Header for : Save
Module size: $67  #103
Module CRC : $8F769A (Good)
Hdr parity : $4F
Exec. off  : $0012  #18
Data size  : $01C3  #451
Edition    : $03  #3
Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O


* Disassembly by Os9disasm of save

 mod L0067,L000d,$11,$81,L0012,D01c3

* OS-9 system function equates

F$Link equ $00
F$UnLink equ $02
F$Exit equ $06
I$Create equ $83
I$Write equ $8a
I$Close equ $8f

* class D external label equates

Dffff equ $ffff

* OS9 data area definitions

D0000 rmb 451
D01c3 equ .

L000d comb  
 fcb $61
 ror   $e503
L0012 leay  Dffff,y
 pshs  x,y
 cmpx  2,s
 bcc   L0060
 ldd   #$022f
 os9 I$Create
 bcs   L0061
 sta   D0000
 lda   ,x
 cmpa  #$0d
 bne   L002c
 ldx   ,s
L002c lda   ,x+
 cmpa  #$20
 beq   L002c
 cmpa  #$2c
 beq   L002c
 leax  -1,x
 os9 F$Link
 bcs   L0061
 stx   ,s
 leax  ,u
 ldy   2,x
 lda   D0000
 os9 I$Write
 pshs  cc,b
 os9 F$UnLink
 ror   ,s+
 puls  b
 bcs   L0061
 ldx   ,s
 cmpx  2,s
 bcs   L002c
 os9 I$Close
 bcs   L0061
L0060 clrb  
L0061 os9 F$Exit


L0067 equ *



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