DamienG Font Conversions

A collection of 8×8 pixel fonts created by DamienG collected for his "ZX Origins" typography site which I have converted for use on the Color Computers.

ZX Origins 8x8 pixel fonts

DamienG's introduction to ZX Origins:

I have designed many 8×8 bitmap fonts over the years. They are freely available to be used in games you create in exchange for a mention in the credits section. I am aware of 277 usages in games/tools so far! Each page [at the link] shows simulated screenshots, backstory on the design and inspiration, tips for usage as well as variations and a download zip containing files in modern TrueType and legacy formats (Spectrum, Atari, Commodore 64, Acorn, CPC, etc.) ~ https://damieng.com/typography/zx-origins/

Formats Supplied Here

Base Assembly Files Included

Converted DamienG's original Z80 assembly files to assemble with lwasm for CoCo

These files are not usable as is - each format below required additions

The file names were not altered so you will have to shorten them to 8.3 format names as you prefer

This archive includes the DamienG collection converted for:

CoCo 3 HPRINT 8x8 *.FNT files

Characters 32-127 are the DamienG data

Includes DECB header and footer bytes to LOADM directly to $FC0D into the HPRINT font area.

Characters 128+ are not overwritten in ROM space

Editable / Viewable with John Strongs Hires Font Editor (HFE)

HPRINT/*.asm simply has the origin $fc0d line added

Assembled with lwasm –decb

OS-9 8x8

Characters 0-31 are not included.

Characters 32-127 are the DamienG data

All fonts are OS-9 font number $50 in the header data until official numbers can be assigned by NitrOS9 and Curtis

OS9/*.asm has the OS9 font file header and blank characters for $00 to $1F added

Assembled with lwasm –raw

{W2|06}/DD/FONTS: merge ZX_Chicago
{W2|06}/DD/FONTS: display 1b 24 1b 20 5 0 0 50 19 0 1 1 1b 3a c8 50 1b 21

Learn more about NitrOS-9 here: https://github.com/nitros9project/nitros9

Learn more about NitrOS-9 Ease of Use here: http://lcurtisboyle.com/nitros9/nitros9.html

CoCoVGA 8x12 *.CHR files

Characters 0-31 are blank

Characters 32-127 are the Damieng G data, with leading and trailing padding lines

Characters 128-255 are added lines to include the CoCo semigraphics block characters

COCOVGA/*.asm has the blank prefix characters $00-$1F and leading $00,$00 and trailing $00,$00 to center the 8×8 data into the 8×12 character cell

Assembled with lwasm –decb


If you use Brendan Donahe's CHARSET.BAS to load and view fonts on the CoCoVGA, I did not know he used a specific load address in the CHR files.

Edit line 1040 of CHARSET.BAS to:


This will load the font file at the same offset Brendan used for his CHARSET.BAS demo code.

Firebird font quickly hacked onto my CoCo 2B with CoCoVGA

Learn more about the CoCoVGA here: http://cocovga.com/

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