====== NITROS-9 EASE OF USE BETA 5 WITH DRIVEWIRE ====== ===== TURN BACK NOW ===== Unless you are willing to break things and set them on fire - it's best to avoid this page and go to the real best place to start for NitrOS-9 Ease of Use ... the **OFFICIAL** project site: [[http://www.lcurtisboyle.com/nitros9/nitros9.html|NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Project]] (lcurtisboyle.com) EOU Beta 6 released 2020-12-24 contains easy-to-enable DriveWire ... just use swapboot! The steps below are now no longer necessary and will be kept for personal historical reference, but should **NOT** be used for new installs! ===== CAVEAT EMPTOR DISCLAIMER ===== Everything below is entirely **UNOFFICIAL** and experimental. The steps below worked for me (about the 30th time) which is no guarantee they will work for you. I remove windows 8 through 14, the normal clock2 module, and the RAMdisk support. These changes may **BREAK** Ease of Use items which Curtis and Bill have working. Please do NOT report any issues with this hackery-foo to them that cannot be replicated using the official Ease of Use distribution files. As they say for do-it-yourself: "You broke it, you own both halves." ===== CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE ===== Many thanks to: **L. Curtis Boyle**, **Bill Nobel** and many more contributors past and present for NitrOS-9 "Ease of Use" Edition. **L. Curtis Boyle**, **Bill Nobel**, **Aaron Wolfe**, **Boisy Pitre**, **Tim Linder**, **Tormod Volden** and many more contributors past and present for NitrOS-9. **Boisy Pitre**, **Michael Furman**, and many more contributors past and present for Drivewire and PyDriveWire. [[https://gitlab.com/leeperk/trs-80-color-computer/-/wikis/NitrOS-9-Drivewire-Telnet|Lee Perkins' TRS-80 Color Computer Wiki]] and **@Tandy Color Computer 3** on the Discord for the initial steps and clues on how to get this working together. ===== WHAT YOU NEED ===== Here's a rundown of the parts I put together to make this work: A PyDriveWire server: * [[https://raspberrypi.org|Raspberry Pi 3]] with power/etc * Raspbian Linux for Raspberry Pi (available from the link above) PyDriveWire: * [[https://www.pypy.org/|Python In Python]] to run pyDriveWire * [[https://pypi.org/project/pyserial/|pyserial]] for Python to speak to serial ports * [[https://github.com/n6il/pyDriveWire|pyDriveWire]] * (optional) [[https://github.com/n6il/DwTerm|DwTerm]] for testing CoCo Connection: * Drivewire Cable - available from [[http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmarlette/Cloud-9/Hardware/Cables.html|Cloud9]] * Serial to USB Cable - many are available through online sellers - for PC or Raspberry Pi A CoCo: * A Tandy Color Computer 3: * [[http://www.frontiernet.net/~mmarlette/Cloud-9/Hardware/CoCo3.html|Cloud 9]] provides CoCo3 with Hitachi 6309, Protector, and Triad+ 512K/2MB upgrade as a package * [[https://boysontech.com/|BoysonTech]] can refit CoCo3's with a 6309 and the Boomerang E2 Memory * A [[https://thezippsterzone.com/2018/05/08/coco-sdc/|CoCoSDC]] SD card reader and SD card NitrOS-9: * [[https://sourceforge.net/projects/nitros9/|NitrOS-9 Level 2 v3.3.0]] which contains DriveWire modules * [[http://www.lcurtisboyle.com/nitros9/nitros9.html|NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Beta 5]] ===== GETTING STARTED ===== * Setup the Raspberry Pi and Raspbian according to their documents * My DriveWire connection connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 * Setup pyDriveWire according to the extensive documentation * Setup the CoCo3 and CoCoSDC according to those documents * Copy the SDCEXP.DSK to the top level of your SD card * SDCARD: /SDCEXP.DSK * Copy the **nos96309l2v030300coco3_dw.dsk** from NitroOS9 L2 V3.3.0 repo to your SD card: * SDCARD: /NITROS9/NOSL2330.VHD * Copy the 63SDC.VHD and EOU_User.VHD from Ease of Use to the SD Card * SDCARD: /NITROS9/63SDC.VHD * SDCARD: /NITROS9/EOU_USER.VHD Create an SDCARD **/startup.cfg** to load the NitrOS-9 Level 2 V3.3.0 and the Ease of Use User's hard disk images SDCARD /startup.cfg 0=NITROS9/NOSL2330.VHD 1=NITROS9/EOU_USER.VHD For now, we don't need the Pi - we can do the first part on the CoCo itself. ===== COPYING NITROS-9 DRIVEWIRE ===== With the POWER OFF, put the SDcard into the CoCoSDC and the CoCoSDC into the CoCo 3. Power on and use DOS command to start NitrOS-9 booting. Enter the time and date. Once you arrive at the