Header for : Tmode
Module size: $2CF  #719
Module CRC : $769EF7 (Good)
Hdr parity : $E5
Exec. off  : $00B5  #181
Data size  : $023E  #574
Edition    : $08  #8
Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O


* Disassembly by Os9disasm of tmode

 mod L02cf,L000d,$11,$81,L00b5,D023e

* OS-9 system function equates

F$Exit equ $06
I$WritLn equ $8c
I$GetStt equ $8d
I$SetStt equ $8e

* class D external label equates

Dfff1 equ $fff1
Dffff equ $ffff

* OS9 data area definitions

D0000 rmb 1
D0001 rmb 1
D0002 rmb 1
D0003 rmb 1
D0004 rmb 1
D0005 rmb 4
D0009 rmb 2
D000b rmb 2
D000d rmb 3
D0010 rmb 2
D0012 rmb 1
D0013 rmb 78
D0061 rmb 1
D0062 rmb 3
D0065 rmb 12
D0071 rmb 1
D0072 rmb 2
D0074 rmb 458
D023e equ .

L000d lsrb  
 tst   15,s
 lsr   b,s
 asl   D0000
 fcb $15
L0015 stu   $0101
 fcb $01
 fcb $75
 neg   $e3ff
 fcb $01
 fcb $02
 fcb $01
 fcb $62
 com   $e2ff
 neg   D0003
 neg   D0062
 com   $ecff
 fcb $01
 lsr   D0001
 fcb $65
 com   8,s
 fcb $ef
 stu   $0105
 fcb $01
 inc   a,s
 neg   D0000
 ror   D0000
 jmp   -11,s
 inc   <L0040,pcr
L0040 equ *-1
 fcb $01
 asr   D0001
 neg   $6175
 com   $e500
 fcb $18
 asl   D0000
 neg   $61e7
 fcb $01
 asl   D0009
 neg   D0062
 com   -4095
 fcb $18
 dec   D0000
 lsr   5,s
 ldd   1,x
 tst   D000b
 neg   D0065
 clr   [,-s]
 fcb $01
 fcb $1b
 inc   D0000
 fcb $65
 clr   a,s
 fcb $01
 lsr   D000d
 neg   D0072
 fcb $65
 neg   29289
 jmp   [,s]
 fcb $01
 fcb $01
 jmp   D0000
 lsr   -11,s
 subb  $0117
 clr   D0000
 neg   29667
 fcb $01
 com   D0010
 neg   D0061
 fcb $62
 clr   -14,s
 andb  $0105
 fcb $11
 neg   D0071
 fcb $75
 rol   [,s]
 fcb $01
 asl   D0012
 neg   D0062
 com   $e501
 asr   D0013
 neg   D0062
 fcb $65
 inc   <L00a7,pcr
 fcb $15
L00a7 fcb $14
 neg   D0074
 rol   28901
 neg   D0002
 fcb $15
 neg   D0062
 fcb $61
 fcb $75
 andb  Dfff1,y
L00b5 equ *-1
 anda  #$8d
 cmpb  #$2e
 bne   L00ca
 leay  D0001,y
 lda   ,y+
 suba  #$30
 cmpa  #$10
 lbhs  L0150
L00ca sta   D0000
 ldb   #0
 leax  6,u
 os9 I$GetStt
 bcs   L00ef
 bsr   L00f2
 cmpb  #$0d
 lbeq  L01bf
L00dd bsr   L0103
 bcs   L0150
 cmpb  #$0d
 bne   L00dd
 lda   D0000
 ldb   #0
 os9 I$SetStt
 bcs   L00ef
L00ef os9 F$Exit
L00f2 ldb   ,y+
 cmpb  #$2c
 bne   L00fa
L00f8 ldb   ,y+
L00fa cmpb  #$20
 beq   L00f8
 leay  Dffff,y
 andcc #254
L0103 clr   D0001
 lda   ,y
 cmpa  #$2d
 bne   L010f
 inc   D0001
 leay  D0001,y
L010f sty   D0002
 leax  L0015,pcr
 lbsr  L029f
 bcs   L0150
 lda   ,x
 bpl   L012b
L011f ldb   1,x
L0121 lda   2,x
 eorb  D0001
 leax  6,u
 stb   a,x
 bra   L00f2
L012b tst   D0001
 bne   L0150
