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ASSIST09 Command List (adapted from Jeff Tranter's SBC6809 project)

Command Arguments Action
B (reak) <cr> list break points
NNNN insert break point
-NNNN delete break point
- delete all break points
C (all) <cr> call routine at PC as subroutine
NNNN call routine at NNNN as subroutine
D (isplay) NNNN NNNN display range mod16
NNNN display 16 bytes [NNNN]mod16
M display 16 bytes [M]mod16
P display 16 bytes [PC]mod16
W display 16 bytes [W]mod16
@ following NNNN, M, P, or W displays 16 bytes indirectly
E (ncode) Encodes a 6809 postbyte based on the addressing mode syntax
G (o) <cr> Go to PC
L (oad) Load a S1-S9 format data
M (emory) NNNN Display memory data at address NNNN
<cr> Terminate memory function
/ Display current byte with address
<lf> Display next byte with address
Display previous byte with address
, Skip byte
SPACE Display next byte
The / may be used as an immediate command.
After any of the display commands the memory contents may be altered by inputting a valid hex number or ascii 'string' enclosed by single quotes (').
O (ffset) NNNN NNNN Calculate the two and/or three byte offset
P (unch) NNNN NNNN Punch a S1-S9 format data
R (egister) Display 6809 registers and allow changes
<cr> terminate command
SPACE terminate value input or skip to next register
, terminate value input or skip to next register
V (erify) Verify memory against S1-S9 format data
W (indow) NNNN Define a display window for the D and M commands.
Ctrl-X will abort any command.

Post Byte Encoding

                                R = X, Y, U, or S
                                Direct Addressing Modes
                                ------ ---------- -----
                                     ,R         A,R
                                    H,R         B,R
                                   HH,R         D,R
                                 HHHH,R         ,-R
                                   HH,PCR       ,--R
                                 HHHH,PCR       ,R+

                                Indirect Addressing Modes
                                -------- ---------- -----
                                    [,R]        [A,R]
                                  [HH,R]        [D,R]
                                  [HH,PCR]      [,--R]
                                [HHHH]          [,R++]

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