The MGE file format by Color Max Deluxe supports a custom palette, palette animation cycling, and run-length encoded or unpacked pixels, and is fully documented in the manual.


00000000 01 MGE resolution byte 00 = 320x200x16 >0 = BADRES
00000001 00000011 10 palette bytes 00-3F stuff into $FFB0-$FFBF
00000012 01 montype 00 = RGB 01 = CMP
00000013 01 compression flag 00 = compression FF = no compression
00000014 00000033 20 picture name zero terminated
00000034 01 Cycle Delay 00-FF 00=fast
00000035 01 Cycle Palette, left nibble = start palette number, right nibble = end palette number
00000036 to End Of File (EOF) up to 32000 bytes of bitmap data, cols * rows, uncompressed <values> stream or or RLE-compressed <count><value> pairs


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