Note: The following public domain code does not contain the *waveform* or *music note* data.

Many examples of these are available in various Rainbow Magazine articles as well as in the Musica example song files.

;* Title: PLAY.s (c) 1984 Speech Systems. Released to Public Domain.
;* Author: Speech Systems
;* Description: 4-voice player
;* Documentation: See the MUSICA manual
;*                pg. 15 for usage and license
;*                pg. 19 for memory map and note format
;*                pp. 20-22 for source
;* Include Files: none
;* Assembler: lwasm 1.4.2
;* Revision History:
;* Rev #     Date      Who     Comments
;* -----  -----------  ------  ---------------------------------------
;* 1.0    1984         SS      Original Source From Manual

PIA0AC      equ   $ff01
PIA0BC      equ   $ff03
PIA1AD      equ   $ff20
PIA1BC      equ   $ff23
            org   $3f40       ; ($3540 in tape version)
PLAY:       lda   #$3f        ; set DP register ($35 in tape version)
            tfr   A,DP
            setdp $3f         ; ($35 in tape version)
            lda   $ff01       ; turn on TV sound port
            anda  #$f7
            sta   $ff01
            lda   $ff03
            anda  #$f7
            sta   $ff03
            lda   #$3c          
            sta   $ff23
            pshs  CC          ; save condition register
            orcc  #$50        ; disable interrupts
            ldx   #$4400      ; x=note pointer ($3a00 in tape version)
            lda   ,X+         ; load tempo from music
            sta   TEMPO
            ldd   ,X++        ; load tone table high addresses
            sta   <V1PT
            stb   <V2PT
            ldd   ,X++
            sta   <V3PT
            stb   <V4PT
            bra   NEWNT1
TEST:       cmpa  #$fe        ; test for new wave table pointers
            bne   NEWNOT
            ldd   0,X         ; update wave table pointers
            sta   <V1PT
            stb   <V2PT
            ldd   2,X
            sta   <V3PT
            stb   <V4PT
            lda   4,X         ; update TEMPO
            sta   <TEMPO
NEWNOT:     leax  8,X         ; advance note pointer
NEWNT1:     lda   ,X+         ; load note duration
            bmi   TEST        ; if duration>$7F, not a note
            beq   PLAY2       ; duration=0 if end of music
PLAY1:      sta   <DUR
            ldb   <TEMPO      ; save TEMPO
            stb   <TEMPO+1
MAIN:       lda   [V1PT]      ; output voices to sound port
            adda  [V2PT]
            adca  [V3PT]
            adca  [V4PT]
            sta   $ff20
            ldd   <V1PT+1     ; increment voice pointers
            addd  ,x          ; only the LSB and "fractional"
            std   <V1PT+1     ; bytes are changed
            ldd   <V2PT+1     ; second voice
            addd  2,x
            std   <V2PT+1
            ldd   <V3PT+1     ; third voice
            addd  4,x
            std   <V3PT+1
            ldd   <V4PT+1     ; fourth voice
            addd  6,x
            std   <V4PT+1
            dec   <TEMPO+1    ; update tempo counter
            bne   WAIT
            dec   <DUR        ; update duration counter
            beq   NEWNOT
            ldb   <TEMPO      ; restore tempo counter
            stb   <TEMPO+1
            bra   MAIN
WAIT:       leax  0,X         ; (to equalize loop times)
            leax  0,X
            leax  0,X
            leax  0,X
            leax  0,X
            bra   MAIN
PLAY2:      clra              ; return from subroutine
            tfr   A,DP
            puls  CC,PC
V1PT        rmb   $3          ; voice time table pointers
V2PT        rmb   $3          ; only the last 2 bytes are
V3PT        rmb   $3          ; changed; the 3rd byte is
V4PT        rmb   $3          ; "fractional"
DUR         rmb   $1
TEMPO       rmb   $2
            end   PLAY


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