Nostromo : Source Code

Repo stats 20230827

All “code-” file prefixes have been changed to “ax2-” for starters.

Just the top-level source directory content needed to build the game are shown below.

Additional repo directories of various tests, mockups, and such created along the way are not shown, but are represented in the repo statistics above.

The code below gives you an example of where I got to by the mid-20231):

*.BAS Helper BASIC program for DOS command to run NOSTROMO
ax2-acvc-v00.asm Video driver for CoCo3 ACVC / GIME
ax2-cgrom60-v04.asm Modified NEC PC-6001 font data
ax2-cocopsg-v00.asm Audio driver for CoCoPSG by Ed “Zippster” Snider
ax2-vdgvga-v00.asm Video driver for the CoCo 1/2/Dragon MC6847 Video Display Generator (VDG) in Semigraphics 4 (SG4) mode with custom NEC PC6001-like font using CoCoVGA by Brendan Donahe
ax2-config-v00.asm Configuration menu and functions
ax2-dcsg-v00.asm Audio Driver for Texas Instruments Digital Complex Sound Generator (DCSG) SN76489N in the Game Master Cartridge
ax2-gmc-v00.asm Audio driver for Game Master Cartridge by John “Tuxdriver” Linville
ax2-timer-v00.asm Utility timer countdown code
ax2-joy-v00.asm Controller driver for CoCo analog joystick ports
ax2-keyscn-v01.asm Controller driver for CoCo and Dragon 53/57-key keyboard keyscn keyscn2
ax2-midi-v00.asm Audio driver for CoCo MIDI / MIDI Maestro by Jim “go4retro” Brain
ax2-mmmpi-v00.asm Audio driver and utility code for MEGA-mini Multi-Pak Interface (MMMPI) by Ed “Zippster” Snider
ax2-mpi-v00.asm Utility driver for Multi-Pak Interface (MPI)
ax3-onebit-v00.asm Audio driver for CoCo 1-bit DAC sound “beeper”
ax2-opl3-v00.asm Audio driver for Yamaha OPL3 (YMF-262) FM-synthesis in the MEGA-mini Multi-Pack Interface
ax2-orch90-v00.asm Audio driver for the Orchestra90/CC stereo 8-bit DAC cartridge
ax2-pia0-v00.asm I/O driver for the Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA) used in Keyboard, Multiplexer, and Interrupts
ax2-pia1-v00.asm I/O driver for the Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA) used for the VDG, DAC Audio, Joystick ADC, RS232, Cassette, and Interrupts
ax2-psg-v00.asm Audio driver for the General Instruments AY-3-8910 Programmable Sound Generator used in many CoCo audio devices
ax2-rnd-v00.asm Utility pseudo-random number generator (PRNG) for placing resources in main game level
ax2-sam-v00.asm I/O driver for the Synchronous Address Multiplexer (MC6883)
todo-dac-v00.asm Audio driver for CoCo 6-bit DAC sound
ax2-ssc-v00.asm Audio driver for the Speech / Sound Cartridge with Narrator SP0256-AL2 and AY-3-891x PSG
ax2-ssg-v00.asm Audio driver for the Yamaha YM2149 Software-Controlled Sound Generator (SSG) used in the CoCo PSG
ax2-symphony12-v00.asm Audio driver for the Speech Systems Symphony-12 / Philharmonic-12 by Jim “go4retro” Brain
ax2-vdgrg6-v01.asm Video driver for the CoCo 1/2/Dragon MC6847 Video Display Generator (VDG) in Resolution Graphics 6 (RG6) mode (aka PMODE4)
ax2-vdgsg4-v00.asm Video driver for the CoCo 1/2/Dragon MC6847 Video Display Generator (VDG) in Semigraphics 4 (SG4) mode
ax2-vdgt1-v00.asm Video driver for the CoCo 1/2/Dragon MC6847 Video Display Generator (VDG) in Semigraphics 4 (SG4) mode with VDG Lowercase font support Utility script that assembles the code and packages it as a CoCo DSK file Utility script to test the work-in-progress code using MAME debugger
nostromo.asm The AX-2 Nostromo N60 BASIC/Z80 machine code port-in-progress to 6809 assembly Utility script to run the game in MAME from a menu to test 5 different video modes
template3.asm Source code template v3

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:!: Need to update