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syntax @wiki
99 Hits, Last modified:
====== Formatting Syntax ====== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be as readabl... ge. The simpler markup is easily accessible via [[doku>toolbar|quickbuttons]], too. ===== Basic Text Formatting ===== DokuWiki supports **bold**, //italic//, __underlined
dokuwiki @wiki
66 Hits, Last modified:
====== DokuWiki ====== [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a simple to use and highly versatile Open Source [[wp>
welcome @wiki
19 Hits, Last modified:
====== Welcome to your new DokuWiki ====== Congratulations, your wiki is now up and running. Here are... re tips to get you started. Enjoy your work with DokuWiki,\\ -- the developers ===== Create your fir... ur wiki needs to have a start page. As long as it doesn't exist, this link will be red: [[:start]]. G... shown in a margin column on the side. Read our [[doku>faq:sidebar|FAQ on sidebars]] to learn more. P
8 Hits, Last modified:
e amusement. ==== Acceptable Use Policy ==== * Don't do anything stupid that annoys me or others. * Follow the golden rule and we'll all get along. * If you don't, I **may** start deleting stuff without warnin... uarantees I will. ==== Privacy Policy ==== * I don't, and can't, provide you "privacy." * If you
start @wiki
4 Hits, Last modified:
ges, all from within their web browser. ==== How do I use a wiki? ==== There are five main steps to u... ful way to create on the web, especially when you do not need to know any HTML to do it! The ability to add links to nonexistent pages while you edit, and... \\ [[wiki:Syntax]]: Learn more about how to write DokuWiki pages.\\ [[Legal]]: The legal notices and i
2 Hits, Last modified:
boundaries of what these early microcomputers can do. ===== Getting Started ===== {{:tandy_color_computer:coco-getting-started.png?nolink|}} \\ Don't have a Color Computer yourself? \\ [[https://c... \\ [[:os-9:Linux for OS-9 Admins]] \\ [[:os-9:New Documentation Set]] for OS-9 \\ [[:os-9:NitrOS-9 Eas
1 Hits, Last modified:
A7LF1wdWsjqK8Hfwgb Mal0vYZmhAkpOA8ujc1QFEr7DtxGQecDoqeY6KfRnmJQ+85Vp+HqxDMXAKVXBBK6M4jJyFDL T2ynsWSbY7