====== GAME MASTER CART ====== The Game Master Cart is a flash ROM cartridge with the Texas Instruments [[wp>SN76489AN]] [[Digital Complex Sound Generator]] ([[DCSG]]) ===== INTRODUCTION / TUTORIAL VIDEOS ===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikxREIHVk9k|GMC Demo1]] - Demo and technical information \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrxqOz7dJ5I|GMC Demo2]] - Creating Sound from Extended Color Basic \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A55D64fqu8|GMC Demo3]] - Creating Sound from Extended Color Basic \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzyDPGONsbw|GMC Demo4]] - Understanding Bank Switched ROM ===== DEMOS ===== [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGaaDpZ-M3c|GMC Demo]] - Demo in Extended Color Basic \\ [[https://github.com/sorchard001/cyd-gmc|SN76489 Music Player based on CyD]] \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sEQDIsG4c8|Demo of cyd_gmc on real hardware]] \\ ===== GMC-ENABLED APPS AND GAMES ===== [[https://fahrfall.blogspot.com/|Fahrfall: Master Edition]] by John W. Linville, creator of the GMC \\ [[https://www.facebook.com/groups/1606095809633762/permalink/2575230362720297/|Fahrfall: Pandemic Edition]] with new music, also by John W. Linville \\ [[https://www.6809.org.uk/dunjunz/gmc.shtml|Dunjunz Game Master Edition]] by Ciaran Anscomb, author of [[https://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/|Xroar]] Dragon and CoCo emulator \\ [[https://www.6809.org.uk/blockdown/|Blockdown]] also by Ciaran Anscomb \\ [[https://www.softmotion3d.net/|Treasure Island Defence]] by Sheldon MacDonald \\ [[https://returnofthebeast.blogspot.com/p/further-information.html|Return of the Beast]] by Stewart Orchard \\ [[https://tektodd.com/coco-chiptunes-player-v1-6-released-gmc-and-cocopsg-support/|CoCo Chiptunes Player]] by Todd "Lord Dragon" Wallace \\ In Development: [[https://youtu.be/7A5eNLZwh7c?t=6908|'Kiruke no Shima' or 'Circe's Island']] by Steve Bamford \\ ===== PROGRAMMING ===== [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/17JzrNqIHZaFmtHEeFSevpkJtbWOn2-2EjxMB2cQlxsY/edit|Programming the Game Master Cartridge]] - Start here documentation \\ [[http://www.6809.org.uk/tmp/testgmc/|testgmc]] - detect if Game Master Cartridge is present \\ [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nJHDK1-_18M0ht6VB5JNOGE1ze6J8Lp2/view|gmcdemo.bas]] - demo of the GMC \\ [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LpS0YEg0PChBnlnu2YxNZocb0eEd3xlm/view|gmctool.bas]] - basic tooling for the GMC \\ [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekKKBsg8aSY|Basic tools for GMC]] \\ ===== GMC RESOURCES ===== [[https://www.cocopedia.com/wiki/index.php/Game_Master_Cart|Game Master Cart]] on CoCopedia \\ [[https://www.vintageisthenewold.com/game-master-cartridge-enables-better-games-for-coco/|Game Master Cartridge Enables Better Games for Coco]] - introductory article about the cartridge \\ [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ffwWEZ-PByPKaEcATl0f8cmBhJ4628WK1W8Dk9otXt4/edit|Game Master 1.0 to 2.0 Update Notes]] \\ ===== FLASH ROM RESOURCES ===== [[https://archive.org/details/rainbowmagazine-1990-06/page/n57/mode/2up|Breaking the 32K Barrier]] by Greg Zumwalt, Rainbow Magazine, June 1990 page 58 \\ ===== DCSG RESOURCES ===== [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Instruments_SN76489|Texas Instruments SN76489AN]] \\ [[http://www.smspower.org/Development/SN76489|SN76489 Development]] \\ [[https://www.zeridajh.org/articles/me_sn76489_sound_chip_details/|SN76489 sound chip details]] by John Kortink \\ ===== MY EXAMPLE CODE ===== Play a musical scale with your Game Master Cart with 6809 assembly code: [[testgmc.asm]] ===== GAME MASTER CARTRIDGE COMMUNITY ===== If you would like to discuss tips, tricks, coding, and more for the Game Master Cartridge and its bank switching or DCSG sound, join us on the [[http://https://discord.com/invite/4J5nHXm|CoCo Discord]] in the [[https://discord.com/channels/301741082600013824/396357729985232896|SOUND / #cocogmc]] channel. ===== SIMILAR PROJECTS ===== [[https://archive.org/details/article-ea-1983-08-compumuse|CompuMuse Music Synthesizer]] by Peter Vernon in ELECTRONICS Australia August 1983 \\ [[SirSound]] by Allen Huffman \\ ===== RTS ===== Return to [[:Tandy Color Computer:]]