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All hail L. Curtis Boyle for gathering the news for CoCoTALK! including these SepTandy items:

CoCoTALK! #228 2021-09-04

First, I [Curtis] will mention that SepTandy for 2021 officially started on September 1st on YouTube, and I have seen multiple Tandy 1000 style videos out already. If you put up any videos for the Coco, include #SepTandy in your search words and the title of the video so that it gets findable in this years SepTandy.

Alison DeNu, as part of this year's SepTandy, released a YouTube video showing her 3D printing a shell for a Program Pak:

Alison DeNu, as part of SepTandy, has released a couple of BASIC games:
Simply Better Blackjack, a low res blackjack game that she started almost 40 years ago (and got about 75% finished at that time), and this year she found the tape again, loaded it back up, and finished the game:

JumpShip: A high res Extended BASIC game that is turn based space flying game that she wrote in 2020:

CoCoTALK! #229 2021-09-11

For those following the many scheduled videos that Allen Huffman has been releasing that are Coco related for #SepTandy, a bunch more dropped this past week (and more are still coming):

Joe's Computer Museum on YouTube, for SepTandy, did a live stream on Sept. 9 doing a Tandy 1000TX teardown, and an exploration of the Coco 3 (Coco starts at 1:53:10 - note that it doesn't boot up at the start - he gets it going a little later… although he isn't sure why it started working. He is also just learning the SDC, so it was a lot of live figuring out how things worked):

Tim Gilberts shared a video for SepTandy on YouTube on upgrading a Dragon 32 Mark II to 64K - with humour.

CoCoTALK! #230 2021-09-18

Anachronistic Things on YouTube put up a video showing Tetris and Audio Spectrum Analyzer running on a Coco 2 (which included some cartridge repair). (Should warn you; he is still setting up for aping, so the audio/video is rough in spots):

Allen Huffman had a lot more more videos get released this week as well, on a variety of subjects (and scheduled some more for next week):

Noel's Retro Lab got several computers on his September 16 episode, including a PAL Coco 2 (unboxing at start of episode, including some extra/different manuals):

Pedro Pena put up parts 1-3 of his video series about making his own Coco 2:

Part 2 has an interesting display: You get to see (highlighted in green on the parts list, and red on the schematic) what part he is installing on the video feed, all at the same time):

Part 3 is

Joe's Computer Museum and live guest Mike Rojas (who is an active Coco community member who just did the Apple IIGS RGB monitor adaptor) did a 3&1/2 hour live stream which started with the Coco 3 with Mikes' adapter on an admittedly poor shape Apple monitor:

RetroComputing with Mike on YouTube put up an MC-10 showcase video for #SepTandy (which has a Zippster composite mod in it):

CoCoTALK! #231 2021-09-25

As part of his SepTandy Coco videos, Allen Huffman has many more videos released this week, with a few more queued up to finish out the month next week (24 videos in all, at my last count):

Pedro Pena has added the final (part 4) video showing his building his Coco 2 motherboard from scratch, including populating the board, burning the ROM's, and testing the SDC Explorer and some artifacting games:

TheRetroChannel does a followup to his last year's SepTandy S-Video & composite mods with an improved, simpler design. He also goes through the differences between NTSC and PAL:

CoCoTALK! #232 2021-10-02

The Retro Channel put up there last SepTandy video, covering S-Video/Composite mods for a Coco 2, and a look into S-Video for a Dragon 32 as well - he is not sure it is worth it since the Dragon already has composite out, and would require buffering the chroma signal):

Retro Tech Toys put up a SepTandy video of doing some “much needed maintenance” to his 64K Coco 2 (mainly a dodgy RF connector):

Ron's Computer Videos channel on YouTube as a last day SepTandy video, showed a litte bit of VCF Midwest (including Jason's table), and then the old Virtual Coco emulator that ran on first generation Power Macintoshes (written by Phil Stroffolino):

Of course, the remaining SepTandy Coco video clips from Allen Huffman are all officially released now:

As part of SepTandy, Jason Weber (alias Mr. Lurch's Things on YouTube) put up a video showing some of latest Coco game releases from the past year, including Glen Hewlett's latest arcade ports Joust and Defender, Nick Marentes Pipes & Rally-SG (and showing a brief bit of Zero Hour):

CoCoTALK! #236 2021-10-30

Aaron Newcomb of Retro Hack Shack got his SepTandy video for Dungeons of Daggorath out (a little late, but it's worth it) - almost a full hour - as a celebration of his 1st year of being on YouTube:


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