Play a 12 note scale starting at middle C on a CoCoPSG in Multi-Pak slot 1:

;* Title: testssg.asm
;* Author: R. Allen Murphey
;* Description: Support for Ed Snider's CoCoPSG Cart
;* Documentation:
;* AY-3-8910    PC6001    CHANNEL    OPERATION
;* R1/R0        R1/R0     A          Tone Generator Control 1-4095
;* R3/R2        R3/R2     B          Tone Generator Control 1-4095
;* R5/R4        R5/R4     C          Tone Generator Control 1-4095
;* R6           R6        -          Noise Generator Control 1-31
;* R7           R7        -          Mixer Control / I/O Enable
;*                                   IOA|IOB|NOISEC|NOISEB|NOISEA|TONEC|TONE|TONEA
;* R10          R8        A          Amplitude Control
;*                                   x|x|x|M|L3|L2|L1|L0
;* R11          R9        B          Amplitude Control
;*                                   x|x|x|M|L3|L2|L1|L0
;* R12          R10       C          Amplitude Control
;*                                   x|x|x|M|L3|L2|L1|L0
;* R14/R13      R12/R11   -          Envelope Period Control 1-65535
;* R15          R13       -          Envelope Shape / Cycle Control
;*                                   x|x|x|x|CONT|ATT|ALT|HOLD
;* Include Files: none
;* Assembler: lwasm 1.4.2
;* lwasm -o testssg.bin testssg.asm
;* decb dskinit testssg.dsk OR
;* decb kill testssg.dsk,TESTSSG.BIN
;* decb copy testssg.bin testssg.dsk,TESTSSG.BIN -2
;* Revision History:
;* Rev #     Date      Who     Comments
;* -----  -----------  ------  ---------------------------------------
;* 00     2020         RAM     Initial note table

skip2       equ   $8C         ; use CMPX # to skip next 2 bytes
SSGPORTA:   equ   $FF5E
SSGPORTB:   equ   $FF5F

SSGTONAL:   equ   $00
SSGTONAH:   equ   $01
SSGTONBL:   equ   $02
SSGTONBH:   equ   $03
SSGTONCL:   equ   $04
SSGTONCH:   equ   $05
SSGNOISE:   equ   $06
SSGMIXER:   equ   $07
SSGVOLA:    equ   $08
SSGVOLB:    equ   $09
SSGVOLC:    equ   $0A
SSGENVLO:   equ   $0B
SSGENVHI:   equ   $0C
SSGENVSH:   equ   $0D
SSGIOA:     equ   $0E
SSGIOB:     equ   $0F
            org   $7000
SSGTEST:                      ; SETUP
                              ; switch MPI to slot 1
            lda   $FF7F
            anda  #$F0
            sta   $FF7F

                              ; enable CART sound on MUX
            lda   #$34        ; MUX SEL 1
            sta   $FF01       ; MUX Select Lo
            lda   #$3F        ; MUX SEL 2
            sta   $FF03       ; MUX Select Hi
            lda   #$38        ; Enable SNDEN
            sta   $FF23       ; SNDEN

                              ; MAIN
            ldy   #SSGNOTES1
PLAYSSG:    lda   #SSGTONAH   ; SSG Tone A Lower 8 bits
            sta   SSGPORTA    ; write to SSG to latch register 1
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   b,y         ; load upper 4 bits of note
            sta   SSGPORTB    ; write to SSG register 1
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #SSGTONAL   ; SSG Tone A Upper 4 bits register 1
            sta   SSGPORTA    ; write to SSH to latch register 1
            bsr   WDELAY
            incb              ; move to next value in note table
            lda   b,y         ; load it from table
            sta   SSGPORTB    ; write the lower eight bits of note
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #SSGMIXER   ; SSG IO port and mixer settings Register 7
            sta   SSGPORTA    ; write to register latch
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%11111110  ; Enable Tone A with bit zero 0
            sta   SSGPORTB    ; write mixer out
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #SSGVOLA    ; SSG Level of Channel A Register 8
            sta   SSGPORTA    ; write Channel A volume register to SSG
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%00001111  ; 0% attention (volume full)
            sta   SSGPORTB    ; write attenuation message to SSG
            bsr   BDELAY      ; big delay while note sounds
            incb              ; move to next item in table
            cmpb  #24         ; have we read all 12 x 12bit notes?
            bne   PLAYSSG     ; no keep playing notes
                              ; TEARDOWN
            lda   #SSGVOLA    ; Register 8 Level of Channel A
            sta   SSGPORTA    ; write Channel A volume register to SSG
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            lda   #%00000000  ; volume off
            sta   SSGPORTB    ; turn off volume
            bsr   WDELAY      ; write delay
            ldx   #$4000
            bra   WDELAY2
            ldx   #$08
WDELAY2:    leax  -1,X
            bne   WDELAY2

SSGNOTES1:                    ; Tone Periods at 1MHz clock
            fcb   $00,$EF     ; C4  261.626 Hz Middle C
            fcb   $00,$E1     ; C#4 277.183 Hz
            fcb   $00,$D5     ; D4  293.665 Hz
            fcb   $00,$C9     ; D#4 311.127 Hz
            fcb   $00,$BE     ; E4  329.628 Hz
            fcb   $00,$B3     ; F4  349.228 Hz
            fcb   $00,$A9     ; F#4 369.994 Hz
            fcb   $00,$9F     ; G4  391.995 Hz
            fcb   $00,$96     ; G#4 415.305 Hz
            fcb   $00,$8E     ; A4  440.000 Hz
            fcb   $00,$86     ; A#4 466.164 Hz
            fcb   $00,$7F     ; B4  493.883 Hz

SSGNOTES2:                    ; Tone Periods at 2MHz clock
            fcb   $01,$DE     ; C4  261.626 Hz Middle C
            fcb   $01,$C3     ; C#4 277.183 Hz
            fcb   $01,$AA     ; D4  293.665 Hz
            fcb   $01,$92     ; D#4 311.127 Hz
            fcb   $01,$7B     ; E4  329.628 Hz
            fcb   $01,$66     ; F4  349.228 Hz
            fcb   $01,$52     ; F#4 369.994 Hz
            fcb   $01,$3F     ; G4  391.995 Hz
            fcb   $01,$2D     ; G#4 415.305 Hz
            fcb   $01,$1C     ; A4  440.000 Hz
            fcb   $01,$0C     ; A#4 466.164 Hz
            fcb   $00,$FD     ; B4  493.883 Hz

            END   SSGTEST

;* End of testssg.asm


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