Header for : Date
Module size: $FD  #253
Module CRC : $2B6204 (Good)
Hdr parity : $D5
Exec. off  : $0070  #112
Data size  : $01C0  #448
Edition    : $03  #3
Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O


* Disassembly by Os9disasm of date

 mod L00fd,L000d,$11,$81,L0070,D01c0

* OS-9 system function equates

F$Exit equ $06
F$Time equ $15
I$WritLn equ $8c

* class D external label equates

D3f3f equ $3f3f
Dfff4 equ $fff4

* OS9 data area definitions

D0000 rmb 1
D0001 rmb 1
D0002 rmb 1
D0003 rmb 1
D0004 rmb 1
D0005 rmb 1
D0006 rmb 442
D01c0 equ .

L000d lsra  
 fcb $61
 lsr   $e503
L0012 bge   L0034
 leay  [D3f3f,y]
L0016 equ *-2
 suba  10,u
 fcb $61
 jmp   -11,s
 fcb $61
 fcb $72
 rol   $a046
 fcb $65
 fcb $62
 fcb $72
 fcb $75
 fcb $61
 fcb $72
 rol   $a04d
 fcb $61
 fcb $72
 com   8,s
 suba  1,u
 neg   29289
L0034 equ *-1
 inc   ,y+
 fcb $61
 rol   $a04a
 fcb $75
 jmp   5,s
 suba  10,u
 fcb $75
 inc   -7,s
 suba  1,u
 fcb $75
 asr   -11,s
 com   29856
 fcb $65
 neg   29797
 tst   2,s
 fcb $65
 fcb $72
 suba  15,u
 com   -12,s
 clr   2,s
 fcb $65
 fcb $72
 suba  14,u
 clr   -10,s
 fcb $65
 tst   2,s
 fcb $65
 fcb $72
 suba  4,u
 fcb $65
 com   5,s
 tst   2,s
 fcb $65
 fcb $72
 suba  Dfff4,y
L0070 equ *-1
 fcb $10
 leax  ,u
 leau  8,u
 stu   D0006
 os9 F$Time
 bsr   L00b1
 lda   [,s++]
 eora  #$54
 anda  #$df
 bne   L008c
 ldd   #$2020
 std   ,u++
 bsr   L00a1
L008c lda   #$0d
 sta   ,u+
 lda   #1
 ldx   D0006
 ldy   #$0028
 os9 I$WritLn
 bcs   L009e
L009e os9 F$Exit
L00a1 ldb   D0003
 bsr   L00d2
 ldb   D0004
 bsr   L00ab
 ldb   D0005
L00ab lda   #$3a
 sta   ,u+
 bra   L00d2
L00b1 leay  L0016,pcr
 ldb   D0001
 beq   L00c4
 cmpb  #$0c
 bhi   L00c4
L00bd lda   ,y+
 bpl   L00bd
 bne   L00bd
L00c4 bsr   L00ef
 ldb   D0002
 bsr   L00d2
 leay  L0012,pcr
 bsr   L00ef
 ldb   D0000
L00d2 lda   #$2f
L00d4 inca  
 subb  #$64
 bcc   L00d4
 sta   ,u+
 cmpa  #$30
 bne   L00e1
 leau  -1,u
L00e1 lda   #$3a
L00e3 deca  
 addb  #$0a
 bcc   L00e3
 sta   ,u+
 addb  #$30
 stb   ,u+
L00ef lda   ,y
 anda  #$7f
 sta   ,u+
 lda   ,y+
 bpl   L00ef


L00fd equ *



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