A copyright signature for NOSTROMO occupied the first 9 lines of the BASIC portion.
A player would have to LIST out the BASIC program after loading to have a chance to ever encounter this copyright message.
It does not show up anywhere, ever, in the running game itself.
1 REM************************** 2 REM* * 3 REM* NOSTROMO * 4 REM* * 5 REM* Copyright 1982 ASCII * 6 REM* * 7 REM* by HIROMI OHBA * 8 REM* * 9 REM**************************
One decision when porting I had to make came down to “what should I do with these 9 lines?”
Just delete them?
That didn't seem right.
Instead, I thought the copyright REMarks could make a screen of their own to expose the credits rather than skip, ignore, or delete them.
There were a number of choices of how I could turn these lines into a screen:
- Create a 32×16 block of data and copy it to screen RAM
- Clear the screen somewhere, and copy the 9 lines one after another, spaces and all into a block on the cleared screen
- Clear screen, draw each star as a box and put each specific centered string in their specific place
The first option drastically wastes memory in the assembled binary: 512 bytes plus code to copy it to the screen.
The second option uses far less memory, holding only 26×9 bytes to place on the screen, and the code to do so, something having 9 print statements in a row.
But all those spaces …
The third option requires the most lines of source code to implement, but ends up using the least space in the assembled binary or memory.
To do this I created and leveraged these functions:
- CLEAR SCREEN - a general function I'd already created elsewhere
- COLOR1 - a simple convenience to reuse code for common color setting events
- HLINE - draw a horizontal line of repeating characters, such as asterisks
- VLINE - draw a vertical line of repeating characters
- PRINTAT - place a string at a given location on screen
- INITTMR - initialize a countdown timer
- WAITSYNC - wait for the vertical sync pulse, 50 or 60 of them equals 1 second
With that, drawing the the copyright onto the screen broke down into seven steps
- Use HLINE to place the top of the box characters on screen
- Use VLINE to place the left side of the box characters on screen
- Use VLINE to create the right side of the box characters on screen
- Use HLINE to place the bottom line of the box characters on screen
- Use PRINTAT to write NOSTROMO as a single string
- Use PRINTAT to write Copyright 1982 ASCII as a single string
- Use PRINTAT to write by HIROMI OHBA as a single string
Finally, I needed a pause of some sort before moving on to give the player a short opportunity to see the screen before moving on, without leaving it on screen so long it becomes an irritation over many starts.
Since the game already required a seconds countdown timer, I could use that.
So this is what I came up with expose the copyright remarks as a new screen, rather than skip over or simply delete them unused.
;********************************************************************* ;* COPYRIGHT ;* Display a copyright screen from original REM statements ;* Entry Values ;* None ;* Exit Values ;* None ;* Control Register Modifications ;* A,X,Y ;* Subroutines Called ;* COLOR1,HLINE,VLINE,PRINTAT ;********************************************************************* COPYRIGHT: ; 1 REM************************** ; 2 REM* * ; 3 REM* NOSTROMO * ; 4 REM* * ; 5 REM* Copyright 1982 ASCII * ; 6 REM* * ; 7 REM* by HIROMI OHBA * ; 8 REM* * ; 9 REM************************** ; 12345678901234567890123456 lbsr COLOR1 ; Setup white letters on black background BAS0001: ; Draw box top lda #3 ; start drawing at ... sta TX ; ... column 3 sta TY ; ... row 3 lda #29 ; for 29 horizontal characters sta INDEXIX ; working varable for horizontal count ldb #$6A ; '* to draw lbsr HLINE ; now go draw horizonal line of * ; Draw box left side ldd #$0304 ; draw vertical line of * at column 3 sta TX ; ... column 3 stb TY ; ... row 4 lda #11 ; for 8 vertical characters sta INDEXIY ; working variable for vertical count ldb #$6A ; '* to draw lbsr VLINE ; now go draw vertical line of * ; Draw box right side ldd #$1C04 ; draw vertical line of * at column 29 sta TX ; ... column 29 stb TY ; ... row 4 lda #11 ; for 8 vertical characters sta INDEXIY ; working varable for vertical count ldb #$6A ; '* to draw lbsr VLINE ; now go draw vertical line of * ; Draw box bottom ldd #$030B ; start drawing at ... sta TX ; ... column 3 stb TY ; ... row 11 lda #29 ; for 29 horizontal characters sta INDEXIX ; working variable for horizontal count ldb #$6A ; '* to draw lbsr HLINE ; now go draw horizontal line of * ; Draw TXTNAME program name message ldd #$0C05 ; start drawing at ... sta TX ; ... column 12 stb TY ; ... row 5 ldx #TXTNAME ; load X with pointer to string stx STRPTR ; ... and store in temp lda #8 ; load Y with length of string sta STRLEN ; ... and store in temp lbsr PRINTAT ; now go print string at ; Draw TXTCOPY copyright message ldd #$0707 ; start drawing at ... sta TX ; ... column 7 stb TY ; ... row 7 ldx #TXTCOPY ; load X with pointer to string stx STRPTR ; ... and store in temp lda #20 ; load Y with length of string sta STRLEN ; ... and store in temp lbsr PRINTAT ; now go print string at ; Draw TXTAUTH author message ldd #$0909 ; start drawing at ... sta TX ; ... column 12 stb TY ; ... row 9 ldx #TXTAUTH ; load X with pointer to string stx STRPTR ; ... and store in temp lda #14 ; load Y with length of string sta STRLEN ; ... and store in temp lbsr PRINTAT ; now go print string at ; FIXME TEST CODE lbsr INITTMR ; INITIALIZE TIMER ROUTINE lda #1 ; LETS WAIT 5 SECONDS sta SECONDS ; STORE FOR NUMBER OF SECONDS TO WAIT WAIT1: lbsr WAITSYNC ; WAIT FOR VSYNC lda SECONDS ; HAS SECONDS COUNTED OUT TO 0? cmpa #0 ; Out of Seconds? bne WAIT1 ; NO, SECONDS WAS > 0 SO WAIT MORE
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