) • Packet Definitions: The Flip Byte. Determines whether the bits in the device status register indicate active when set or active when cleared. If a bit in the flip byte is set, it indicates that the task is active whenever the corresponding bit in the status register is clear (and vice versa). The Mask Byte. Selects one or more bits within the device status register that are interrupt request flag(s). One or more set bits identify which task or device is active. The Priority Byte. Contains the device priority number (0 = lowest priority, 255 = highest priority). 204 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Loads A from 0,X in task B Load A From Task B OS9 F$LDABX 103F 49 Entry Conditions B X task number pointer to data Exit Conditions A byte at 0,X in task address space Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The value in Register X is an offset value from the beginning address of the Task module. The Load A from Task B call returns one byte from this logical address. Use this system call to get one byte from the current process’s memory in a system state routine. 205 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Loads A from [X,[Y]] Get One Byte OS9 F$LDAXY 103F 46 Entry Conditions X Y block offset DAT image pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information Exit Conditions A contents of byte at DAT image (Y) offset X • The Get One Byte system call gets the contents of one byte in the specified memory block. The block is specified by the DAT image in (Y), offset by (X). The call assumes that the DAT image pointer is to the actual block desired, and that X is only an offset within the DAT block. The value in Register X must be less than the size of the DAT block (8K on the CoCo). NitrOS-9 does not check to see if X is out of range. 206 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Load D from [D+X],[Y] Get Two Bytes OS9 F$LDDDXY 103F 48 Entry Conditions D X Y offset to the offset within the DAT image offset within the DAT image DAT image pointer Exit Conditions D contents of two bytes at [D+X],[Y] Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Get Two Bytes loads two bytes from the address space described by the DAT image pointer. If the DAT image pointer is to the entire DAT, make D+X equal to the process address for data. If the DAT image is not the entire image (64K), you must adjust D+X relative to the beginning of the DAT image. Using D+X lets you keep a local pointer within a block, and also lets you point to an offset within the DAT image that points to a specified block number. 207 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Moves data bytes from one address space to another Move Data OS9 F$Move 103F 38 Entry Conditions A B X Y U source task number destination task number source pointer byte count destination pointer Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • You can use the Move Data system call to move data bytes from one address space to another, usually from system to user, or vice versa. • The support module for this call is Krn. 208 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Executes the next process in the active process queue Next Process OS9 F$NProc 103F 2D Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions Additional Information Control does not return to caller. • The Next Process system call takes the next process out of the active process queue and initiates its execution. If the queue contains no process, NitrOS-9 waits for an interrupt and then checks the queue again. • The process calling Next Process must already be in one of the three process queues. If it is not, it becomes unknown to the system even though the process descriptor still exists and can be displayed by the PROCS or PROC command. 209 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Releases a specified DAT task number from use by a process, making the task’s DAT hardware available for use by another task Release a Task OS9 F$RelTsk 103F 43 Entry Conditions B task number Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The support module for this call is Krn. 210 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Reserves a DAT task number Reserve Task Number OS9 F$ResTsk 103F 42 Entry Conditions None Exit Conditions B task number (if no error) Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The Reserve Task Number call finds a free DAT task number, reserves it, and returns the task number to the caller. The caller often then assigns the task number to a process. • The support module for this call is Krn. 211 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deallocates a 64-byte block of memory Return 64 OS9 F$Ret64 103F 31 Entry Conditions A X block number address of the base page Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • See the Allocate 64 system call for more information. 212 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Copies all or part of the DAT image into a process descriptor Set Process DAT Image OS9 F$SetImg 103F 3C Entry Conditions A B X U starting image block number block count process descriptor pointer new image pointer Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • While copying part or all of the DAT image, this system call also sets an image change flag in the process descriptor. This flag guarantees that as a process returns from the system, The call updates the hardware to match the new process DAT image. • The support module for this call is Krn. 213 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Set Process Task DAT Registers Writes to the hardware DAT registers X pointer to process descriptor OS9 F$SetTsk 103F 41 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • This system call sets the process task hardware DAT registers, and clears the image change flag in the process descriptor. It also writes to DAT RAM the process’s segment address information. • The support module for this call is Krn. 214 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Adds a module from outside the current address space into the current address space System Link OS9 F$SLink 103F 34 Entry Conditions A X Y module type module name string pointer name string DAT image pointer Exit Conditions A B X Y U module type module revision (if no error) updated name string pointer module entry point module pointer Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • The I/O system uses the System Link call to link into the current process’s address space those modules specified by a device name in a user call. User calls such as Create File and Open Path use this system call. • The support module for this call is Krn. 215 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Allocates a block of memory of the specified size from the top of available RAM Exit Conditions D U new memory size starting address of the memory area Request System Memory OS9 F$SRqMem 103F 28 Entry Conditions D byte count Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information boundary. • The Request System Memory call rounds the size request to the next page • This call allocates memory only for system address space. 216 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Deallocates a block of contiguous pages D U number of bytes to return starting address of memory to return; must point to an even page boundary Return System Memory OS9 F$SRtMem 103F 29 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Register U must point to an event page boundary. • This call deallocates memory for system address space only. 217 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Adds or replaces a system call Y address of the system call initialization table Set SVC OS9 F$SSvc 103F 32 Entry Conditions Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • Set SVC adds or replaces a system call, which you have written, to NitrOS-9’s user and system mode system call tables. • Register Y passes the address of a table, which contains the function codes and offsets, to the corresponding system call handler routines. This table has the following format: Relative Address $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 Use Function Code Offset From Byte 3 To Function Handler Function Code Offset From Byte 6 To Function Handler  First entry  Second entry More Entries  More entries $80 End-of-table mark 218 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • If the most significant bit of the function code is set, NitrOS-9 updates the system table. If the most significant bit of the function code is not set, NitrOS-9 updates the system and user tables. • The function request codes are in the range $29-$34. I/O calls are in the range $80-$91. • To use a privileged system call, you must be executing a program that resides in the system map and that executes in the system state. • The system call handler routine must process the system call and return from the subroutine with an RTS instruction. • The handler routing might alter all CPU registers (except Register SP). Note: On a 6309, the W register is not used to pass parameters to a system call, to maintain 6809 compatibility. • Register U passes the address of the register stack to the system call handler as shown in the following diagram: 6809 Relative Address $00 $01 6309 Relative Address $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $06 $08 $0A $02 $05 $06 $08 $0A $0C Name R$CC R$A (R$D) R$B R$DP R$X R$Y R$U R$PC U  CC A B DP X Y U PC Codes $70-$7F are reserved for user definition. 219 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Stores A at 0,X in Task B Store A Byte In A Task OS9 F$STABX 103F 4A Entry Conditions A B X byte to store destination task number logical destination address Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • This system call is similar to the assembly language instruction “STA 0,X”. The difference is that in the system call, X refers to an address in the given task’s address space instead of the current address space. • The support module for this system call is Krn. 220 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Installs a virtual interrupt handler routine Install Virtual Interrupt OS9 F$VIRQ 103F 27 Entry Conditions D X Y initial count value 0 to delete entry 1 to install entry address of 5-byte packet Exit Conditions None Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • • Install VIRQ for use with devices in the Multi-Pak Expansion Interface. This call is explained in detail in Chapter 2. For setting up VIRQ’s from user programs, see the VRN chapter. 221 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Checks the module header parity and CRC bytes of a module Validate Module OS9 F$VModul 103F 2E Entry Conditions D X DAT image pointer new module block offset Exit Conditions U address of the module directory entry Error Output CC B carry set on error error code, if any Additional Information • If the values of the specified module are valid, NitrOS-9 searches the module directory for a module with the same name. If one exists, NitrOS-9 keeps in memory the module that has the higher revision level. If both modules have the same revision level, NitrOS-9 retains the module in memory. • Header parity is calculated by EOR'ing together the first 8 bytes of the module header, and then complimenting (NOT) the result. 222 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Get Status System Calls You use Get Status System calls with the file manager subroutine GetStt (RBF and SCF, and possibly some 3rd party file managers as well). PIPEMAN does not contain any GetStt calls, so it simply returns without an error (the exception being SS.DevNm, which is actually returned from IOMAN). The NitrOS-9 Level Two system reserves function codes 7-127 for use by Microware. You can define codes 128-255 and their parameter- passing conventions for your own use. (See the sections on device drivers in Chapters 4,5, and 6). The Get Status routine passes the register stack and the specified function code to the device driver if the call is not generic to the file manager itself. Following are the Get Status functions and their codes. 223 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Opt                                                                    Function Code $00                                        Reads the option section of the path descriptor, and passes it into the 32 byte area pointed to by Register X Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $00     X address to receive status packet Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is supported by both SCF and RBF devices, returning the 32 byte PD.OPT section from either type of path descriptor. For SCF devices, this is used to determine the current settings for editing functions, such as echo and auto line feed (see Chapter 6). For RBF devices, this includes number of cylinders, sectors per track, etc (see Chapter 5). • This call is handled in SCF & RBF. 224 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Ready                                                                      Tests for data available on a device Function Code $01 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $01 Exit Conditions:     If the device is ready:     CC Carry clear     B      $00 • On devices that support it (both VTIO and SC6551 support this), Register B returns the number of characters that are ready to be read (to a maximum of 255 in SC6551's case; it is possible to have more than that many bytes ready). An RBF device will always return carry clear and B=0. A VRN device will always return a Device Not Ready error. • If the device is not ready (or for VTIO devices, has 0 characters in it's read buffer):         CC = carry set B    = $F6 (E$NotRdy - Device Not Ready) Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B       error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled in RBF, VTIO & SC6551. 225 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Size                                                                            Gets the current file size Function Code $02 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $02 Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: Exit Conditions:     X most significant 16 bytes of the current file size least significant 16 bytes of the current file size     U • This call is normally for RBF supported devices only. Some level 1 SCF text based drivers (like CoHR and Co42) do return the screen start address in the X register. • This call is handled in RBF. 226 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Pos                                                                              Gets the current file position Function Code $05 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $05 Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: Exit Conditions:     X most significant 16 bytes of the current file size least significant 16 bytes of the current file size     U • This call is normally for RBF supported devices only. Some level 1 SCF text based drivers (like CoHR and Co42) do return the screen size in the X register. • This call is handled in RBF. 227 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.EOF                                                                              Tests for the end of the file (EOF) Function Code $06 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $06 Exit Conditions:     X most significant 16 bytes of the current file size least significant 16 bytes of the current file size     U Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled in RBF. 228 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DevNm                                                                        Returns a device name Function Code $0E Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X $0E address of 32 byte buffer for name Exit Conditions:     X address of buffer, name moved to buffer Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is for all devices, regardless of file manager. It is also hardcoded to copy 32 bytes from the position of the descriptor name offset; in most cases, this means you will also get the file manager and device driver names as well, all high bit terminated (most descriptors are built with those all following each other). However, it is not guaranteed, and if the combined length goes beyond 32 bytes, you may not get everything. • This call is handled in IOMAN. 