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All hail L. Curtis Boyle for gathering the news for CoCoTALK! including these SepTandy items:

CoCoTALK! #172 2020-08-08

Jason Weber on Facebook is helping organize “SepTandy” for this year (a YouTube virtual fest of sorts), and he is looking suggestions for the Coco 3 video portion of the show. So far he has a Coco 3 with a 6309, 512k RAM and CocoSDC, and is looking for suggestions for games and programs to really show off the hardware he has gathered vs. a standard Coco. Please reply to his post with suggestions:

CoCoTALK! #176 2020-09-05

“Mr. Lurchs Things” YouTube channel made a video showing his Coco 3 with upgrades (thanks to Nick Marotta for finding this one), and is part of the this year's “SepTandy 2020” promotion between multiple YouTube pages. His upgrades include the 6309, SDC and 512K:

Also part of SeptTandy 2020 is TheRetroChannel showing his installing of a Coco 1 S-Video/composite mod on one of his Coco 1's, on YouTube:

A 3rd “SepTandy” video is from Dinty's Hideaway about the Coco is also out (I should mention that this one has some factual errors mentioned in the video, and has very scattershot editing approach):

A 4th “SepTandy” video is from “Adrian's Digital Basement”, where he does a deep clean/restore of a Coco 3 (I haven't had a chance to fully watch this yet):

CoCoTALK! #177 2020-09-12

AC's 8-Bit Zone, as part of SepTandy 2020, shows off his giant Coco collection, much of which was in his storage for years, before his re-opening of many boxes:

And just this morning, he released a second video, showing how he made the cable to hook his Coco 3 up to his Magnavox 85CM15 monitor:

CoCoTALK! #178 2020-09-19

As part of SepTandy, RebelFoxxy presents his Coco 2/64K. He has a number of his facts wrong, but still good that he made the video.:

Another SepTandy entry this week is by Retro Hack Shack. (with Aaron Newcomb, whom some may recognize as a regular guest on the giant podcast network TWiT, where he has appeared on FLOSS Weekly, All About Android and This Week in Google, numerous times, and is somewhat famous in Coco circles since he has worn his Dungeons of Daggorath shirt on these shows multiple times). He takes his Coco 1 (his very first computer) and “attempts to install a composite mod, fix up the keyboard, re-cap the mother board, and clean it up”. There is a bit of info on him here: And his Coco 1 video is here:

Ken @ Canadian Retro Things has a new video for SepTandy, using a CD player to load programs onto his MC-10, experimenting with both 22 and 44 KHz.

Yet another pair of #SepTandy videos is from Newmakers Tech on YouTube. He even goes through the pre-history of the Coco, including Project Green Thumb. It emphasizes the Coco 1, although it mentions and briefly shows the Coco 2 and 3:

The second episode concentrates on the Coco 2:

AC's 8-Bit Zone on YouTube, released two more SepTandy related videos, covering some Coco 2 repairs and Coco 2 composite video (after he covers some C64 ZIF sockets that he received in the mail):

His second video is his attempt to get 5 Coco 2's running:

Another SepTandy episode this week is by TheRetroChannel, where he delves into taking a look at his heavily modified Coco 1 with HJL-57 keyboard (he briefly showed it to us last week, when he went through his stock Coco 1):

Also part of SepTandy, LGR released their full episode on the Coco, after showing a teaser about it last week:

Still more SepTandy: Retrospectreviews from Australia (whom we have covered some of his Coco relate videos before), has a quick look at the Coco SDC:

And our final Coco related SepTandy video is from 8bitsinthebasement on YouTube (who was a guest on our show with his SCART Coco 2), where he shows hooking up digital joysticks to his Coco 2, including explanations of the differences between digital and analog joysticks, how voltage dividers work, and his home made solution:

CoCoTALK! #179 2020-09-26

An awesome interview on Dinty's Hideway as part of SepTandy: An interview with John Roach, who headed the computer part of Radio Shack during the creation of the Model 1, 2, 3 and Coco - Part 1:

Part 2 (remembering Charles Tandy):

Another SepTandy video by QuickThings on YouTube fired up his Coco 3, Orch-90 and disk drive for the first time in 30 years… and it all worked (well, some with a bit of cleaning).

Retrobits, as part of SepTandy, does a first look & more (including burning his own ROM cart games using the CocoEPROMpak from Mark Blair) on the first Coco 2 he has ever seen:

Newsmaker Tech on YouTube does their 3rd Coco video this SepTandy - this time on the Coco 3:

Another SepTandy sequel: TheRetroChannel - fixing up the HJL-57 with hacks & switches to the VDG video (includes trouble shooting the color, and also figuring out exactly what the 3 switches do):

Another SepTandy video from Newsmakers Tech: This time, covering the MC-10:

Tim Lindner posted a quick SepTandy video showing a locking plate for the Coco 3 and MPI, so that it makes it really hard to jostle them apart.

As part of SepTandy, YouTube page MindFlareRetro has a video on his Coco 2 “trash to treasure” part 1:

Also part of SepTandy, AC's 8-Bit Zone covers the RF modulator fix he did on the two Coco 2's (out of the 5 he pulled out of storage after a couple of decades) that had lost color output: it was very easy). He also mentions that he has a composite video mod for the Coco 2 coming out next week - well, actually, two different composite mods.

And one more SepTandy video from 8-Bit Show And Tell on YouTube: He shows his TRS-80 collection, but also Easter Eggs on each of them. (The Coco part starts at 11:52). He also mentions a bit of cool history as to who originally owned this particular Coco 1:

CoCoTALK! #180 2020-10-03

As part of SepTandy, Aaron Newcomb @ Retro Hack Shack put up a different kind of SepTandy video - covering the comic collaborations Radio Shack did with DC Comics back in the 1980's (I have one or two of these myself), including Superman and other major DC figures working with the “Whiz Kids”, who used different TRS-80 model computers to help save the day. The Coco is featured in some of these:

Dinty's Hideaway did another SepTandy video, demonstrating the CocoVGA on his F board Coco 1:

Aaron & Brent resurrected The Coco Show for a special SepTandy episode, this time featuring The Temple of ROM:

Asif Alli did not only his first SepTandy video (a history of himself and the Coco, and a play of the Coco 3 version of Kings Quest III), but also his very first YouTube video, period:

As part of SepTandy, Boat from the Amigos also did a Coco stream last week, which has now been posted to YouTube:

CoCoTALK! #181 2020-10-10

AC's 8 Bit Zone has is composite & S-Video upgrade video up (two different methods), as promised at the tail end of SepTandy:

He also added an addendum with some corrections (no high res photos in the original video, and a missing component on one schematic):


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