
Terms of Use


The web site is owned and operated by R. Allen "Exile In Paradise" Murphey for my sole amusement.

Acceptable Use Policy

  • Don't do anything stupid that annoys me or others.
  • Follow the golden rule and we'll all get along.
  • If you don't, I may start deleting stuff without warning, but nothing guarantees I will.

Privacy Policy

  • I don't, and can't, provide you “privacy.”
  • If you want information kept private, keep it in your own brain. It's not a secret anymore if you tell me.
  • Don't ever type it into your computer, or mine.
  • Any data you put into a computer (yours, mine, anyone's) should automatically be considered public information.
  • Once information is entered (and stored) in a computer, a virus, trojan, hacker, corporation, or government can get it and make it public without your knowledge or prior consent.
  • On the Internet, you are sending clearly readable information around the world over open links between numerous computers.
  • People may be sniffing the traffic anywhere between your computer and mine.
  • Your browser tells every website you visit (including mine) tons of information about you and your computer.
    • Don't believe me? See for yourself at DeviceInfo.
    • Want to improve your browsing privacy? Choose and use a browser with the protection features you demand PrivacyTests.
  • Your ISP routinely sells lists of the sites you visit (called clickstream data) to third-parties without your knowledge.
  • Many websites you go to secretly report your visit to their pages to google through google-analytics or adsense or upload emails and visits to Meta's Facebook.
  • Corporations and major governments are secretly and openly spying on all Internet traffic.
  • You don't have any privacy on any computer or the Internet, so don't expect any here.
  • If you disagree with this privacy policy, the fault lies with you and your acceptance of current law and government. The remedy for this state of affairs is up to you.


Most browsers from the 21st century on contain settings and controls to allow you to pick and choose which cookies you allow to be stored in your device.

  • A default installation of DokuWiki sets three cookies and optional plugins may set their own cookies.
  • The default cookies required are functional cookies only.
  • No tracking is implemented with these cookies.
  • DW<hash> - Used for authentication after login to hold the necessary data to (re)login a previously authenticated user.
    • Importance: necessary for anyone who needs to log in
    • Typical content: encrypted username and password
    • Expires: in a year by default, or set to never expire if you choose “Remember Me” during login.
  • DOKU_PREFS - Used for remembering helpful user preferences, like the size of the editor textarea.
    • Importance: functional
    • Typical content: name/value pairs in plain text
    • Expires: in a year
  • DokuWiki The standard PHP session identifier used to hold temporary data and to avoid CSRF attacks.
    • Importance: necessary
    • Typical content: random ID
    • Expires: at the end of the browser session


  • Copyright © 2004-2024 R. Allen “Exile In Paradise” Murphey and the contributors. All Rights Reserved.
  • Original authors retain ownership and copyright over any content they contribute to this site.


Contact me if you wish to participate in or re-use any of the content on this site.