229 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FD                                                                                Return file descriptor $0F address of 256 byte buffer for File Descriptor sector data number of bytes to copy from file descriptor to caller (always starts at 0) address of buffer, Y bytes of file descriptor copied Function Code $0F Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X     Y Exit Conditions:     X Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call gets a copy of the File Descriptor (FD) sector for the file currently open on path A, to copy to the caller. The caller can specify how many bytes (always starting at offset 0) they actually want, in Y. This is useful for inspecting attributes, date created or modified, etc. • This call is handled in RBF. 230 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DStat                                                                        Returns the display status (medium resolution VDG screens) Function Code $12 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $12 ⁃ Exit Conditions: color code of the pixel at the cursor address     A     X address of the graphics display memory Y graphics cursor address; X=MSB, Y=LSB Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This function is supported only with the CoVDG module and deals with VDG- compatible graphics screens (from Level 1). See SS.AAGBf for information regarding Level Two operation. • This call is handled in CoVDG. 231 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.VarSe(ct)                                                            Updates current sector size into least significant 2 bits of PD.TYP in path descriptor Exit Conditions:     PD.TYP in path descriptor has least 2 significant bits set to current sector size:         xxxxxx00 = 256 byte sector         xxxxxx01 = 512 byte sector         xxxxxx10 = 1024 byte sector         xxxxxx11 = 2048 byte sector Function Code $12 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $12     Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: devices). • Note that this GetStat shares the same function code as SS.DStat (which is for SCF • This internally calls the SS.DSize GetStat as well. • This does not return the current sector size in any registers returned to the caller; it updates the PD.Typ byte in the path descriptor instead. • This call is handled in RBSuper. 232 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Joy                                                                              Returns the joystick values Function Code $13 Entry Conditions:     A path number $13     B     X joystick number           0 = right joystick           1 = left joystick fire button down Exit Conditions: A         0 = none         1 = Button 1         2 = Button 2         3 = Button 1 and Button 2 X Y selected joystick X value (0-63) selected joystick Y value (0-63)     NOTE: Under Level 1, the following values are return by this call: fire button status A         $FF = fire button is on         $00 = fire button is off Error Output: CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This function returns the joystick X & Y positions, as well as button(s) down status, for the specified joystick port. If the process calling SS.Joy is not the interactive screen & keyboard device at the time the call is made, it will always return A=0 (no buttons down), X=0 (X position 0), and Y=0 (Y position 0). This call is handled in VTIO. • 233 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.AlfaS                                                                          Returns VDG alpha screen memory information Function Code $1C Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $1C Exit Conditions:     A caps lock status         $00 = lower case         $FF = upper case X memory address of the buffer Y memory address of the cursor Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • VDG alpha screens are mapped into the user address space. The call requires a full block of memory for screen mapping. This call is only for use with VDG text screens (32x16). • This call is handled in CoVDG. • Warning: Use extreme care when poking the screen, since other system variables in screen memory. Do not change any addresses outside of the screen. 234 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FDInf                                                                          Return file descriptor based on LSN Function Code $20 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $20     X address of up to 256 byte buffer for File Descriptor sector data     Y MSB: Upper 8 bits of 24 bit Logical Sector Number             LSB: number of bytes to copy from file descriptor to caller (always starts at 0)     U Lower 16 bits of 24 bit Logical Sector Number Exit Conditions:     X address of buffer, Y bytes of file descriptor copied Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B     error code, if any Additional Information: • This call gets a copy of the File Descriptor (FD) sector from the specified logical sector number, to copy to the caller. The caller can specify how many bytes (always starting at offset 0) they actually want, in Y. This is useful for inspecting attributes, date created or modified, etc, when you are directly dealing with entries in a directory (which have the 24 bit LSN of the File descriptor in each entry). • This call is handled in RBF. 235 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Cursr                                                                        Returns VDG alpha screen cursor information Function Code $25 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $25 Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B     error code, if any Additional Information: Exit Conditions:     A character code of the character at the current cursor address X Y cursor X position (column) cursor Y position (row) • SS. Cursr returns the character at the current cursor position. It also returns the X-Y address of the cursor relative to the current device's window or screen. SS.Cursr works only with text screens. • This call is handled in CoVDG. 236 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ScSiz                                                                          Returns the window or screen size Function Code $26 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $26 Exit Conditions: X Y number of columns on screen/window number of rows on screen/window Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B     error code, if any Additional Information: • Use this call to determine the size of an output screen.    The values returned depend on the on device in use: ◦  For non-VTIO devices, the call returns the COL and ROW values in the device descriptor. ◦ For VTIO/CoVDG devices, the call returns the size of the window or screen in use by the specified device (32x16). ◦ For window devices, the call returns the size of the of the current • This call is handled by CoVDG, CoGrf/CoWin, SC6551, SC6850, S16550 (and working area of the window. any future serial port drivers). 237 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DSize                                                                      Returns the disk size information about a device Function Code $26 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $26 Exit Conditions: A         1 = 256 byte physical sector         2 = 512 byte physical sector         4 = 1024 byte physical sector         8 = 2048 byte physical sector LBA or CHS type drive flag:     B         B = 0 LBA (sector numbers only) number of logical 256 byte sectors per physical sector: • •                             If B=0, then the drive is an LBA mode device, and the 32 bit size (in sectors) is returned in X:Y X = MS 16 bits of the number of sectors on the drive Y = LS 16 bits of the number of sectors on the drive If B<>0, then the drive is a CHS mode device (Cylinder, Head, Sector), and the drive size is returned by the maximum size of each of those three parameters, as follows: B = Number of Logical sides X = Number of Logical cylinders Y = Number of Logical sectors/track (this is physical sectors/track * number of logical sectors/physical sector from A register above) Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B     error code, if any 238 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Additional Information: for SCF devices). sector size. • Note that this GetStat shares the same function code as SS.ScSiz (which is • This GetStat call ONLY applies to RBSuper driver and it's devices. • Use this call to determine the size of disk or disk image, and it's physical • This call is handled by the low level driver submodules of RBSuper, including llcocosdc, llide, llscsi (and other/future RBSuper low level drivers), and is called by RSuper itself. 239 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.KySns                                                                          Returns key down status Function Code $27 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $27 Exit Conditions: A keyboard scan information Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B    error code, if any Additional Information: • Accumulator A returns with a bit pattern representing eight keys. With each keyboard scan, NitrOS-9 updates this bit pattern. A set bit (1) indicates that a key was pressed since the last scan. A clear bit (0) indicates that a key was not pressed. Definitions for the bits are as follows: Bit Key 0 SHIFT 1 CTRL 2 ALT 3 Up arrow 4 Down arrow 5 Left arrow 6 Right arrow 7 Space Bar • The bits can be masked with the following equates: SHIFTBIT equ %00000001 CNTRLBIT equ %00000010 ALTERBIT equ %00000100 UPBIT equ %00001000 240 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual DOWNBIT equ %00010000 LEFTBIT equ %00100000 RIGHTBIT equ %01000000 SPACEBIT equ %10000000 • It should be noted that this call can be used at any time. The corresponding SetStat call, however, can change the keyboard driver settings such that this is the only way to read any keys from a program, and only these keys, until the SetStat is reissued to turn normal key function on. When keysense function is enabled, no keypresses go through SCF, thus speeding up keyboard scans for these specific keys. • An interesting side effect of this call when using it in normal keyboard mode: You can use this as an INKEY style call, but it will leave all keypresses of the printable keys in the above table also in the keyboard buffer, and can be read by I$Read / I$ReadLn as well. • This call is the ONLY way to read the SHIFT, CONTROL and ALT keys on their own, as opposed to in conjunction with another key. • This call is handled by VTIO and it's sub-module, KEYDRV, in NitrOS-9 3.3.0 & EOU Beta 5 and under. It is handled solely by VTIO in EOU Betas 6 and above. • One other hidden feature – you can differentiate between arrow keys and their corresponding CTRL- equivalents by checking the ASCII value (from I$Read) first for a potential arrow key, and the SS.KySns to see if CTRL is down. If it is not, then it was an arrow key. 241 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ComSt                                                              Returns serial port configuration information Function Code $28 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $28 Exit Conditions:     Y high byte: parity                 low byte: baud               (see the SetStat call SS.ComSt for values)               (see below for special values if a VTIO device) For hardware serial ports only: Special status: B Bit 6: 0 = DSR enabled 1 = DSR disabled Bit 5: 0 = Carrier Detect enabled 1 = Carrier Detect disabled         Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • The SCF manager uses this call when performing SS.Opt GetStat on an SCF- type device. User calls to SS.ComSt do not update the path descriptor. Use the SS.Opt GetStat call for most applications because it automatically updates the path descriptor. For VTIO devices, baud is always return as $00, and parity has special meaning: •             %0XXXXXXX = CoVDG device %1XXXXXXX = CoGrf or CoWin device. 242 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • This call is handled by VTIO, SC6551, SC6850, S16550 (and any future serial port drivers). 243 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.VCtr                                                                    Return 32 bit FS/FS2+ Total VIRQ counter & resets it to 0 Function Code $80 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $80 Exit Conditions:     X MS 16 bits of of total # of VIRQ's since last reset     Y LS 16 bits of of total # of VIRQ's since last reset         The 32 bit count of how many FS/FS2+ VIRQ's have occurred is reset to 0 upon completion of this call. Error Conditions: CC     B      error code ($F0 Illegal Unit if no FS2/FS2+ VIRQ has been set up). carry set on error Additional Information: • This call returns the number of 1/60th of a second VIRQ's that have occurred since that counter was last reset (32 bit unsigned number). Upon passing this number to the caller, this counter is reset to 0. This call is handled by VRN. • 244 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.VSig                                                                Return 8 bit count of number of FS2/ FS2+ signals sent & resets it to 0 Function Code $81 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $81 Exit Conditions:     A number of FS2/FS2+ signals that have been sent since last reset Error Conditions: CC     B      error code ($F0 Illegal Unit if no FS2/FS2+ VIRQ has been set up). carry set on error Additional Information: • This call returns the number of actual signals that have been sent by the FS2/FS2+ timers. Upon passing this number to the caller, this counter is reset to 0. NOTE: The count will wrap around at 255 signals, if you have not queried for the count before then. This call is handled by VRN. • • 245 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DRead                                                                              Direct Sector Read Function Code $80 path number $80 (msb) logical track number (lsb) physical sector number Address of user buffer (in user map) to read data into sector size/format codes: Entry Conditions: A B U X Y bits 8-15 = least significant 8 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes bit 7 = retry flag (0=normal retry, 1= no retry) bits 4-6 = most significant 3 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes bit 3 = high density flag (0=not high density, 1=high density) bit 2 = tpi of data on diskette (0=48 tpi, 1=96 tpi) bit 1 = density of data on diskette (0=single, 1=double) bit 0 = side (0 or 1) NOTE: Bit 3 (high density) being set overrides any value in bit 1) Exit Conditions:     X Address of user buffer that contains data read from disk Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B      error code (if any). Additional Information: • This call reads a specified sector into a user buffer. Sector lengths of 128,256, 512 and 1024 bytes are supported for single or double density. Non-OS9 disks (such as MS-DOS, CP/M, or FLEX) can be read with this function. NOTE: Some versions of SDisk 3 may not support the retry disable feature. High Density support requires a special controller. