PSYMON 1.20B for the SST-6809

The PSYMON monitor from Percom Data Systems, adapted to run on the SST-6809 single-board computer.


Assembler Source

Assembled Listing

S-Record File

Debian Quick Start

Connect the SST_6809 USB-C to a USB port on your Debian machine.

Verify the status LED is lit blue.

On Debian, install the minicom serial terminal program:

$ sudo aptitude install minicom

Run minicom and specify your USB device:

$ minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0

Configure the minicom terminal timings:

Choose D and enter 1 for 1ms newline delays
Choose F and enter 1 for 1ms character delays
Press ENTER to exit the terminal configuration menu

At the ASSIST09 “>” prompt, start a [L]oad:


Paste the Psymon S-records file from minicom into the SST-6809:

[Go To] the folder you saved the S19 file to.
[SPACE] to select the S19 file itself

Now wait until you see “>00” for successful load or “?” for a failed load.

At the ASSIST09 “>” prompt, start Psymon:

G 8000

Return to SST-6809