 ldb   ,y
 cmpb  #$3d
 bne   L011f
 leay  D0001,y
 bne   L0179
L013b lda   ,y
 suba  #$30
 cmpa  #9
 bhi   L0190
 pshs  a
 leay  D0001,y
 lda   #$0a
 addb  ,s+
 adca  #0
 beq   L013b
L0150 leax  <L0161,pcr
 ldy   #$000e
 bsr   L0173
 ldx   D0002
 bsr   L016f
 os9 F$Exit
L0161 comb  
 fcb $4e
 fcb $41
 bra   L01ae
 fcb $72
 fcb $72
 clr   -14,s
 bra   L0180
L016f equ *-1
 ldx   #$0050
L0173 lda   #1
 os9 I$WritLn
L0179 bsr   L01a0
 bcs   L0150
 pshs  b
 bsr   L01a0
L0180 equ *-1
 puls  a
 bcc   L0188
 exg   a,b
L0188 asla  
 pshs  a
 addb  ,s+
L0190 lda   ,y
 cmpa  #$20
 beq   L0121
 cmpa  #$0d
 beq   L0121
 cmpa  #$2c
 beq   L0121
 bra   L0150
L01a0 ldb   ,y
 subb  #$30
 cmpb  #9
 bls   L01b8
 cmpb  #$31
 bcs   L01ae
 subb  #$20
L01ae subb  #7
 cmpb  #$0f
 bhi   L01bd
 cmpb  #$0a
 bcs   L01bd
L01b8 andcc #254
 leay  D0001,y
L01bd comb  
L01bf clr   D0004
 lda   #$2f
 lbsr  L027d
 ldx   33,u
 ldx   4,x
 ldd   4,x
 leax  d,x
 bsr   L0218
 lda   #$0d
 lbsr  L027d
 leax  L0015,pcr
 leay  6,u
L01dd lda   b,y
 bsr   L01ef
 cmpb  #$20
 bcs   L01dd
 lda   #$0d
 lbsr  L027d
 os9 F$Exit
L01ef pshs  d,x,y,u
 ldy   -2,x
L01f4 cmpb  2,x
 beq   L0204
 leax  4,x
L01fa lda   ,x+
 bpl   L01fa
 leay  Dffff,y
 bne   L01f4
 puls  d,x,y,u,pc
L0204 bsr   L027b
 tst   ,x
 bpl   L022c
 lda   ,s
 cmpa  3,x
 beq   L0214
 lda   #$2d
 bsr   L027d
L0214 bsr   L021c
 puls  d,x,y,u,pc
L0218 pshs  x
 bra   L0220
L021c pshs  x
 leax  4,x
L0220 lda   ,x
 anda  #$7f
 bsr   L027d
 lda   ,x+
 bpl   L0220
 puls  x,pc
L022c bsr   L021c
 lda   #$3d
 bsr   L027d
 tst   ,x
 bne   L025f
 ldb   ,s
 lda   #$2f
 clr   D0005
L023c inca  
 subb  #$64
 bcc   L023c
 bsr   L0254
 lda   #$3a
L0245 deca  
 addb  #$0a
 bcc   L0245
 bsr   L0254
 tfr   b,a
 adda  #$30
 bsr   L027d
 puls  d,x,y,u,pc
L0254 inc   D0005
 cmpa  #$30
 bne   L027d
 dec   D0005
 bne   L027d
L025f lda   ,s
 anda  #$f0
 bsr   L0271
 lda   ,s
 anda  #$0f
 bsr   L0271
 puls  d,x,y,u,pc
L0271 adda  #$30
 cmpa  #$39
 bls   L027d
 adda  #7
 bra   L027d
L027b lda   #$20
L027d pshs  d,x,y
 leax  38,u
 ldb   D0004
 sta   b,x
 cmpa  #$0d
 beq   L0297
 cmpb  #$16
 bcs   L029b
 cmpa  #$20
 bne   L029b
 lda   #$0d
 sta   b,x
L0297 lbsr  L016f
L029b stb   D0004
 puls  d,x,y,pc
L029f pshs  x,y,u
 ldu   -2,x
L02a3 ldy   2,s
 stx   ,s
 leax  4,x
L02aa lda   ,x+
 eora  ,y+
 anda  #$df
 bne   L02bb
 bcc   L02aa
 sty   2,s
 puls  x,y,u,pc
L02bb leax  -1,x
L02bd lda   ,x+
 bpl   L02bd
 leau  -1,u
 cmpu  #0
 bne   L02a3
 puls  x,y,u,pc


L02cf equ *



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