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 246 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SDRD                                                                                System Direct Sector Read Function Code $84 path number $84 (msb) logical track number (lsb) physical sector number Address of buffer (in system map) to read data into sector size/format codes: Entry Conditions: A B U X Y bits 8-15 = least significant 8 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes bit 7 = retry flag (0=normal retry, 1= no retry) bits 4-6 = most significant 3 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes bit 3 = high density flag (0=not high density, 1=high density) bit 2 = tpi of data on diskette (0=48 tpi, 1=96 tpi) bit 1 = density of data on diskette (0=single, 1=double) bit 0 = side (0 or 1) NOTE: Bit 3 (high density) being set overrides any value in bit 1) Exit Conditions:     X Address of user buffer that contains data read from disk Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B      error code (if any). Additional Information: • NOTE: This call is identical to SS.DRead, except that it reads into a sector buffer in the system memory map, not the user memory map. • This call reads a specified sector into a sytem buffer. Sector lengths of 128,256, 512 and 1024 bytes are supported for single or double density. Non-OS9 disks (such as MS-DOS, CP/M, or FLEX) can be read with this function. NOTE: Some versions of SDisk3 may not support the retry disable feature. High Density support requires a controller that supports high density drives. (SDisk3 is an alternate floppy disk diver). 247 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 248 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DrvCh                                                                        Returns which floppy drive (if any) has caching enabled Exit Conditions:     A drive number that has caching enabled. $FF = no drive currently caching Function Code $86 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $86 Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B      error code (if any). Additional Information: • This call is ONLY supported on the Performance Peripheral DMC caching floppy controller, which was available in 8K or 32K cache RAM versions. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3.    (DMC version only). 249 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.MnSel                                                                 Requests that the high level menu handler take control of menu selection Function Code $87 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $87 Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B  error code, if any Additional Information: Exit Conditions:     A menu ID (if valid selection)                 0 (if invalid selection)     B                 If a selected menu has no pull down items, B returns with 0. item number of menu (if valid selection) • After detecting a valid mouse click (when the mouse is pointing to a control area on a window), a process needs to call SS.MnSel. This call tells the enhanced window interface to handle any menu selection being made. If accumulator A returns with 0, no selection has been made. The calling process needs to test and handle other returned values. • A condition where Register A returns a valid menu ID number and Register B returns 0 signals the selection of a menu with no items. The application can now take over and do special graphics pull down of its own (MVCanvas is a program that does this, for example). The menu title remains highlighted until the application calls the SS.UMBar SetStat to update the menu bar. • There are some menu ID's that are reserved within NitrOS-9 itself (assuming that you have picked a window type that supports these menu ID's; see the SS.WnSet SetStat call): Menu ID # Description 2 Close Box 4 Scroll Up Arrow 250 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 5 Scroll Down Arrow 6 Scroll Right Arrow 7 Scroll Left Arrow 8 Character Pressed In addition, Menu ID #20 is usually reserved for the Tandy Menu, but this is not enforced. • The support module for this call is CoWin. 251 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Mouse                                                                          Gets mouse status Function Code $89 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $89     X data storage area address Exit Conditions:     X data storage area address Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B  error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Mouse returns information on the current mouse it's fire button(s). The following list defines the 32 byte data packet that SS.Mouse creates: Packet Mnemonic Offset Name Size Description 00 Pt.Valid RMB 1 Is returned info valid (0=no/1=yes) 01 Pt.Actv RMB 1 Active Side 0=off/1=Right/2=left 02 Pt.ToTm RMB 1 Time out Initial value 03 RMB 2 reserved 05 Pt.TTTo RMB 1 Time Till Timeout 06 Pt.TSSt RMB 2 Time Since Start Counter 08 Pt.CBSA RMB 1 Current Button State (Button A) 09 Pt.CBSB RMB 1 Current Button State (Button B) 0A Pt.CCtA RMB 1 Click Count (Button A) 0B Pt.CCtB RMB 1 Click Count (Button B) 0C Pt.TTSA RMB 1 Time This State Counter (Button A) 0D Pt.TTSB RMB 1 Time This State Counter (Button B) 0E Pt.TLSA RMB 1 Time Last State Counter (Button A) 0F Pt.TLSB RMB 1 Time Last State Counter (Button B) 252 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 10 RMB 2 Reserved 12 Pt.BDX RMB 2 Button down frozen (Actual X) 14 Pt.BDY RMB 2 Button down frozen (Actual Y) 16 Pt.Stat RMB 1 Window Pointer type location 17 Pt.Res RMB 1 Resolution (0..640 by: 0=ten/1=one) 18 Pt.AcX RMB 2 Actual X Value 1A Pt.AcY RMB 2 Actual Y Value 1C Pt.WRX RMB 2 Window Relative X 1E Pt.WRY RMB 2 Window Relative Y 20 Pt.Siz EQU . Packet Size 32 bytes • Button information: ◦ Pt.Valid - The valid byte gives the caller an indication of whether the information contained in the returned packet is accurate. The information returned by this call is only valid if the process is running on the current interactive window. If the process is on a non-interactive window, this byte (and, in fact, the whole 32 byte packet) is zero and the process can ignore the information returned. ◦ Pt.Actv - This byte shows which port is selected for use by all mouse functions (which you set by using the SetStat version of SS.GIP). The default value is Right (1), assuming you haven't ran GShell (or another program), which can read the /dd/sys/env.file and set the side from there. It should be noted that when you enable the keyboard mouse, it "takes over" whatever the active side is, so it will return left or right based on the SS.GIP setting regardless. ◦  Pt.ToTm - This is the initial value used by Pt.TTTo. ◦  Pt.TTTo - This is the count down value (as of the instant the the GetStat call is made). This value starts at the value contained in Pt.ToTm and counts down to zero at rate of 60 counts per second. The system maintains all counters until this value reaches 0, at which point it sets all counters and states to 0. The mouse scan routine changes into a quiet 253 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual mode which requires less overhead than when the mouse is active. The timeout begins when both buttons are in the up (open) state. The timer is reinitialized to the value in Pt.ToTm when either button goes down (closed). ◦  Pt.TSSt - This counter is constantly increasing, beginning when either button is pressed while the mouse is in the quiet state. All counts are a number of ticks (60 per second). The timer counts to $FFFF, then stays at that value if additional ticks occur. ◦  Pt.CBSA / Pt.CBSB - These flag bytes indicated the state of the button at the last system clock tick. A value of 0 indicates that the button is down (closed). Button A is available on all Tandy joysticks and mice. Button B is only available for products that have two buttons (or using the keyboard mouse). The system scans the mouse buttons each time it scans the keyboard. ◦  Pt.CCtA / Pt.CCtB - This is the number of clicks that have occurred since the mouse went into an active state. A click is defined as pressing (closing) the button, then releasing (opening) the button. The system counts the clicks as the button is released. ◦ Pt.TTSA / Pt.TTSB - This counter is the number of ticks that have occurred during the current state, as defined by Pt.CBSx. This counter starts at one (counts the ticket when the state changes) and increases by one for each tick that occurs while the button remains in the same state (open or closed). ◦ Pt.TLSA / Pt.TLSB - This counter is the number of ticks that have occurred during the time that button is in a state opposite of the current state. Using this count and the TTSA/TTSB count, you can determine how a button was in the previous state, even if the system returns the packet after the state has changed. Use these counters, along with the state and 254 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual click count values, to define any type of click, drag or hold convention that you want.         Reserved. Two packet bytes are reserved for future expansion of the returned data. • Position information: ◦  Pt.BDX / Pt.BDY - These values are copies of the Pt.AcX and Pt.AcY values when either of the buttons change from an open state to a closed state. ◦ Pt.Stat - This byte contains information about the area of the screen on which the mouse is positioned. Pt.Valid must be a value other than 0 for this information to be accurate. If Pt.Valid is 0, this value is also 0 and not accurate. Three types of areas are currently defined: 0 = content region or current working area of the window. In Multi-Vue windows, this defaults to not include border areas (including scroll bars), but you can use CWArea to expand this to include everything except the title bar. See the Multi-Vue manual for more details. 1 = control region (for use in Multi-Vue). This is the Menu Bar area (this includes the Close Box and menus). See the Multi-Vue manual for more details. 2 = off window, or on an area of the screen that is not part of the window (ex. a separate device window on the same screen). ◦  Pt.Res - This value is the current resolution for the mouse. The mouse must always return coordinates in the range of 0-639 for the X axis and 0- 198 for the Y axis. If the system is so configured, you can use the high resolution mouse adapter which provides a 1 to 1 ratio with these values plus 1. If the adapter is not in use, the resolution is a ratio of 1 to 10 on the X axis, and 1 to 3 (roughly) on the Y axis. The keyboard mouse provides a resolution of 1 to 1. The values in Pt.Res are: 0 = low res (x:10, y:3) 1 = high res (x,y:1) 255                     Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual     NOTE: The keyboard mouse being active does NOT change the value of Pt.Res; Pt.Res always reflects the current regular mouse setting. ◦  Pt.AcX / Pt.AcY - The values read from the mouse returned in the resolution as described under Pt.Res. ◦  Pt.WRX / Pt.WRY - The values read from the mouse minus the starting coordinates of the current window's working area. These values return the coordinates in numbers relative to the type of screen. For example, the X axis is in the range 0-639 for high-resolution screens and 0-319 for low resolution screens. You can divide the window relative values by 8 to obtain absolute character positions. These values are most helpful when working in non-scaled modes. • The support modules for this call are VTIO, KEYDRV, JOYDRV, and CoWin. 256 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ScInf                                                                        Get current screen info for direct writes Function Code $8F Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $8F number of 8K MMU blocks required for the screen start block number of the screen Exit Conditions: A B X Offset into first block that window starts at Y High byte = X start of window Low byte = X size of window U High byte = Y start of window Low byte = Y size of window Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B  error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is used to get information on the window to allow directly mapping it into the process space, to directly write to the screen. It works with both hardware text and graphics windows (but NOT CoVDG windows, which have their own calls), and windows that do not take up the whole screen. • The X/Y start and sizes are based on current CWArea of the window, which can allow programs to compensate for just that part of the window, allowing it to work with smaller window applications, and Multi-Vue windows (allowing one to leave the menu and control areas alone). • The programmer will still need to get the screen type (using the GetStat SS.ScTyp) so they know how to specifically handle the screen/color resolution. If on a graphics window, the X and Y start/size is based on 8 x 8 pixel character cells, regardless of the graphics mode. • 257 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual NOTE: This simply returns the information needed to map in a deal with the window directly. You still have to map in the screen (or a portion of it) using F$MapBlk. • The support module for this is CoWin. 258 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Palet                                                                          Gets palette information Function Code $91 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $91     X pointer to the 16 byte palette information buffer Exit Conditions:     X pointer to the 16 byte palette information buffer Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B  error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Palet reads the contents of the 16 screen palette registers, and stores them in a 16 byte buffer. When you make the call, be sure the X register points to the desired buffer location. The pointer is retained on exit. The palette values returned are specific to the screen on which the call is made. • The support modules for this call are CoVDG and CoWin (or CoGrf). 