

Part Integrated Circuit
U1 Motorola MC68B09 or Hitachi HD63C09 MPU
U2 Texas Instruments SN74HCT273N Octal Flip-Flop with Reset
U3 Alliance AS6C4008-55PCN 4Mbit / 512KB SRAM
U4 Motorola MC68B50 or Hitachi HD63B50 ACIA
U5 Dallas Semiconductor DS1813 EconoReset
U6 Phillips 74HCT02N Quad 2-Input NOR
U7 Dallas Semiconductor DS1210 Nonvolatile Controller
U8 Shenzhen Honglifa HLF SN74HCT139N Dual 2-to-4 Line Decoder / Demultiplexer
U9 Atmel At28C256 256Kbit / 32KB Parallel EEPROM
U10 Motorola MC74HCT138AN 3-to-8 Line Decoder / Demultiplexer
U11 Dallas Semiconductor DS1233 EconoReset
U12 :!:
U13 Phillips 74HCT20N Dual 4-input NAND

M8 Bus

M8 bus fully supports DMA with the 6809 as well


Getting Started

Plug in USB-C power from a serial port on a Debian GNU/Linux machine.

Install minicom if you haven't already:

sudo aptitude install minicom

Hunt down your USB device pathlist:

ls /dev/tty*

Start minicom with the path to your USB device (-D pathlist):

minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0

Press RESET on the SST-6809 and you should see:


Hexadecimal Loader

You can use ASSIST09 to load data and code as a hexadecimal loader with these three starting commands:

Dump out a memory range

>D 0000 0100

Display/Edit memory

>M 0000

Simply pick a memory address and start typing in hex codes as 2 digits, and then hit space to go to the next byte

“Go To” an address to start running code:

>G 1000

Load Motorola S-Records

You can also load assembled code as S-record files:


You can load S19 records using copy and past into the terminal emulator window, or use minicom's ASCII upload mode:

[CTRL]+[A] [S]
Choose ascii
Choose a file name

If the load succeeds, you will see:


If the load fails, you will see:


Once loaded, use the G <start address> command to start the loaded program running.

TinyBASIC and TSC BASIC from Jeff Tranter's 6809 SBC repo both load and run with these steps.

Start TinyBASIC with:

>G 020D

Start TSC BASIC with:

>G 1000

The Lost Wizard Assembler (lwasm) can output assembled code as S-records, usually saved as .s19 files.



  • Learn the Memory Map and Bank Switching
  • Adapt PSYMON 1.20B to the SST-6809
  • Adapt BUGGY 1.01 to the SST-6809

Future ...

With the addition of DriveWire or other access to storage, loading full 6809 operating systems may become possible.

  • Flex 6809?
  • CP/M?
  • NitrOS-9 Level 1?
  • NitrOS-9 Level 2?
  • Fuzix?


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