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syntax @wiki
8 Hits, Last modified:
e for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is used for typography replacements, but can be configure... mage Conversions ==== DokuWiki converts commonly used [[wp>emoticon]]s to their graphical equivalents. ... ither indenting them by at least two spaces (like used for the previous examples) or by using the tags '... XML feeds, [[|SimplePie]] is used. All formats understood by SimplePie can be used
cloud @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== Below you will find a "cloud" of the most frequently used words here... ~~CLOUD~~ ~~NOCACHE~~
start @wiki
1 Hits, Last modified:
wiki:Cloud]]: A word cloud of the most frequently used terms on this site.\\ [[wiki:Syntax]]: Learn more