259 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Montr                                                                          Get current monitor type Function Code $92 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $92 Exit Conditions:     X Monitor type:         0 = color composite         1 = analog RGB         2 = monochrome composite Additional Information: • The support module for this is VTIO. 260 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ScTyp                                                                      Returns the type of a screen to a calling program Function Code $93 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $93 screen type code Exit Conditions:     A         1 = 40 x 24 (or 25) text screen         2 = 80 x 24 (or 25) text screen         3 = not used         4 = not used         5 = 640 x 192 or 200, 2-color graphics screen         6 = 320 x 192 or 200, 4-color graphics screen         7 = 640 x 192 or 200, 4-color graphics screen         8 = 320 x 192 or 200, 16-color graphics screen Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B  error code, if any Additional Information: NOTE: Due to a bug in the GIME chip, only the first 199 lines are shown when the 200 line graphics screens are selected. • Support module for this call is CoWin (or CoGrf). 261 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FBRgs                                                                        Returns the foreground, background, and border palette registers for a window Function Code $96 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $96 foreground palette register number Exit Conditions:     A     B background palette register number (if carry clear)     X least significant byte of border palette register number Error Output: CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • The support module for this is CoWin (or CoGrf). 262 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DFPal                                                                          Returns the default palette register settings Function Code $97 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $97     X pointer to 16-byte data space Exit Conditions:     X default palette data moved to user space Error Output: CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • You can use SS.DFPal to find the values of the default palette registers that are used when a new screen is allocated by CoWin (or CoGrf). The corresponding SetStat can alter the default registers. This GetStat/SetStat pair is for system configuration utilities and should not be used by general applications. 263 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ECC                                                                          ECC corrected data error status Function Code $B0 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $B0 Exit Conditions:     X ECC error correction status:         0 = ECC error correction disabled         1 = ECC error correction enabled Additional Information: • This gives the current ECC status for the WD1002-05 hard drive/floppy controller from Frank Hogg's Eliminator controller. • The support module for this is WDDisk. 264 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Set Status System Calls You use Set Status System calls with the file manager subroutine SetStt (RBF and SCF, and possibly some 3rd party file managers as well). PIPEMAN does not contain any SetStt calls, so it simply returns without an error). The NitrOS-9 Level Two system reserves function codes 7-127 for use by Microware. You can define codes 128-255 and their parameter-passing conventions for your own use. (See the sections on device drivers in Chapters 4,5, and 6). The Set Status routine passes the register stack and the specified function code to the device driver if the call is not generic to the file manager itself. Following are the Set Status functions and their codes. 265 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Opt                                                                            Writes the option section of the path descriptor Function Code $00 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X $00 address of the status packet Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Opt writes the option section of the path descriptor from the the 32-byte status packet pointed to by Register X. Use this system call to set the device operating parameters, such as echo and line feed. • NOTE: On RBF devices, this only copies from PD.STP to PD.SAS (13 bytes) of the PD.OPT section (PD.DTP and PD.DRV are skipped). • This call is handled in SCF & RBF. 266 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Size                                                                            Changes the size of a file for RBF- type devices Function Code $02 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X most significant 16 bytes of the desired file size least significant 16 bytes of the desired file size     U $02 Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled in RBF. 267 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Reset                                                                Restores the disk drive head to Track 0 in preparation for formatting and error recovery Function Code $03 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $03 Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled in RBF, and only applies to RBF devices (usually older mechanical hard drives). 268 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.WTrk                                                                            Formats (writes) a track on a disk $04 track number (least significant 8 bits) address of the track buffer side/density Function Code $04 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     U     X     Y         Bit B0 = side             0 = Side 0             1 = Side 1         Bit B1 = density             0 = single             1 = double Exit Conditions:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: 269 • For hard disks or floppy disks that have a "format entire diskette" command, SS.WTrk formats the entire disk only when the track number is 0. • This call is handled in EMUDSK, RB1773, CC3DISK, SDisk3 and any other RBF based driver. Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Frz                                                                              Freeze DD. Information Function Code $0A Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $0A Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call inhibits SDisk3 from reading LSN0 into the drive tables, allowing for non- standard disks to be read. SDisk3 by default unfreezes immediately after the next read of LSN0 on any drive that SDisk3 controls. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 270 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SQD                                                                      Starts the shutdown procedure for a hard disk that has to sequence down prior to removal of power Function Code $0C Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $0C Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled by hard disk drivers, including EmuDisk, llide, llscsi. 271 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DCmd                                                                              Send direct command to disk $0D Pointer to transfer buffer Command packet (format depends on driver) Function Code $0D Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X     Y Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call only applies to the the low level 'll' drivers that are part of RBSuper (currently for SCSI and IDE (ATAPI type only) devices). It allows sending direct command packet to the controller in their native format. Thus, it is up to the programmer to determine that packet format, for their specific device type. • This call is handled in the RBSuper companion modules llide (for ATAPI devices only) and llscsi. 272 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FD                                                                                    Writes a file descriptor to disk Function Code $0F Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X     Y Number of bytes of file descriptor to write $0F Ptr to 256 byte FD buffer Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call will pre-read the existing file descriptor sector, and allows you to modify only Y number of bytes (from the beginning), leaving the rest alone. This allows you to change attributes, file owner, date modified, etc. without changing the creation date and segment list, for example. If the file access mode does not have WRITE access, then only the attributes can be changed. • • Only the super user (0) can change the file's owner number. • This call is handled in RBF (or MSF, if it is installed). 273 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Ticks                                                                              Set number of ticks to wait for a record lock release Function Code $10 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X Number of clock ticks (1/60th second) to wait $10 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is handled in the RBF (or MSF, if it is installed). 274 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Lock                                                                                Lock/Release a record Function Code $11 $11 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     U MSW of size to lock     X LSW of size to lock     See Additional Information below about special values & details about the lock size. Exit Conditions:     File is locked from current file position for U:X bytes Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • • • • "Locking" means to disallow other processes from modifying the specified part of the file. • This call will lock the currently opened file from the current position in the file for as many bytes as you specify in registers U:X. If you specify a length that reaches or goes past the current end of file, the special "End of File Lock" is enabled. If the end lock file position is $FFFF:FFFF, it will instead lock the entire file, without requiring setting the non-sharable attribute bit. If the end lock file position is $0000:0000, it will instead unlock the existing lock on the file • One can open multiple paths to a file and lock different portions of it as well, if need be.    Locks are automatically released when the file path is closed. See Chapter 5 (Random Block File Manager) for more details on record locking. • • This call is handled in RBF. 275 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SSig                                                                                Send Signal on Data Ready $1A user defined signal code (low byte only) Function Code $1A Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.SSig sends the process a signal the next time that the device has data ready in it's read buffer. That process can then use SS.Ready to determine how many bytes (up to 255 will be reported) are ready, if desired. See SS.Relea for details on shutting off SS.SSig. • • This call is handled in VTIO, scdwv, sc6551, sc6850, and possibly other serial drivers. 276 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Relea                                                                                Release signals on device Function Code $1B Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $1B Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Relea will release any data ready signals set up on the device path specified. NOTE: For windows, this call will release BOTH keyboard data ready (SS.SSig), AND mouse click data ready signals (SS.MsSig). If you had both enabled, and only want to release one of them, then you must reenable the one you want to keep active. If you close a path, any data ready signal triggers on that path are removed. • • This call is handled in VTIO, scdwv, sc6551, sc6850, and possibly other serial drivers. 277 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Attr                                                                  Function Code $1C Change file/directory attributes Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X file attributes (low byte only) $1C Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • • • If the caller's user number is not 0, SS.Attr will return a File Not Accessible error if that user number does not match the user number that created the file. If you attempt to change the directory attribute on the root directory, SS.Attr will return a File Not Accessible error. If you attempt to clear the directory attribute, the directory must be empty, otherwise it will return a Directory Not Empty error (DELDIR uses this). • This call is handled in RBF (and/of MSF, if installed). 278 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Break                                                                                  Transmit a line Break on a serial port Function Code $1D Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $1D Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This transmits an RS-232 break for 0.5 seconds (required to get the attention of • some older host systems). For buffered UARTS, it also empties the hardware transmit buffer first, without transmitting. • This call is handled in sc6551, sc6850 and possibly other serial port drivers. 279 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.RsBit                                                                                Reserve bitmap sector (doesn't allocate) $1E sector number in bitmap to reserved (low byte only) Function Code $1E Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call locks out a specific sector in the bit (cluster) allocation map so that other processes can not change allocations within it, helping prevent corruption. • This call is handled in RBF. 280 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.KySns                                                                          Enable/disable key sense mode Function Code $27 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X         0         $27 key sense switch value <>0 = key sense operation = normal key sense operation Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • When SS.KySns switches the keyboard to key sense mode, the VTIO module suspends transmission of keyboard characters to the SCF manager and the user. While the computer is in key sense mode, the only way to detect key presses is with the SS.KySns GetStat call. • This call is handled by VTIO and it's sub-module KEYDRV in NitrOS-9 3.3.0, and EOU Beta 5 and under. It is handled solely by VTIO in EOU Beta 6 and above. It is also handled by scdwv (for Drivewire). 