AX-2: Uchuu Yusousen Nostromo (Space Freighter Nostromo)
Designed and Programmed for the Commodore Pet 2001 by Akira Takiguchi in 1981
NEC PC-6001 Port
Ported to the NEC-PC6001 by Masakuni Mitsuhashi aka Hiromi Ohba aka Mitsu in 1982
Cover Artwork by Masashi Iwasaki
Published by ASCII Entertainment in Japan
- Memory Layout: NOSTROMO Memory Map
- Z80 Machine Code: NOSTROMO.Z80
MC-10 Ports
Ported to Radio Shack TRS-80 Micro Color Computer MC-10 by Jim Gerrie in 2015 and 2018
- 2015-11 NOSTROMO:
CoCo / Dragon Port
Port underway for the TRS-80 Color Computer “CoCo” and Dragon Data Dragon 32/64
Walking Through The Code
As I have worked through the NEC PC6001 port I have found many nooks and crannies to explore and decisions about how to my port to the CoCo along the way.
The NEC PC-6001 loads the NOSTRO cassette data into the BASIC program memory.
The cassette file continues past the last line of tokenized BASIC code, loading Z80 binary machine code and more data into the memory after the lines of BASIC.
I've decided to build this table to organize my findings and help complete what's left to port.
BASIC Lines | Z80 Addresses | Purpose |
1 - 9 | Copyright REMarks | |
10 | One Time Setup | |
E164 - E17D | Memory Setup | |
E240 - E255 | Replace Line 10 | |
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