Comparison of the MC6847 and MC6847T1 using PRINT CHR$ and direct screen pokes in a loop while in upper and lower code mode.1)
Simple print chr$ loop:
10 CLS(0) 20 FOR I=0 TO 255 30 PRINT CHR$(I); 40 NEXT 50 GOTO 50
Simple loop to poke values 0-255 directly into screen RAM:
10 CLS(0) 20 FOR I=0 TO 255 30 POKE 1024+I, I 40 NEXT 50 GOTO 50
Put the MC6847T1 into lower case mode:
1 ' 10 POKE &H0167,&H39:'put RTS into RVEC3 to skip JMP to CONSOLE OUT 20 POKE &HFF22,&H50:'PIA2 VDG Control - switch in lower with green border
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