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nd_strings_in_your_installation|localization]]): <code - conf/lang/en/lang.php> <?php /** * Customizati... be modified */ $lang['js']['nosmblinks'] = ''; </code> ==== Image Links ==== You can also use an imag... t use indention for deeper levels - That's it <code> * This is a list * The second item * You... t use indention for deeper levels - That's it </code> Also take a look at the [[doku>faq:lists|FAQ on
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MiniHowto.html]] ===== My GPG Fingerprint ===== <code> pub 1024D/EE6F4877 2002-12-11 Key fingerp...> sub 1024g/26B14DFC 2002-12-11 </code> ===== My GPG Public Key ===== <code> -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: SKS 1.1.0 mQGiBD3... M tg== =DTPo -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- </code> ===== Key Server Lookup ===== You can also look