281 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ComSt                                                                Used by the SCF manager to configure a serial port Function Code $28 Entry Conditions:     A path number $28     B     Y high byte: parity                 low byte: baud rate NOTE: See Additional Information below for how it works for windows. Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • • • For CoVDG devices, baud is ignored, and parity has special meaning:             %XXXXXXX0 = True Lowercase %XXXXXXX1 = inverse video lowercase  This changes for the current path only. So, if you use it in a program, the setting will stay in effect for your program, but if you then exit back to a calling Shell (with it's own paths), it will revert back to the setting that the calling Shell had. For serial port devices: ◦ Baud Configuration. The low order byte of Y determines the baud rate, the word length, and the number of stop bits. The byte is configured as follows: PD.BAU 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Baud Rate Reserved Word Length Stop bits 282 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Bits 0-3: Baud rate (0-3 for original RS-232 Pak) Bit 4 : Reserved Bits 5-6: Word Length Bit 7 : Stop bits Stop bits: 0 = 1 1 = 2 Word length: 00 = 8 bit 01 = 7 bit Baud rate: 0000 = 110 baud 0001 = 300 baud 0010 = 600 baud 0011 = 1200 baud 0100 = 2400 baud 0101 = 4800 baud 0110 = 9600 baud (all but scbb (bit banger)) 0110 = 32,000 baud (only scbb (bit banger) - for MIDI) 0111 = 19,200 baud 1000 = 38,400 baud (6552 or 16550 only) 1001 = 57,600 baud (16550 only) 1010 = 76,800 baud (16550 only) 1011 = 115,200 baud (16550 only) 1100 = undefined 1101 = undefined 1110 = undefined 1111 = 31,125 baud (EXPERIMENTAL - 16550/CoNect only for MIDI) 283 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • Parity Configuration: The high order byte of Y determines parity, and some special features. The byte is configured as follows: PD.PAR 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Parity Modem Kill XON/ XOFF Recv XON/ XOFF Xmit CTS/ RTS Parity: xx0 = none 001 = odd (non bit banger only) 011 = even (non bit banger only) 101 = mark 111 = space DSR/ DTR The following bits are enabled only on hardware serial ports, but not the bit banger port: • Modem Kill: 0 = No action when Carrier Detect is lost 1 = Return an E$HangUp error and kill all processes related to the device when Carrier Detect is lost 284 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • XON/XOFF Receive: 0 = Receive software flow control disabled 1 = Receive software flow control enabled • XON/XOFF Transit: 0 = Transmit software flow control disabled 1 = Transmit software flow control enabled • CTS/RTS: • DSR/DTR 0 = CTS/RTS hardware flow control disabled 1 = CTS/RTS hardware flow control enabled 0 = DSR/DTR hardware flow control disabled 1 = CTS/RTS hardware flow control enabled • The SCF manager users SS.ComSt to inform a driver that serial port configuration information has been changed in the path descriptor. After calling SS.ComSt, a user routine must call the SS.Opt SetStat to correctly update the path descriptor. This is not necessary when being used on a VDG screen vs. a serial port. • This call is handled by CoVDG, sc6551, sc6522, sc6850, scdwv, scdwp, scbbt, scbbp, and any other serial port drivers. 285 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Open                                                                    Informs a device driver that a path was opened Function Code $29 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $29 Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is used internally by NitrOS-9's SCF file manager and is not available to user programs. It can be used only by device drivers and file managers. It is usually used when handling wild card calls, like next available window (CoWin) or next virtual port in Drivewire (scdwv). 286 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Close                                                                          Informs a device driver that a path is closed Function Code $2A Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $2A Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call is used internally by NitrOS-9's SCF file manager and is not available to user programs. It can be used only by device drivers and file managers. The driver may use this to set up some hardware settings, if required. In VRN's case, this clears ALL process/path entries, even if you had multiple entries set up between different programs. • 287 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.HngUp                                                                          Informs SCF driver to hang up the phone Function Code $2B Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $2B Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: serial port drivers. • This hangs up    a modem connection by dropping the DTR signal for .5 seconds. • This call is handled by sc6551, sc6522, sc6850, and any other hardware based 288 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FSig                                                                            Send signal if file has been updated $2C LSB is the signal code to send if file was updated Function Code $2C Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call sets up a signal to be sent when the file open on the specified path (a regular file or a directory) has been updated, even if by a different process. GShell, for example, uses this to update the current directory display if a file has been removed or added by another process. • This call is handled by RBF, and only applies to RBF based paths. 289 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.AAGBf                                                                          Reserves an additional graphics buffer Function Code $80 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $80 Exit Conditions:     X Buffer Address     Y Buffer Number (1-2) Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.AAGBf allocates an additional 8K graphics buffer. The first buffer (Buffer 0) must be allocated by using the Display Graphics command. To use the Display Graphics Command, send control code $0F to the standard terminal driver. SS.AAGBf can allocate up to two additional buffers (Buffers 1 and 2), one at a time. • After calling SS.AAGBf, Register X contains the address of the new buffer. Register Y contains the buffer number. • To deallocate all graphics buffers, use the End Graphics control code. • When SS.AAGBf allocates a buffer, it also maps the buffer into the applications address space. Each buffer uses 8K of the available memory in the application's address space. Also, if DD.DStat is called, Buffer 0 is also mapped into the application's address space. Allocation of all three buffers reduces the applications free memory by 24K. It should be noted that each of these buffers are for Coco 1/2 Level 1 compatible medium resolution graphics screens (either 128x192x4, or 256x192x2), which only use 6K of the MMU block that gets mapped in. This leaves 2K in each buffer that you can use for additional data memory with clever programming. • • This call is handled by CoVDG. 290 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DWrit                                                                          Direct sector Write path number $80 (MSB) Logical track # (LSB) Physical sector # address of user buffer (in user map) to write data from sector size/format codes: bits 8-15 bit 7 bits 4-6 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 NOTE: Bit 3 (high density) being set overrides any value in bit 1) = least significant 8 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes = retry flag (0=normal retry, 1= no retry) = most significant 3 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes = high density flag (0=not high density, 1=high density) = tpi of data on diskette (0=48 tpi, 1=96 tpi) = density of data on diskette (0=single, 1=double) = side (0 or 1) Function Code $80 Entry Conditions: A B U X Y Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call writes a specified sector from a user buffer. Sector lengths of 128,256, 512 and 1024 bytes are supported for single or double density. Non-OS9 disks (such as MS-DOS, CP/M, or FLEX) can be written with this function. NOTE: Some versions of SDisk 3 may not support the retry disable feature. High Density support requires a special controller. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 291 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SLGBf                                                                          Selects a graphics buffer Function Code $81 Entry Conditions: A B X Y path number $81 $00 (select buffer for use) $01-$FF (select buffer for use and display) buffer number (0-2) Exit Conditions:     X     Y unchanged from entry unchanged from entry Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • Use DISPLAY GRAPHICS to allocate the first graphics buffer. Use SS.AAGBf to • • allocate the second and third graphics buffers. Save each return address when writing directly to a screen. It is not necessary to save return addresses when using operating system graphics commands. SS.SLGBf does not update hardware information until the next vertical retrace (60Hz or 50Hz rate depending on your locality). Programs that use SS.AAGBf to change current draw buffers need to wait long enough to ensure that OS-9 has moved the current buffer to the screen. An F$Sleep of 2 ticks is usually sufficient. • The screen shows the buffer only if the buffer is selected as the interactive device. If the device does not possess the keyboard, OS-9 stores the information until the device is selected as the interactive device. When the device is selected as the interactive device, the display shows the selected device's screen. • This call is handled by CoVDG. 292 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.UnFrz                                                                              Unfreezes updating of DD.xxxx information Function Code $81 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $81 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call reactivates the reading of LSN 0 information to DD.xxxx variables after the SS.Frz call has shut it off. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 293 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FClr                                                                              Set/Clear FS2 VIRQ Function Code $81 path number $81 Entry Conditions: A B Y MSB = $00 (Reserved) <>$00 = Set (Turn on) FS2 VIRQ signal X LSB: $00 = Clear (Shut off) existing FS2 signal Exit Conditions:     none Timer/Reset count (in 1/60th of second clock ticks between signals) Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B    error code, if any (If the internal VIRQ tables are full, a E$DevBsy (Device Busy) error will be returned) Additional Information: • This call is the original FS2 (Flight Simulator II) VIRQ SetStat call. This originally used the /ftdd descriptor, but should now be accessed through /nil instead. This call will always send Signal code $80 (S$FS2Sig). • This call will send signal $80 every X number of clock ticks, and then resets the • • count so that it will repeat the signal at the same rate. If you already have the signal sent up, you can re-issue this SetStat call with a new value in X to change the signal timer. This restarts the timer with the new tick count. It also resets the total number of clock ticks and total number of signals sent (see SS.VCtr and SS.VSig GetStat calls). It is possible to open multiple paths from the same process, each with their own unique FS2 timer. • This call is handled in VRN. 294 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.MOFF                                                                                Quick floppy drive motor shutoff Function Code $82 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $82 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call turns off the floppy drive motors without waiting for the normal time delay after last use. Use with caution. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 295 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.MoTim                                                                              Set floppy drive motor turn on/shut off time Function Code $83 Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X time constant in clock ticks (1/60th of a second) $83 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call sets the amount of time that SDisk3 will wait for floppy drive motors to spin up or shut down. If it is too short, it may cause data corruption • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 296 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.MpGPB                                                                        Maps the Get/Put buffer into a user address space Function Code $84 Entry Conditions: A B X Y path number $84 high byte: buffer group number low byte: buffer number action to take: 1 = map buffer 0 = unmap buffer Exit Conditions:     X     Y address of the mapped buffer number of bytes in buffer Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.MpGPB maps a Get/Put buffer into the user address space. You can then save the buffer to disk or directly modify the pixel data contained in the buffer. Use extreme care when modifying the buffer so that you do not write outside of the buffer data area. • This call is handled by CoWin. 297 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SDWRT                                                                          System Direct sector Write path number $84 (MSB) Logical track # (LSB) Physical sector # address of buffer (in system map) to write data from sector size/format codes: bits 8-15 bit 7 bits 4-6 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 NOTE: Bit 3 (high density) being set overrides any value in bit 1) = least significant 8 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes = retry flag (0=normal retry, 1= no retry) = most significant 3 bits of 11 bit sector size in bytes = high density flag (0=not high density, 1=high density) = tpi of data on diskette (0=48 tpi, 1=96 tpi) = density of data on diskette (0=single, 1=double) = side (0 or 1) Function Code $84 Entry Conditions: A B U X Y Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call writes a specified sector from a system map buffer. Sector lengths of 128,256, 512 and 1024 bytes are supported for single or double density. Non-OS9 disks (such as MS-DOS, CP/M, or FLEX) can be written with this function. NOTE: Some versions of SDisk 3 may not support the retry disable feature. High Density support requires a special controller. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3. 298 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Sleep                                                                  Enable/Disable F$Sleep calls in SDisk3 driver (DMC version ONLY) Function Code $85 Entry Conditions: A B X path number $85 0 = disable F$Sleep and use software delay loops instead <>0 = enable F$Sleep and disable software delay loops Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call activates or deactivates the use of F$Sleep for disk I/O operations (read/write/seek). Non I/O operations (motor on speed and head settle delays) are not affected. