E304 EF ERR Jump to a line number when an error occurs
E3E6 F0 BRK Jump to a line number when the BREAK key is pressed
E4E9 FFAB ERRNO Returns the BASIC error number for the error that has occurred
E4FD FFAC ERLIN Returns the BASIC line number where an error has occurred
E545 E5 LPOKE Stores a value in a virtual memory location $00000 - $7FFFF
E573 FFA8 LPEEK Return the contents of a virtual memory location $00000 - $7FFFF
E5B1 FFA9 BUTTON Return if a Joystick Button is being pressed or not
E5F0 E3 PALETTE Store a color code into a palette register, or reset palette for CMP or RGB defaults
E674 F7 RGB Set palette to RGB defaults
E676 F6 CMP Set palette to composite defaults
E688 E4 HSCREEN Select and clear high-resolution graphics screen
E6CF E6 HCLS Clear the high-resolution graphics screen to a specified color
E6F4 E7 HCOLOR Set foreground and background color on the high-resolution graphics screen
E761 F3 HSET Set point x,y on the high-resolution graphics screen to color c
E765 F4 HRESET Resets a point on the high-resolution graphics screen to the background color
E856 FFAA HPOINT Returns information on point x,y from the high-resolution graphics screen
E882 EA HLINE Draws a line on the high-resolution graphics screen
EA49 E9 HCIRCLE Draws a circle on the high-resolution graphics screen
EBF5 E8 HPAINT Paints an area on the high-resolution graphics screen
ED58 ED HBUFF Reserves an area in memory for high-resolution graphics
EDE5 EB HGET Stores a rectangle from the high-resolution screen into a buffer
EDED EC HPUT Copies graphics from a buffer to a rectangle on the high-resolution graphics screen
EF3F EE HPRINT Prints a message on the high-resolution graphics screen
F39D F5 HDRAW Draws on the high-resolution screen from a command string
F636 E2 WIDTH Set the text screen to a resolution in character width
F8D2 F1 LOCATE Move the high-resolution text screen cursor to position x,y
F925 F2 HSTAT Returns information regarding the high-resolution text screen cursor
F9B9 F8 ATTR Set the display attributes of a high-resolution text screen


These symbols in the CoCo3 ROM in $FB10 to $FB77

L. Curtis Boyle:
Those are from Microware, and duplicate some that they have in OS-9 Level 2.
They were meant for Multivue (scroll arrows, resize box, etc), that were meant for the OS9 Version 3 upgrade).

....fb█.: ........  .
....fb██: ...█....  .
....fb█2: ...██...  .
....fb█3: ...███..  .
....fb█4: ...███..  .
....fb█5: ...██...  .
....fb█6: ...█....  .
....fb█7: ........  .
....fb█8: ........  .
....fb█9: ....█...  .
....fb█a: ...██...  .
....fb█b: ..███...  8
....fb█c: ..███...  8
....fb█d: ...██...  .
....fb█e: ....█...  .
....fb█f: ........  .
....fb2.: ........  .
....fb2█: ........  .
....fb22: ........  .
....fb23: .██████.  ~
....fb24: ..████..  <
....fb25: ...██...  .
....fb26: ........  .
....fb27: ........  .
....fb28: ........  .
....fb29: ........  .
....fb2a: ...██...  .
....fb2b: ..████..  <
....fb2c: .██████.  ~
....fb2d: ........  .
....fb2e: ........  .
....fb2f: ........  .
....fb3.: ........  .
....fb3█: ████████  .
....fb32: ........  .
....fb33: ████████  .
....fb34: ████████  .
....fb35: ........  .
....fb36: ████████  .
....fb37: ........  .
....fb38: ........  .
....fb39: ........  .
....fb3a: ..██....  .
....fb3b: ..████..  <
....fb3c: ...█.█..  .
....fb3d: ...███..  .
....fb3e: ........  .
....fb3f: ........  .
....fb4.: ........  .
....fb4█: .██████.  ~
....fb42: .█....█.  B
....fb43: .█.██.█.  Z
....fb44: .█.██.█.  Z
....fb45: .█....█.  B
....fb46: .██████.  ~
....fb47: ........  .
....fb48: ........  .
....fb49: .██████.  ~
....fb4a: .██████.  ~
....fb4b: ........  .
....fb4c: ........  .
....fb4d: .██████.  ~
....fb4e: .██████.  ~
....fb4f: ........  .
....fb5.: ........  .
....fb5█: ..████..  <
....fb52: ..████..  <
....fb53: ..████..  <
....fb54: ..████..  <
....fb55: ..████..  <
....fb56: ..████..  <
....fb57: ........  .
....fb58: ........  .
....fb59: ........  .
....fb5a: .██████.  ~
....fb5b: .██████.  ~
....fb5c: .██████.  ~
....fb5d: .██████.  ~
....fb5e: ........  .
....fb5f: ........  .
....fb6.: ........  .
....fb6█: .██████.  ~
....fb62: ..█..█..  $
....fb63: ...██...  .
....fb64: ...██...  .
....fb65: ..█..█..  $
....fb66: .██████.  ~
....fb67: ........  .
....fb68: ........  .
....fb69: .███████  .
....fb6a: ........  .
....fb6b: .███████  .
....fb6c: .███████  .
....fb6d: ........  .
....fb6e: .███████  .
....fb6f: ........  .
....fb7.: ........  .
....fb7█: ███████.  .
....fb72: ........  .
....fb73: ███████.  .
....fb74: ███████.  .
....fb75: ........  .
....fb76: ███████.  .
....fb77: ........  .



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