====== COCOSDC ====== Darren Atkinson designed and released an amazing floppy drive emulator for the CoCo called the CoCoSDC. * SD card storage * Disk Extended Color BASIC compatible SDC-DOS ROM * Drives 0/1 can emulate floppies or hard disk images from SD card * Auto-boot support * Multi-disk floppy switching via convenient button * Drives 2/3 support Drivewire file operations * Direct access mode for applications to directly work with SD card content [[https://cocosdc.blogspot.com/|CoCoSDC firmware and documentation site]] [[https://cocosdc.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.html|Using the Flash]] ===== PURCHASING ===== [[https://thezippsterzone.com/2020/06/25/the-coco-sdc/|The CoCoSDC at ZippsterZone.com]] \\ [[https://retrorewind.ca/coco-sdc|The CoCoSDC available at RetroRewind.ca]] \\ ===== APPLICATIONS ===== [[https://colorcomputerarchive.com/repo/Programming/Source/Coco%20SDC%20Explorer/|SDC Explorer (SDCX)]] by Guillaume Major \\ [[https://colorcomputerarchive.com/repo/Disks/Utilities/|SDC Flash]] in Disks/Utilities, by Guillaume Major \\ [[https://thezippsterzone.com/2018/05/14/coco-sdc-media-player/|CoCo SDC media player]] by Ed "Zippster" Snider \\ ===== RTS ===== Return to [[:Tandy Color Computer:]]