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syntax @wiki
16 Hits, Last modified:
ink points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too. Do... k points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too. ====... ng pages]] are shown in a different style from [[nonexisting]] ones. * DokuWiki does not use [[wp>CamelCase]] to automatically create links by default, bu
start @wiki
2 Hits, Last modified:
e. ==== Who can use the wiki? ==== Currently, anyone can read most of the wiki pages here, but only sp... w any HTML to do it! The ability to add links to nonexistent pages while you edit, and have those pages
1 Hits, Last modified:
Any data you put into a computer (yours, mine, anyone's) should automatically be considered public info... nticated user. * Importance: necessary for anyone who needs to log in * Typical content: encryp
1 Hits, Last modified:
e Micro Color Computer (MC-10), and a number of clones such as the CP400, Codimex 6809, and many more. ... iplexor Select Lines]] \\ [[:tandy_color_computer:one_bit_sound|One-Bit Sound]] \\ [[:tandy_color_computer:speech_sound_cartridge|testssc.asm for the Speech
nostromo @nostromo
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e (MPI) | | ☐ | [[|ax3-onebit-v00.asm]] | Audio driver for CoCo 1-bit DAC sound "beeper" | | ☐ | [[https://exi
welcome @wiki
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in contact with other DokuWiki users and is just one of the many ways to get [[doku>faq:support|suppor