There were four versions of the Color BASIC ROM for the Tandy Color Computers.

One of the key differences between versions comes from different SAM chip setups for different RAM types and configurations.

1980 1.0 MC6883
1980 1.1 MC6883
1982 1.2 '783 SAM
1982 1.3 '785 SAM


Addresses taken from v1.2 of Color BASIC

AD47 80 FOR Start a loop
AE86 81 GO Jump to line number
AEE3 82-84 REM ' Comments or remarks - FIXME Else uses this too?
AF14 85 IF Start a conditional check
AEE0 86 DATA Store data within a program
B8F7 87 PRINT Write to the screen
AF42 88 ON Start of multi-way branch
AFF5 89 INPUT Read a line of text at a time
AE02 8A END The end of the program
B0F8 8B NEXT End of a loop
B34E 8C DIM Set aside memory for arrays
B046 8D READ Read a piece of data
AE75 8E RUN Start the program running
ADE4 8F RESTORE Start back at the first DATA item
AEC0 90 RETURN Return from a subroutine
AE09 91 STOP Stop the program at the current line
B757 92 POKE Write a value to a memory address
AE30 93 CONT Continue the program from a stop
B764 94 LIST List program to screen
AE41 95 CLEAR Clear RAM for string space
AD17 96 NEW Initialize the BASIC memory map
A498 97 CLOAD Cassette load
A44C 98 CSAVE Cassette save
A5F6 99 OPEN Open a file
A416 9A CLOSE Close files
B75E 9B LLIST List program to printer
A880 9C SET Draw a semigraphics pixel
A8B1 9D RESET Clear a semigraphics pixel
A910 9E CLS Clear screen
A7BD 9F MOTOR Tape drive motor control
A94B A0 SOUND Beep the speaker
A990 A1 AUDIO Control the audio source
A53E A2 EXEC EXECute code at address
A5EC A3 SKIPF Skip tape file
A4 TAB Tabulation
A5 TO Token for TO in GO TO
A6 SUB Completion token for GOSUB
A7 THEN Completion token for IF
A8 NOT Boolean / Logical negation
A9 STEP FOR loop control
AA OFF AUDIO and MOTOR control token
B9C5 AB + Addition operator
BACC AC * Multiplication operator
B9BC AC - Subtraction operator
BB91 AE / Division operator
B227 AF EXP Generates ?SN in Color BASIC, implemented in Extended Color BASIC
B2D5 B0 AND Boolean / Logical AND operator
B2D4 B1 OR Boolean / Logical OR operator
B2 > Greater Than operator
B3 = Equality operator
B4 < Less Than operator
A9B3 - BIRQSV Interrupt service handler
B141 - EVAL Evaluate a numeric expression
BC7A FF80 SGN Get the sign of a number positive or negative
BCEC FF81 INT Convert a number to an integer
BC93 FF82 ABS Get absolute value of a signed number
B44A FF83 USR User defined function
BF1F FF84 RND Pseudo-random number generator
BF78 FF85 SIN Sine of an angle
B750 FF86 PEEK Read a value from a memory address
B681 FF87 LEN Length of a string
B4FD FF88 STR$ Convert a number to a string
B716 FF89 VAL Convert a string to a number
B6A0 FF8A ASC ASCII code of first letter of string
B68C FF8B CHR$ Convert number to Control, ASCII, or graphics code string
A5CE FF8C EOF End of file
A9C6 FF8D JOYSTK Read and report joysticks
B6AB FF8E LEFT$ Left part of a string
B6C8 FF8F RIGHT$ Right part of a string
B6CF FF90 MID$ Middle of a string
A8F5 FF91 POINT Check color of a semigraphics pixel
A564 FF92 INKEY$ Get a key
B4EE FF93 MEM Free memory


Example code of how to disable the BASIC ROM and use the RAM underneath:
CMOC with nobasic example code



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