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3 (DMC version only). 299 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.WnSet                                                                          Set up a high level Window (Multi-Vue) Function Code $86 path number $86 Entry Conditions: A B X window data pointer (only used if Y=WT.FSWin or WT.Win - see below) Y window type code: 0 = WT.NBox (no box) 1 = WT.FWin (Framed window) 2 = WT.FSWin (Framed window with scroll bars) 3 = WT.SBox (Shadowed box) 4 = WT.DBox (Double box) 5 = WT.PBox (Plain box) Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • The C language data structures for windowing are defined in the wind.h file in the DEFS directory of the system disk. • The assembly language data structures for the window data are defined in the file dd/defs/cocovtio.d. In particular, the labels beginning with ‘WN.’, ‘MN.’ and ‘MI’. Further details are in the Multi-Vue manual, Chapter 9 (Programmer’s Notes). • You must still create the window using DWSet or OWSet before applying SS.WnSet to define the high level window type. • The framed windows use palettes 0-3 (darkest,dark,light,lightest) colors • Plain Box & Double Box Use palette 1 for the boxes, Shadowed uses both 1 and 2 for the shadow & box. • This call is handled by CoWin. 300 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual 301 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DrvCh                                                                                Activates or deactivates disk caching for a particular drive. Function Code $86 Entry Conditions: A B X path number $86 0 = disable caching for this drive <>0 = enable caching for this drive Exit Conditions:     none Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B      error code (if any). Additional Information: • This call is ONLY supported on the Performance Peripheral DMC caching floppy controller, which was available in 8K or 32K cache RAM versions. It enables/disables caching on the drive specified by the caller's path. • This call requires and is handled by Sdisk3.    (DMC version only). 302 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.SBar                                                                          Puts a scroll block at a specified position Function Code $88 Entry Conditions: A B X Y path number $88 horizontal position of the scroll block vertical position of the scroll block Exit Conditions:     Scroll marker updated if no I/O error occurs Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if out of bounds Additional Information: • WT.FSWin-type windows have areas at the bottom and right sides to indicate relative positions within a larger area. These areas are called scroll bars. SS.SBar gives an application the ability to maintain relative position markers within the scroll bars. The markers indicate the location of the current screen within a larger screen. Calling SS.SBar updates both scroll markers. • Your application must calculate the coordinates to use for the scroll markers. It can use the SS.ScSiz GetStat call to provide the information for the computation (the horizontal and vertical size of the content region of the window). The scroll bar size is on character cell less than the vertical and horizontal sizes returned from the SS.SCSiz GetStat call. • When the window is first created, the content area is the size returned by the SS.ScSiz GetStat call. The content region is smaller than the window and it's borders by two character widths horizontally, and three character heights vertically. • This call is handled by CoWin. 303 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Mouse                                                                          Sets the sample rate and button timeout for a mouse Function Code $89 path number $89 Entry Conditions: A B X mouse sample rate and timeout most significant byte = mouse sample rate least significant byte = mouse timeout Y Auto-follow mouse cursor: = Autofollow off 0 = Autofollow on 1 (other values for Y are reserved for future use) NOTE: Either byte being set to $FF means leave at it's current setting Exit Conditions:     None Error Conditions: CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Mouse allows the application to define the mouse parameters. The sample rate and button timeout are the number of clock ticks between the actual readings of the mouse status. $FF means to leave the current setting alone; this lets you change one but not the other setting if desired. • The auto-follow flag only activates if CoWin is active. It does not function if you are running with CoGrf. • This call is handled by VTIO. 304 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.MsSig                                                                        Sends a signal to a process when the mouse button is pressed Function Code $8A Entry Conditions: A B X path number $8A user defined signal code (low byte only) Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.MsSig sends the process a signal the next time a mouse button changes state (from open to closed). Once SS.MsSig sends the signal, the process must repeat the SetStat each time that it needs to set up the signal. • Processes using SS.MsSig should have an intercept routine to trap the signal. By intercepting the signal, other processes can be notified when the change occurs. Therefore, the other processes do not need to continually poll the mouse. • The SS.Relea SetStat clears the pending signal request, if desired. It also clears any pending signal from SS.SSig. Because of this, if you want to clear only one signal, you must reset the other signal after calling SS.MsSig. • This call is handled by VTIO. 305 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.AScrn                                                                        Allocates and maps a high-resolution screen into an application address space Function Code $8B Entry Conditions: A B X path number $8B screen type 0 = 640 x 192 x 2 colors (16K) 1 = 320 x 192 x 4 colors (16K) 2 = 160 x 192 x 16 colors (16K) 3 = 640 x 192 x 4 colors (32K) 4 = 320 x 192 x 16 colors (32K) Exit Conditions:     X     Y application address space of screen screen number (1-3) Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.AScrn is particularly useful in systems with minimal memory when you want to allocate a high resolution graphics screen with all screen updating handled by a process. • • • This call uses CoVDG (CoGrf/CoWin is not required, nor even used). • All screens are allocated in multiples of 8K blocks. You can allocate a maximum of three buffers at one time. To select between buffers, use the SS.DScrn SetStat call. Screen memory is allocated but not cleared. The application using the screen must do this. Screens must be allocated from a VDG-type device - a standard 32-column text screen must be available for the device. You can do this via XMODE or the I$ModDsc call, by changing the PAR(ity) byte from $80 to $01 (VDG with real lowercase) or $00 (VDG with inverse video). Since screens are always allocated by even 8K MMU blocks, there is a little room left over after each screen that can be used for data. • 306 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • This call is handled by CoVDG. 307 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DScrn                                                                          Causes CoVDG to display a screen that was allocated by SS.AScrn = text screen (32x16) = high resolution screen number Function Code $8C Entry Conditions: A B Y path number $8C screen number 0 1-3 Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • • SS.DScrn shows the requested screen if the requested screen is the current interactive device. Screen 0 (text screen) should be selected before using SS.FScrn to free all high resolution screen memory. • This call is handled by CoVDG. 308 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FScrn                                                                          Frees the memory of a screen allocated by SS.AScrn Function Code $8D Entry Conditions: A B Y path number $8D screen number (1-3) Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • Do not attempt to free a screen that is currently on display. • SS.FScrn returns the screen memory to the system and removes it from an application's address space. • This call is handled by CoVDG. 309 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.PScrn                                                                          Converts a screen to a different type Function Code $8E Entry Conditions: A B X path number $8E new screen type 0 = 640 x 192 x 2 colors (16K) 1 = 320 x 192 x 4 colors (16K) 2 = 160 x 192 x 16 colors (16K) 3 = 640 x 192 x 4 colors (32K) 4 = 320 x 192 x 16 colors (32K) Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • • SS.PScrn changes a screen allocated by SS.AScrn to a new screen type. You can change a 32K screen to either a 32K screen or a 16K screen. You can change a 16K screen only to another 16K screen type. SS.PScrn updates the current display screen at the next clock interrupt. If you change a 32K screen to a 16K screen, NitrOS-9 does not reclaim the extra 16K of memory. This means that you can later change the 16K screen back to a 32K screen. • This call is handled by CoVDG. 310 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Montr                                                                          Sets the monitor type 0 = color composite 1 = analog RGB 2 = monochrome composite Function Code $92 path number $92 Entry Conditions: A B X monitor type Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • SS.Montr loads the hardware palette registers with the codes for the default color set for three types of monitors. The system default is set by the Init module when booting NitrOS-9. • The monochrome mode removes color information from the signals sent to a monitor. • When a composite monitor is in use, a conversion table maps colors from RGB color numbers. In RGB and monochrome modes, the system uses RGB color numbers directly. • This call is handled by VTIO. 311 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.GIP                                                              Sets the system wide mouse and key repeat parameters Function Code $94 path number $94 = low resolution mouse = optional high resolution adapter Entry Conditions: A B X mouse resolution; in the most significant byte Y 0 1 $FF = leave current setting alone mouse port location; in the least significant byte 1 2 $FF = leave current setting alone key repeat start constant; in the most significant byte $00 $01-$FE $FF key repeat delay; in the least significant byte $00-$FE $FF = right port = left port = No key repeat = number of 1/60th second ticks before key repeat starts = leave current setting alone = number of 1/60th second ticks between key repeats = leave current setting alone Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • Because this function affects system-wide settings, it is best to use it from system configuration utilities and not from general application programs. • This call is handled by VTIO. 312 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual As of Ease of Use (EOU) Beta 5, the $FF (leave current setting alone) also works on mouse settings, not just keyboard. 313 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.UMBar                                                             Requests the high level menu manager to update the menu bar Function Code $95 Entry Conditions: A B path number $95 Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • An application can call SS.UMBar when it needs to redraw the menu bar information, such as when it enables or disables menus, or when it completes a window pull down and needs to restore the menu. • This call is handled by CoWin. 314 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DFPal                                                                          Sets the default palette register values Function Code $97 Entry Conditions: A B X path number $97 pointer to 16 bytes of palette data Exit Conditions:     X unchanged, bytes moved to system defaults Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • Use SS.DFPal to alter the system-wide palette register defaults. The system uses these defaults when it allocates a new screen using the DWSet command. • Because this function affects system wide settings, it is best to use it from system configuration utilities, not general application programs. • This call is handled by CoWin. 315 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Tone                                                                          Creates a sound through the terminal output device Function Code $98 path number $98 duration and amplitude (volume) of the tone LSB = duration in ticks (1/60th of a second) in the range 0-255 Entry Conditions: A B X MSB = amplitude (volume) of the tone in the range 0-63 Y relative frequency counter (0=low, 4095=high) bit 15: 1=8 bit volume (used on TC-9). Means MSB of X uses 0-255 (all 8 bits) Exit Conditions:     These are the same as the entry conditions. Error Output:     None Additional Information: • This call produces a programmed IO tone through the speaker of the monitor used by the terminal device. You can make the call on any valid path open to a VDG or a window device. • The system does not mask interrupts during the time the tone is being produced; however the calling process is paused until the tone is complete. • The frequency of the tone is a relative number ranging from 0 for a low frequency to 4095 for a high frequency. The widest variation of tones occurs at the high range of the scale. • This call is handled by VTIO/SndDrv or TC9IO. 316 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.GIP2                                                                          Set Global Input Parameters 2 Function Code $99 Entry Conditions: A B X MSB: 0xxxxxxx = Leave 2nd mouse button function unchanged path number $99 10xxxxxx = Disable 2nd mouse button as CLEAR key 11xxxxxx = Enable 2nd mouse button as CLEAR key xx0xxxxx = Leave current key click setting alone xx10xxxx = Disable key click on the current window xx11xxxx = Enable key click on the current window Y U LSB: $00 (reserved for future use) $0000 (reserved for future use) $0000 (reserved for future use) Exit Conditions:     none Error Output: CC carry set on error error code, if any B Additional Information: • Because this function can affect system-wide settings, it is best to use it from system configuration utilities. One exception is the key click, which affects the current window (via it’s path number) only. • Bits not defined for the X register seen above, and the Y and U registers, are reserved for future use, and should be all set to 0’s (thus leaving any future functions added as “unchanged”, and ensuring that current programs will still function correctly in the future, with an updated SS.GIP2 call. • This call is used to set other input parameters not handled by the SS.GIP call. • This call is handled by VTIO and some of it’s sub-modules. • If the 2nd mouse button is enabled as the CLEAR key, then if the 1 st mouse button is pressed at the time the 2nd button is clicked and released, it acts like SHIFT- CLEAR (reverse window direction). • This call was introduced in EOU Beta 6. It currently defaults to both of these (2nd mouse button function and key click) features being off. 317 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.CDSig                                                                                  Send Signal on Carrier Detect (CD) or DSR change Function Code $9A Entry Conditions:     A path number     B     X MSB: not used (set to 0)             LSB: signal code to send on DSR or CD change $9A Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error error code, if any     B Additional Information: • This call will send the calling process a signal if either the Carrier Detect (CD) or Data Set Ready (DSR) changes from the state when SS.CDSig was called. • This is a one shot signal call, and is released upon triggering. Therefore, this call must be made for each signal sent. • This call is handled in sc6551, sc6850, s16550 and other hardware based serial port drivers. 