====== SUPER EXTENDED BASIC ====== 1986 2.0 / 2.1 \\ If the ROM for Disk Extended BASIC 1.0 is found at $C000-$DFFF then it is copied into RAM, patched with a 1.0 compatible patch, and the word "Disk" as added to the beginning of the Super Extended BASIC signon banner along with copyright 1981, 1986. If the ROM for Disk Extended BASIC 1.1 is found at address $C000-$DFFF then it is copied into RAM and Super Extended BASIC adds "Disk" to the sign on and uses 2.1 as its version number rather than the default 2.0, along with copyright 1982, 1986. ===== COMMANDS ===== ^ ADDRESS ^ TOKEN ^ KEYWORD ^ DESCRIPTION ^ | F636 | E2 | [[WIDTH]] | Sets the text screen to resolution n | | E5F0 | E3 | [[PALETTE]] | Resets the palette registers to the standard colors for a composite monitor or a television set or for an RGB monitor | | E688 | E4 | [[HSCREEN]] | Selects a high-resolution graphics screen mode | | E545 | E5 | [[LPOKE]] | Stores a value (0-255) in a virtual memory location (0-524287 decimal or 0-$7FFFF hexadecimal) | | E6CF | E6 | [[HCLS]] | Clears the high-resolution graphics screen to a specified color | | E6F4 | E7 | [[HCOLOR]] | Sets foreground and background color on the high-resolution graphics screen | | EBF5 | E8 | [[HPAINT]] | Paints an area on the high-resolution graphics screen | | EA49 | E9 | [[HCIRCLE]] | Draws a circle on the high-resolution graphics screen | | E882 | EA | [[HLINE]] | Draws a line on the high-resolution graphics screen | | EDE5 | EB | [[HGET]] | Stores a rectangle that is on the high-resolution graphics screen into a buffer previously set up by the [[HBUFF]] command for future use by the [[HPUT]] command | | EDED | EC | [[HPUT]] | Copies graphics from a buffer to a rectangle on the high-resolution graphics screen | | ED58 | ED | [[HBUFF]] | Reserves an area in memory for high-resolution graphics | | EF3F | EE | [[HPRINT]] | Prints message on high-resolution graphics screen | | E3D4 | EF | [[ERR]] | Jumps to line number when an error occurs | | E3E6 | F0 | [[BRK]] | Jumps to line number when the [BREAK] key is pressed | | F8D2 | F1 | [[LOCATE]] | Moves the hhigh-resolution text screen cursor to position x, y | | F925 | F2 | [[HSTAT]] | Returns information regarding the high-resolution text screen cursor to variables v1, v2, v2, and v4 | | E761 | F3 | [[HSET]] | Sets point x,y on the high-resolution graphics screen to color c. | | E765 | F4 | [[HRESET]] | Resets a point on the high-resolution graphics screen to the background color | | F39D | F5 | [[HDRAW]] | Draws a line on the high-resolution graphics screen as specified by string | | E676 | F6 | [[PALETTE|CMP]] | Resets the palette registers to the standard colors for a composite monitor or a television set | | E674 | F7 | [[PALETTE|RGB]] | Resets the palette registers to the standard colors for an RGB monitor| | F9B9 | F8 | [[ATTR]] | Sets display attributes of a high-resolution text screen | | E573 | FFA8 | [[LPEEK]] | Returns a value (0-255) in a virtual memory location (0-524287 decimal or 0-$7FFFF hexadecimal) | | E5B1 | FFA9 | [[BUTTON]] | Returns 1 if Joystick Button n is being pressed | | E85C | FFAA | [[HPOINT]] | Returns information on point x,y from the high-resolution graphics screen | | E4E9 | FFAB | [[ERNO]] | Return the BASIC error number for the error that has occurred | | E4FD | FFAC | [[ERLIN]] | Returns the BASIC line number where an error has occurred | ===== BASIC 225 ===== [[http://www.nickmarentes.com/ProjectArchive/basic225.html|BASIC225]] \\ ===== RTS ===== Return to [[:Tandy Color Computer:]]