NitrOS-9 command prompt: dir /h1 makdir /h1/dw chd /dd/nitros9/6809_l2/modules/clocks copy clock2_dw /h1/dw/clock2_dw chd /dd/nitros9/6809_l2/modules/scf copy scdwv.dr /h1/dw/scdwvr.dr copy n_scdwv.dd /h1/dw/n_scdwv.dd copy n1_scdwv.dd /h1/dw/n1_scdwv.dd copy n2_scdwv.dd /h1/dw/n2_scdwv.dd copy n3_scdwv.dd /h1/dw/n3_scdwv.dd copy n4_scdwv.dd /h1/dw/n4_scdwv.dd copy scdwp.dr /h1/dw/scdwp.dr copy p_scdwp.dd /h1/dw/p_sdcwp.dd chd /dd/nitros9/6809_l2/modules/rbf copy rbdw.dr /h1/dw/rbdw.dr copy dwio.sb /h1/dw/dwio.sb copy x0.dd /h1/dw/x0.dd copy x1.dd /h1/dw/x1.dd copy x2.dd /h1/dw/x2.dd copy x3.dd /h1/dw/x3.dd Now we've built a folder on the EOU_USER.VHD with NitrOS-9 Drivewire bits in it. dir /h1/dw Make sure all of the pieces are there. With the CoCoSDC light *off* (when all writes are complete) - power off the CoCo. ===== CONFIGURING EASE OF USE ===== Next, configure your SDcard **/startup.cfg** to mount both Ease of Use images: 0=NITROS9/63SDC.VHD 1=NITROS9/EOU_USER.VHD Put the SDcard back into the CoCo 3 and power it up. Use the DOS command to boot NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Beta 5. Once it is fully booted... ===== /DD/STARTUP ===== Use VED to edit the /dd/startup file. Cursor down to the **setime<>>>/1** line and type a * and space at the beginning of the line to comment it out. Cursor down to the end of the file and add the following lines: echo Starting inetd... iniz w15 inetd <>>>/w15& Use ALT+Q to save and exit /dd/startup ===== OS9BOOT ===== Last but not least comes the big step - building a new OS9boot file with DriveWire pieces in it. kwikgen #48k Use [L]oad to bring in modules from OS9boot on device dd. Use [D] to delete the following modules: * clock2 * w8 through w14 * rammer * r0 This will free up enough space for DriveWire modules. Next insert the following modules: * Insert after rbf * Module path /h1/dw * Module rbdw.dr * Insert after rbdw: dwio.sb * Insert after dwio: x0.dd * Insert after x0: x1.dd * Insert after x1: x2.dd * Insert after x2: x3.dd * Insert after clock: clock2_dw * Insert after clock2: scdwv.dr * Insert after scdwv: n_scdwv.dd * Insert after n: n1_scdwv.dd * Insert after n: n2_scdwv.dd * Insert after n: n3_scdwv.dd * Insert after n: n4_scdwv.dd Use the [W] to write the new OS9boot Yes, write Kernel to track 34. Get kernel from dd Yes overwrite. ===== BUCKLE UP ===== Now for the proof in the pudding. Power up your Raspberry Pi and start PyDriveWire with a mounted NitrOS-9 disk. Here's the pyDriveWire runtime configuration file I use as starting point for yours: >>> more /home/me/.pydrivewirerc option daemonPidFile /tmp/pydrivewire.pid option daemonLogFile /tmp/pydrivewire.log # option port 65504 # option accept True option uiPort 6800 option port /dev/ttyUSB0 option speed 115200 dw disk insert 0 /home/me/NOSL2330.DSK Power up your CoCo. At the OK prompt, simply hit DOS to boot NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Beta 5. ===== TEST 1: TIME ===== The first way to know if its working is that you see the "Loading utilities" message and that you are NOT prompted to set the date and time. The DriveWire clock module is doing that for you. ===== TEST 2: FILES ===== Once the Shell prompt comes up, a dir /x0 should show the content of the image you have attached on the pyDriveWire server. ===== TEST 3: TELNET ===== When inetd starts on window 15, you should see a notice on the pyDriveWire server that port 6809 (telnet) and port 8080 (http) are starting. From the pyDriveWire server you should be able to to telnet to CoCo3: \\ telnet localhost 6809 While logged in over telnet, here's an example of an mdir to see all of the modules I have: \\ {{:tandy_color_computer:nitros9dw.png?direct&600|}} ===== DOWNLOAD ===== In the spirit of "Ease of Use" here is an image of the Beta 5 63SDC Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) with the above changes already applied, "ready to boot". {{ :tandy_color_computer:63sdc_eoub5_dw-20200505-1143.vhd.gz |}} This image is provided as a convenience only, and I am not responsible for any damage you might cause yourself with it. Download at your own risk. No support is provided - for any issues, please revert to the official Ease of Use distribution. ===== COMMUNITY SUPPORT ===== Join us on the #nitros9eou channel on the [[https://discord.cocotalk.live|Tandy Color Computer Discord]] server. ===== RTS ===== Return to [[:Tandy Color Computer:]]