The Game Master Cart is a flash ROM cartridge with the Texas Instruments SN76489AN Digital Complex Sound Generator (DCSG)
GMC Demo1 - Demo and technical information
GMC Demo2 - Creating Sound from Extended Color Basic
GMC Demo3 - Creating Sound from Extended Color Basic
GMC Demo4 - Understanding Bank Switched ROM
GMC Demo - Demo in Extended Color Basic
SN76489 Music Player based on CyD
Demo of cyd_gmc on real hardware
Fahrfall: Master Edition by John W. Linville, creator of the GMC
Fahrfall: Pandemic Edition with new music, also by John W. Linville
Dunjunz Game Master Edition by Ciaran Anscomb, author of Xroar Dragon and CoCo emulator
Blockdown also by Ciaran Anscomb
Treasure Island Defence by Sheldon MacDonald
Return of the Beast by Stewart Orchard
CoCo Chiptunes Player by Todd “Lord Dragon” Wallace
In Development: 'Kiruke no Shima' or 'Circe's Island' by Steve Bamford
Programming the Game Master Cartridge - Start here documentation
testgmc - detect if Game Master Cartridge is present
gmcdemo.bas - demo of the GMC
gmctool.bas - basic tooling for the GMC
Basic tools for GMC
Game Master Cart on CoCopedia
Game Master Cartridge Enables Better Games for Coco - introductory article about the cartridge
Game Master 1.0 to 2.0 Update Notes
Breaking the 32K Barrier by Greg Zumwalt, Rainbow Magazine, June 1990 page 58
Texas Instruments SN76489AN
SN76489 Development
SN76489 sound chip details by John Kortink
Play a musical scale with your Game Master Cart with 6809 assembly code: testgmc.asm
If you would like to discuss tips, tricks, coding, and more for the Game Master Cartridge and its bank switching or DCSG sound, join us on the CoCo Discord in the SOUND / #cocogmc channel.
CompuMuse Music Synthesizer by Peter Vernon in ELECTRONICS Australia August 1983
SirSound by Allen Huffman
Return to Tandy Color Computer