318 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.CDRel                                                                                  Release a pending SS.CDSig signal Function Code $9B Entry Conditions:     A path number     B $9B Exit Conditions:     None Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any Additional Information: • This call will cancel a pending SS.CDSig call, as long as the process ID number of the caller is the same process ID number that issued the original SS.CDSig call. • This call is handled in sc6551, sc6850, s16550 and other hardware based serial port drivers. 319 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.Fill                                                                          Pre-fill the SCF line edit buffer with data Function Code $A0 Entry Conditions: A B X Y MSB = Flags: Exit Conditions:     None path number $A0 Address of the data to pre-fill I$ReadLn buffer with high bit=0 = append carriage return to ReadLn buffer high bit=1 = do NOT append carriage return to ReadLn buffer LSB = number of bytes to pre-fill (maximum of 255) Additional Information: • This allows pre-loading the input (I$ReadLn) keyboard buffer on any SCF device (windows, VDG screens, serial ports) with data. This allows the SCF editing keys (if enabled) to immediately act on this data (including insert, delete, etc.). Use this to pre-load default data for prompt responses, for example. • The support module for this is SCF. 320 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ECC                                                                          Enable/Disable ECC corrected data errors Function Code $B0 Entry Conditions: A B X path number $B0 Change ECC error correction status: 0 = ECC error correction disabled 1 = ECC error correction enabled Exit Conditions:     None Additional Information: • This enables or disables ECC error correction for the WD1002-05 hard drive/floppy controller from Frank Hogg's Eliminator controller. • The support module for this is WDDisk. 321 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.FSet                                                                              Set FS2+ VIRQ Function Code $C7 path number $C7 Initial timer count (in 1/60th of a second clock ticks between signals) Reset count: $0000=one shot VIRQ, will not repeat $0001-$FFFF = number of 1/60th of a second clock ticks before re-signaling Entry Conditions: A B X Y U MSB : $00 (Reserved) LSB : Signal code to send Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any (if VRN's VIRQ table is full, you will received a Device Busy error) Additional Information: • This is an enhanced version of the original FS2 (Flight Simulator II) VIRQ SetStat • • call. For a one shot VIRQ, set the the number of 1/60th second ticks before the one VIRQ triggers in X, and set Y to 0. For a repeating VIRQ, you can either have it always trigger in the same number of clock ticks (set both X and Y to the same value), or you can set it up so that the first VIRQ will have a unique time count, and all subsequent VIRQ's will have a second, repeating time count (use X for the first time count, and Y for the repeating one). • Unlike the original FS2 VIRQ, you can define your own unique signal code in the lower byte of U. If you have multiple paths to /nil open, you can set different VIRQ timers to different signals, and deal with them separately. If you already have a signal set up for your current process and path numbers, you can re-issue this SetStat call with new values in X to (initial tick count), Y (repeating tick count) and U (signal code). This restarts the timer with the new • 322 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual intital and repeat tick counts, and also resets the total number of clock ticks and total number of signals sent (see SS.VCtr and SS.VSig GetStat calls). It is possible to open multiple paths from the same process, each with their own unique FS2 timer. • • This call is handled in VRN. 323 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.KSet                                                                              Set KQ3 VIRQ Function Code $C8 Entry Conditions: A B path number $C8 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B      error code, if any (if VRN's VIRQ table is full, you will received a Device Busy error) Additional Information: • Sets up a Sierra style VIRQ, which is a fixed signal code ($80 - S$KQ3Sig), and always sends the signal every 1/60th of a second. • There can be a maximum of 4 FS2/FS2+/KQ3 type signals installed in the system at one time, each with their own unique combination of Process ID number and path #. • There is no point in having multiple KQ3 signals defined for one process, as there is only one hardcoded signal code and timer value allowed. • No metrics are done for KQ3 signals (unlink FS2/FS2+) - no total tick count or total signals sent. • This call is handled in VRN. 324 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.KClr                                                                              Clears KQ3 VIRQ Function Code $C9 Entry Conditions: A B path number $C9 Exit Conditions:     none Error Output:     None Additional Information: • Clears/disables a Sierra style VIRQ (see the SS.Kset SetStat for details) • There can be a maximum of 4 FS2/FS2+/KQ3 type signals installed in the system at one time, each with their own unique combination of Process ID number and path number. • This call is handled in VRN. 325 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.ARAM                                                                Allocate contiguous RAM outside of user space Function Code $CA path number $CA Entry Conditions: A B X MSB : $00 (Reserved) LSB : number of contiguous 8K RAM blocks to allocate (from free low RAM) Starting block number of allocated RAM Exit Conditions: X     Error Output:     CC carry set on error     B    error code, if any Additional Information: • A Sierra memory allocation call, SS.ARAM will look for the specified number of contiguous 8K RAM blocks starting in low memory. • Each unique process ID number and path # can allocate it's own block, allowing a single process (using multiple paths) to allocate several chunks of memory that do not have to be contiguous between each other (but each chunk is contiguous within themselves). • 32 is the current limit of such allocations allowed, across the entire system. • This call is handled in VRN. 326 Chapter 9.System Calls NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual SS.DRAM                                                                De-allocates contiguous RAM outside of user space Function Code $CB Entry Conditions: A B path number $CB Exit Conditions: None    Error Output:     None Additional Information: • A Sierra memory allocation call, SS.DRAM will de-allocate previously allocated external RAM set up by the SS.ARAM call, based on the unique process ID number and path number combination that did the original allocate call. • No error is returned if you attempt to SS.DRAM a process/path number combination that never did a previous allocation. • This call is handled in VRN. 327 NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Appendices 328 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual A. System Module Diagrams Executable Memory Module Format RELATIVE ADDRESS CHECK RANGE $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D SYNC BYTES ($87, $CD) MODULE SIZE (BYTES) MODULE NAME OFFSET HEADER PARITY TYPE ATTRIBUTES LANGUAGE REVISION HEADER PARITY CHECK EXECUTION OFFSET PERMANENT STORAGE SIZE PERMANENT STORAGE SIZE MODULE CRC (Additional optional header extensions located here), then the Module Body (object code, constants, and so on) CRC CHECK VALUE 329 CHECK RANGE HEADER PARITY Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Device Descriptor Format RELATIVE ADDRESS $00 $01 $02 $03 $04 $05 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0A $0B $0C $0D $0E $0F $10 $11 $12,$12+n SYNC BYTES ($87, $CD) MODULE SIZE (BYTES) OFFSET TO MODULE NAME $F (TYPE) ATTRIBUTES $1 (LANGUAGE) REVISION HEADER PARITY CHECK OFFSET TO FILE MANAGER NAME STRING OFFSET TO DEVICE DRIVER NAME STRING MODE BYTE DEVICE CONTROLLER ABSOLUTE PHYSICAL ADDRESS (24 BIT) INITIALIZATION TABLE SIZE (INITIALIZATION TABLE) NAME STRINGS, AND SO ON CRC CHECK VALUE 330 CHECK RANGE HEADER PARITY MODULE CRC Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual INIT Module Format RELATIVE ADDRESS $00 SYNC BYTES ($87, $CD) MODULE SIZE (BYTES) MODULE NAME OFFSET $F (TYPE) ATTRIBUTES $1 (LANGUAGE) REVISION HEADER PARITY CHECK MAXIMUM FREE MEMORY # OF IRQ POLLING TABLE ENTRIES # OF DEVICE TABLE ENTRIES OFFSET TO INITIAL STARTUP MODULE NAME STRING (HI BIT TERMINATED, NORMALLY SYSGO) OFFSET TO DEFAULT MASS STORAGE DEVICE NAME STRING (HI BIT TERMINATED. NORMALLY /DD) OFFSET TO DEFAULT INTERACTIVE TERMINAL DEVICE NAME STRING (HI BIT TERMINATED, NORMALLY /TERM) OFFSET TO DEFAULT BOOTSTRAP MODULE NAME STRING (HI BIT TERMINATED, NORMALLY BOOT) WRITE PROTECT ENABLE FLAG (UNUSED ON COCO 3, SET TO $01) OPERATING SYSTEM LEVEL ($02 FOR LEVEL II) OPERATING SYSTEM VERSION # OPERATING SYSTEM MAJOR REVISION # OPERATING SYSTEM MINOR REVISION # $02 $04 $06 $07 $08 $09 $0C $0D $0E $10 $12 $14 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A 331 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual RELATIVE ADDRESS $1B $1C $1D $1F $21 $25 $26 $27 $28 $29 $2A $2B- n FEATURE BYTE 1 FEATURE BYTE 2 OFFSET TO OPERATING SYSTEM NAME STRING (NUL TERMINATED) (EXAMPLE ‘NITROS-9/6809 LEVEL2 V3.3.0’) OFFSET TO INSTALLATION NAME STRING (NUL TERMINATED) (EXAMPLE ‘TANDY COLOR COMPUTER 3’) RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE (SET TO $00) DEFAULT MONITOR TYPE DEFAULT MOUSE RESOLUTION DEFAULT MOUSE SIDE DEFAULT KEY REPEAT START CONSTANT DEFAULT KEY SPEED CONSTANT NAME STRINGS CRC CHECK VALUE CHECK RANGE MODULE CRC Additional Information: • The version #'s are raw binary, not ASCII format (example: Version 3 would be •                 $03, not $33) Feature byte 1 has the following bit flags currently defined: Bit 0 = XXXXXXX0 - CRC checking OFF Bit 0 = XXXXXXX1 - CRC checking ON Bit 1 = XXXXXX0X - 6809 processor Bit 1 = XXXXXX1X - 6309 processor Feature byte 2 is reserved for future use • • Default monitor type settings are defined as: 0=Composite, 1=RGB, 2=Monochrome. 332 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual • Default Mouse resolution settings are defined as: 0=low resolution, 1=high • Default Mouse Side settings are defined as: 0=left joystick port, 1=right joystick resolution interface port 333 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual B1. Standard Floppy Disk Format Color Computer 3 Physical Track Format Pattern Format Header pattern (once per track) Sector pattern (repeated 18 times) Bytes (Dec) 32 12 3 Value (Hex) $4E (Gap 1 MFM) $00 (Gap II MFM) $A1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 12 3 1 256 2 22 12 3 N $FE (ID Address Mark) Track number (base 0) Side number (base 0) Sector number (base 1) Sector length ($01=256 byte sector) Sector header CRC $4E $00 $A1 $FB (Data address mark) Data area Sector CRC $4E $00 $A1 $4E (fill to index mark) Trailer pattern (once per track) 334 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual B2. 20 Sector per Track Floppy Disk Format Color Computer 3 – FORMAT 20 format command Physical Track Format Pattern Format Header pattern (once per track) Bytes (Dec) 8 8 3 Value (Hex) $4E (Gap 1 MFM) $00 (Gap II MFM) $A1 Sector pattern (repeated 18 times) 1 1 1 1 1 2 28 3 1 256 2 1 3 N $FE (ID Address Mark) Track number (base 0) Side number (base 0) Sector number (base 1) Sector length ($01=256 byte sector) Sector header CRC $00 $A1 $FB (Data address mark) Data area Sector CRC $00 $A1 $4E (fill to index mark) Trailer pattern (once per track) 335 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual C. System Error Codes The error codes are show in both hexadecimal and decimal. The error codes listed include NitrOS-9 system error codes, BASIC09 error codes, and standard windowing system error codes. $B8 184 WINDOW ALREADY DEFINED—You tried to create a window that is Code HEX DEC 001 $01 $02 002 $03 003 $B7 183 $B9 $BA 185 186 $BB 187 $BD 189 $BE 190 $BF 191 $C0 192 $C1 193 $C2 194 $C3 195 Code Meaning UNCONDITIONAL ABORT—An error occurred from which NitrOS-9 cannot recover. All processes are terminated. KEYBOARD ABORT—You pressed BREAK to terminate the current operation. KEYBOARD INTERRUPT—You pressed SHIFT-BREAK either to cause the current operation to function as a background task with no video display or to cause the current task to terminate. ILLEGAL WINDOW TYPE—You tried to define a text type window for graphics or used illegal parameters. already established. FONT NOT FOUND—You tried to use a window font that does not exist. STACK OVERFLOW—Your process (or processes) requires more stack space than is available on the system. ILLEGAL ARGUMENT—You have used an argument with a command that is inappropriate. ILLEGAL COORDINATES—You have given coordinates to a graphics command that are outside the screen boundaries. INTERNAL INTEGRITY CHECK—System modules or data are changed and are no longer reliable. BUFFER SIZE TOO SMALL—The data you assigned to a buffer is larger than the buffer. ILLEGAL COMMAND—You have issued a command in a form unacceptable to NitrOS-9. SCREEN OR WINDOW TABLE IS FULL—You do not have enough room in the system window table to keep track of any more windows or screens. BAD/UNDEFINED BUFFER NUMBER—You have specified an illegal or undefined buffer number. ILLEGAL WINDOW DEFINITION—You have tried to give a window illegal 336 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code HEX DEC Code Meaning parameters. $C4 196 WINDOW UNDEFINED—You have tried to access a window that you have $C8 200 $C9 201 $CA 202 $CB 203 $CC 204 $CD 205 not yet defined. PATH TABLE FULL—NitrOS-9 cannot open the file because the system path table is full. ILLEGAL PATH NUMBER—The path number is too large or you specified a non-existent path. INTERRUPT POLLING TABLE FULL—Your system cannot handle an interrupt request because the polling table does not have room for more entries. ILLEGAL MODE—The specified device cannot perform the indicated input or output function. DEVICE TABLE FULL—The device table does not have enough room for another device. ILLEGAL MODULE HEADER—NitrOS-9 cannot load the specified module because its sync code, header parity, or Cyclic Redundancy Code is incorrect. $CE 206 MODULE DIRECTORY FULL—The module directory does not have enough room for another module entry. $CF 207 MEMORY FULL—Process address space is full or your computer does not $D0 208 have sufficient memory to perform the specified task. ILLEGAL SERVICE REQUEST—The current program has issued a system call containing an illegal code number. $D1 209 MODULE BUSY—Another process is already using a non-shareable $D2 210 $D3 211 $D4 212 $D5 213 $D6 214 module. BOUNDARY ERROR—NitrOS-9 has received a memory allocation or deallocation request that is not on a page boundary. END OF FILE—A read operation has encountered an end-of-file character and has terminated. RETURNING NON-ALLOCATED MEMORY—The current operation has attempted to deallocate memory not previously assigned. NON-EXISTING SEGMENT—The file structure of the specified device is damaged. NO PERMISSION—The attributes of the specified file or device do not permit the requested access. 