;* Title: testgmc.asm
;* Author: R. Allen Murphey
;* Description: Support for John Linville's Game Master Cart
;* Documentation:
;* $FF40 ROM Banks http://archive.org/stream/rainbowmagazine-1990-06
;* $FF41 DCSG http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Instruments_SN76489
;* At 4MHz, the DCSG needs 32 clocks between register writes
;* That means we need a delay of ~15 clocks per write at 1.789MHz
;* That means we need a delay of ~8 clocks per write at 0.894 MHz
;* Include Files: none
;* Assembler: lwasm 1.4.2
;* Example Build Instructions
;* >>> vi testgmc.asm
;* >>> lwasm -9 -p cd --list=testgmc.txt -o testgmc.bin testgmc.asm
;* >>> decb dskini TESTGMC.DSK
;* >>> decb copy testgmc.bin TESTGMC.DSK,TESTGMC.BIN -2
;* >>> mame coco3h -ramsize 2M -window -resolution 1920x1080 -skip_gameinfo -ext multi -ext:multi:slot1 games_master -ext:multi:slot4 fdcv11 -flop1 TESTGMC.DSK &
;* Revision History:
;* Rev #     Date      Who     Comments
;* -----  -----------  ------  ---------------------------------------
;* 00     2020         RAM     Initial note table

GMCPORTA:   equ   $FF40       ; GMC bank switching port
GMCPORTB:   equ   $FF41       ; GMC SN76489 port
            org   $7000
GMCTEST:                      ; SETUP
                              ; switch MPI to slot 0
            lda   $FF7F       ; Get current MPI setup
            anda  #$F0        ; Clear lower 4 SCS bits for slot 0
            sta   $FF7F       ; And switch the SCS slot number

                              ; SN76489 starts with all channels playing
            lda   #%10011111  ; 100% attenuation (volume off)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%10111111  ; 100% attenuation (volume off)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%11011111  ; 100% attenuation (volume off)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%11111111  ; 100% attenuation (volume off)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay

                              ; enable CART sound on MUX
            lda   #$34        ; MUX SEL 1
            sta   $FF01       ; MUX Select Lo
            lda   #$3F        ; MUX SEL 2
            sta   $FF03       ; MUX Select Hi
            lda   #$38        ; Enable SNDEN
            sta   $FF23       ; SNDEN

                              ; MAIN
            ldy   #GMCNOTES
            lda   b,y         ; load lower 4 bits of note
            ora   #%10000000  ; add latch bit
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; write to GMC register
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            incb              ; move to next value
            lda   b,y         ; load it from table
            anda  #$3F        ; form GMC data message with six bits
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; write the upper six bits of note
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%10010000  ; 0% attention (volume full)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; write attenuation message to GMC
            bsr   BDELAY      ; big delay while note sounds
            incb              ; move to next item in table
            cmpb  #24         ; have we read all 12 x 10bit notes?
            bne   PLAYGMC     ; no keep playing notes
                              ; TEARDOWN
            lda   #%10011111  ; 100% attenuation (volume off)
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%10000000  ; empty note register upper 6 bits
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; write it
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%00000000  ; empty note register lower 4 bits
            sta   GMCPORTB    ; write that too

            ldx   #$4000
            bra   WDELAY2
            ldx   #$08
            leax  -1,X
            bne   WDELAY2

GMCNOTES:                     ; Tone Periods at 4MHz clock
            fcb   $0D,$1D     ; C4  261.626 Hz Middle C
            fcb   $02,$1C     ; C#4 277.183 Hz
            fcb   $09,$1A     ; D4  293.665 Hz
            fcb   $01,$19     ; D#4 311.127 Hz
            fcb   $0B,$17     ; E4  329.628 Hz
            fcb   $05,$16     ; F4  349.228 Hz
            fcb   $01,$15     ; F#4 369.994 Hz
            fcb   $0E,$13     ; G4  391.995 Hz
            fcb   $0C,$12     ; G#4 415.305 Hz
            fcb   $0C,$11     ; A4  440.000 Hz
            fcb   $0C,$10     ; A#4 466.164 Hz
            fcb   $0D,$0F     ; B4  493.883 Hz

            END   GMCTEST

;* End of testgmc.asm


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