337 $DD 221 MODULE NOT FOUND—The system received a request to link a module Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code Meaning BAD PATHNAME—The specified pathlist contains a syntax error; for instance, an illegal character. PATH NAME NOT FOUND—The system cannot find the specified pathlist. SEGMENT LIST FULL—The specified file is too fragmented for further expansion. FILE ALREADY EXISTS—The specified filename already exists in the specified directory. ILLEGAL BLOCK ADDRESS—The file structure of the specified device is damaged. PHONE HANGUP-DATA CARRIER LOST—The data carrier detect is lost on the RS-232 port. that is not in the specified directory. SECTOR OUT OF RANGE—A disk sector number was specified that does not exist. SUICIDE ATTEMPT—The current operation has attempted to return to the memory location of the stack. ILLEGAL PROCESS NUMBER—The specified process does not exist. NO CHILDREN—The system has issued a wait service request but the current process has no dependent process to execute. ILLEGAL SWI CODE—The system received a software interrupt code that is less than 1 or greater than 3. PROCESS ABORTED—The system received a signal Code 2 to terminate the current process. PROCESS TABLE FULL—A fork request cannot execute because the process table has no room for more entries. ILLEGAL PARAMETER AREA—A fork call has passed incorrect high and low bounds. KNOWN MODULE—The specified module is for internal use only. INCORRECT MODULE CRC—The CRC for the module being accessed is bad. SIGNAL ERROR—The receiving process has a previous, unprocessed signal pending. NON-EXISTENT MODULE—The system cannot locate the specified module. BAD NAME—The specified device, file, or module name is illegal. Code HEX DEC 215 $D7 $D8 $D9 216 217 $DA 218 $DB 219 $DC 220 $DE 222 $DF 223 $E0 $E2 224 226 $E3 227 $E4 228 $E5 229 $E6 230 $E7 $E8 $E9 $EA $EB 231 232 233 234 235 338 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code Meaning BAD HEADER—The specified module header parity is incorrect. RAM FULL—No free system random access memory is available: the system address space is full, or there is no physical memory available when requested by the operating system in the system state. UNKNOWN PROCESS ID—The specified process ID number is incorrect. NO TASK NUMBER AVAILABLE—All available task numbers are in use. Code HEX DEC $EC 236 $ED 237 $EE $EF 238 239 339 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual D. Basic09 Error Codes Code Meaning Code HEX DEC 010 $0A $0B $0C 011 012 $0D 013 $0E $0F 014 015 $10 016 $11 $12 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $1A $1B $1C UNRECOGNIZED SYMBOL – a symbol that is not part of a identifier, line number, operator, keyword or constant has been found EXCESSIVE VERBIAGE - too many keywords or symbols ILLEGAL STATEMENT CONSTRUCTION – An expression or statement is invalid (example: a:=b+*/c) I-CODE OVERFLOW - You have ran out of workspace memory for the actual code, and need to allocate more ILLEGAL PATH NUMBER - Bad Path number given ILLEGAL MODE - read/write/update/dir only allowed, and you are also not allowed to CREATE a directory in BASIC09 (you will have to use the system call). ILLEGAL NUMBER – A number is out of range for the intended purpose (example: trying to use an array element number not between 1 and 32767) ILLEGAL PREFIX ILLEGAL OPERAND – you have used an operand that can’t be used in the context you tried (example: attempting to add a variable name to a procedure name) ILLEGAL OPERATOR ILLEGAL RECORD FIELD NAME – You have specified a record field name that is not part of the TYPE statement. ILLEGAL DIMENSION ILLEGAL LITERAL – You have specified a non-literal value where one is required (example: you can’t do PARAM n,a(n):INTEGER; the ‘n’ in a(n) has to be an actual number). ILLEGAL RELATIONAL ILLEGAL TYPE SUFFIX - You have tried to DIM a variable with a non- existent variable type, or non-existent TYPE statement TOO-LARGE DIMENSION TOO-LARGE LINE NUMBER – Line numbers can only be from 1 to 32767. 025 026 027 MISSING ASSIGNMENT STATEMENT 028 MISSING PATH NUMBER 340 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code Meaning Code HEX DEC $1D 029 MISSING COMMA $1E $1F the corresponding DO 030 MISSING DIMENSION 031 MISSING 'DO' STATEMENT - you have issued a WHILE statement without $21 $22 $23 $24 $25 $26 $28 $29 $2A $2B $2E $2F $30 $31 $32 $33 $34 $20 032 MEMORY FULL - You have run out of workspace memory (for your variables), and need to allocate more 033 MISSING GOTO 034 MISSING LEFT PARENTHESIS 035 MISSING LINE REFERENCE 036 MISSING OPERAND 037 MISSING RIGHT PARENTHESIS 038 MISSING THEN STATEMENT - You have issued an IF statement without a $27 039 MISSING TO - You have issued a FOR statement without the corresponding corresponding THEN TO 040 MISSING VARIABLE REFERENCE 041 044 MULTIPLY-DEFINED PROCEDURE $2C $2D 045 042 043 046 047 048 049 050 051 052 NO ENDING QUOTE - You have issued a statement (like PRINT) that has a starting quote, with no ending quote TOO MANY SUBSCRIPTS UNKNOWN PROCEDURE - You have to tried to RUN a procedure that doesn't exist DIVIDE BY ZERO - You have attempted to divide a number by 0, which is not allowed OPERAND TYPE MISMATCH STRING STACK OVERFLOW UNIMPLEMENTED ROUTINE - You should never see this UNDEFINED VARIABLE FLOATING OVERFLOW LINE WITH COMPILER ERROR VALUE OUT OF RANGE FOR DESTINATION - You have done something like attempting to use a large REAL number with PRINT USING in INTEGER format SUBROUTINE STACK OVERFLOW $35 053 341 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code Meaning Code HEX DEC 054 $36 055 $37 $38 056 057 $39 058 $3A 059 $3B $3C 060 $3D 061 062 $3E 063 $3F $40 $41 $42 $43 $44 $45 066 067 068 069 $46 070 $47 $48 $49 071 072 073 $4A 074 SUBROUTINE STACK UNDERFLOW SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE - You have attempted to use an array element number beyond what it was DIMmed for PARAMETER ERROR - You have either passed the wrong number of parameters, or the wrong variable type(s), to a procedure SYSTEM STACK OVERFLOW I/O TYPE MISMATCH I/O NUMERIC INPUT FORMAT BAD I/O CONVERSION: NUMBER OUT OF RANGE ILLEGAL INPUT FORMAT I/O FORMAT REPEAT ERROR I/O FORMAT SYNTAX ERROR - You have specified a PRINT USING format code that doesn't exist ILLEGAL PATH NUMBER 064 065 WRONG NUMBER OF SUBSCRIPTS – The subscripts you are trying to use do not match the original DIM statement NON RECORD TYPE OPERAND ILLEGAL ARGUMENT – Can be returned from a subroutine module, or by doing things like trying to compare to array names (as whole arrays) ILLEGAL CONTROL STRUCTURE UNMATCHED CONTROL STRUCTURE - You have have only specified the beginning, or the end, of a control structure (WHILE/DO, REPEAT/UNTIL, etc.), instead of both beginning and end ILLEGAL FOR VARIABLE - You have attempted a FOR/NEXT loop with a variable that is not INTEGER or REAL ILLEGAL EXPRESSION TYPE ILLEGAL DECLARATIVE STATEMENT ARRAY SIZE OVERFLOW - You have tried to DIM too many elements for a variable UNDEFINED LINE NUMBER - You have attempted a GOTO or GOSUB to a line number that does not exist $4B 075 MULTIPLY-DEFINED LINE NUMBER – a duplicate line number was found. This can ONLY happen when the source was edited outside of BASIC09 itself. 342 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual Code Meaning Code HEX DEC $4C $4D 077 $4E $4F $50 076 MULTIPLY-DEFINED VARIABLE - You have attempted to DIM the same variable name more than once. ILLEGAL INPUT VARIABLE - You have attempted to use INPUT with a TYPE name versus a variable name SEEK OUT OF RANGE 078 079 MISSING DATA STATEMENT 080 I/O BUFFER OVERFLOW (PRINT BUFFER OVERFLOW) - You shouldn't normally see this, as it should be handled internally in BASIC09 / RUNB 343 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual E. Device Driver Error Codes I/O device drivers generate the following error codes. In most cases, the codes are hardware-dependent. Consult your device manual for more details. Code Meaning Code HEX DEC 240 $F0 241 $F1 242 WRITE PROTECT—The specified device is write-protected. $F2 243 $F3 UNIT ERROR—The specified device unit does not exist. SECTOR ERROR—The specified sector number is out of range. $F4 244 CRC ERROR—A Cyclic Redundancy Code error occurred on a read or write verify. READ ERROR—A data transfer error occurred during a disk read operation, or there is a SCN (terminal) input buffer overrun. 245 WRITE ERROR—An error occurred during a write operation. 246 247 NOT READY—The device specified has a not ready status. SEEK ERROR—The system attempted a seek operation on a non-existent sector. $F8 248 MEDIA FULL—The specified media has insufficient free space for the operation. 250 251 249 WRONG TYPE—An attempt is made to read incompatible media (for instance an attempt to read double-side disk on single-side drive). DEVICE BUSY—A non-shareable device is in use. DISK ID CHANGE—You changed diskettes when one or more files are open. RECORD IS LOCKED-OUT—Another process is accessing the requested record. NON-SHAREABLE FILE BUSY—Another process is accessing the requested file. I/O DEADLOCK—Two processes have attempted to gain control of the same disk area at the same time. 254 252 253 $F5 $F6 $F7 $F9 $FA $FB $FC $FD $FE 344 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual F. VIRQ Example Code NOTE: The following code examples are incomplete and only used to illustrate the relevant VIRQ code. *VIRQ Example #1 - Device Driver possessing real IRQ's *Copyright 1985,1986 by Microware Systems *Reproduced Under License use defsfile *actual mask byte for hardware interrupt IRQReq set 1000000 Interrupt Request *offset to the actual hardware status register Status equ 1 *VIRQ countdown value VIRQCNT equ 1 do the VIRQ on every tick ****************** *Static storage offsets org V.SCF room for scf variables VIRQBUF rmb 5 buffer for fake interrupt from clock MEM equ . Total static storage requirement *************** *Module Header fcb UPDAT. mod MEND,NAM,DRIVR+OBJCT,REENT+1,ENT,MEM fcb Edition Current Revision ************************* *Driver entry jump table ENT lbra INIT lbra READ lbra WRITE lbra GETSTA lbra PUTSTA bra TRMNAT *Actual mask information for F$IRQ call for the 345 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual *hardware interrupt MASK fcb 0 no flip bits fcb IRQReg Irq polling mas fcb 10 (higher) priority **************** *Init *Initialize the device *Includes setting up the IRQ and VIRQ entries * INIT *Install IRQ polling Table Entry first *Use the hardware status register and the hardware *mask ldd V.PORT,U get port address in D addd #Status point to hardware status byte leax MASK,PCR get the hardware interrupt mask leay MIRQ,PCR address of interrupt service routine OS9 F$IRQ Add to IRQ polling table bcs INIT9 error - return it *Install VIRQ in Clock Module second * leay VIRQBUF,U get the 5 byte VIRQ buffer pointer lda #$80 get reset flag for repeated VIRQ's sta Vi.Stat,y put it into buffer ldd #VIRQCNT get count for number of ticks for the VIRQ std Vi.Rst,y put in initial reset value ldx #1 put onto table os9 F$VIRQ make the service request bcs INIT9 Error - return it INIT9 rts READ WRITE GETSTA PUTSTA **************** *Subroutine TRMNAT *Terminate device, including removal from tables TRMNAT *remove from VIRQ table first ldx #0 remove from VIRQ table leay VIRQBUF,U get address os9 F$VIRQ remove modem from VIRQ table 346 •VIRQ Example #2 - Device Driver without hardware interrupts Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual *next remove from IRQ table ldx #0 OS9 F$IRQ remove modem from polling tbl rts **************** *MIRQ *process Interrupt MDIRQ rts emod Module Crc MEND egu * **************** *STATIC STORAGE DEFINITION * VIRQBF rmb 5 buffer for VIRQ DMEM equ . **************** *Module Header mod DEND,DNAM,DRIVR+OBJCT,REENT+REV,DENT,DMEM fcb UPDAT. mode byte fcb 3 EDITION BYTE *Driver entry table DENT lbra INIT initialize lbra READ lbra WRITE lbra GETSTAT get status lbra SETSTAT set status lbra TERM terminate *Mask information packet for F$IRQ call *NOTE: uses the virtual interrupt flag, Vi.IFlag, for *the mask byte 347 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual DMSK fcb 0 no flip bits fcb Vi.IFlag polling mask for VIRQ fcb 10 priority **************** *INITIALIZE STORAGE AND CONTROLLER *Includes setting up the IRQ and VIRQ table entries INIT *set up IRQ table entry first *NOTE: uses the status register of the VIRQ buffer for *the interrupt status register since no hardware status *register is available leay VIRQBF+Vi.Stat,U get address of status byte tfr y,d put it into D reg leay DIRQ,PCR getaddress of interrupt routine leax DMSK,PCR get VIRQ mask info os9 F$IRQ install onto table bcs INIT9 exit on error *now set up the VIRQ table entry leay VIRQBF,U point to the 5-byte packet lda #$80 get the reset flag to repeat VIRQ's sta Vi.Stat,y save it in the buffer ldd #VIRQCNT get the VIRQ counter value std Vi.Rst,y save it in the reset area of buffer ldx #1 code to install the VIRQ os9 F$VIRQ install on the table bcs INIT9 exit on error INIT9 rts READ WRITE GETSTAT PUTSTAT **************** *TERM - terminate the device and remove entries from *tables TERM 348 Appendices NitrOS-9 EOU Technical Reference Manual *remove from VIRQ table first ldx #0 get zero to remove from table leay VIRQBF,U get address of packet os9 F$VIRQ ldx #0 get zero to remove from table os9 F$IRQ rts *then remove from IRQ table *DIRQ-interrupt service routine *NOTE : The service routine must be sure to reset the *status byte of the VIRQ packet so that t he interrupt *looks as if it is cleared. DIRQ lda VIRQBF+Vi.Stat,U get status byte anda #$FF-Vi.IFlag mask off interrupt bit sta VIRQBF+Vi.Stat,U put it back rts EMOD DEND equ * END 349 ===== RTS ===== Return to [[:Top:]] or [[:NitrOS9EOU:]]