July 31, 1980 - Color Computer announced!


The Rainbow Magazine 1981-07 :: First Issue

  • Welcome to the Rainbow
  • Music Made Easy - Listing
  • Next Month
  • CPU Speedup
  • LP VII Driver
  • M and N Decoded
  • Official Stuff
  • Word Processor - Listing
  • Subscription Form

The Rainbow Magazine 1981-08

  • Line Justifier - Listing
  • Software Review: CBUG Monitor
  • Official Notice
  • Thanks for the Memories
  • Printer Status
  • Contest for Rainbow Readers
  • Tandy Disc-O
  • Software Review: JARBCODE
  • Software Review: SIGMON
  • Driver Backup
  • Screen Printer - Listing - Correction in 1981-08
  • Using the Editor
  • An Educational Program for Everyone - Listing AMORT
  • Subscription Form

The Rainbow Magazine 1981-09

  • Some special programs for Schooldays
  • Get Ready To Do Battle Near Laser Star - Listing LASER STAR
  • An Important Issue… Software Theft
  • Correction - Screen Printer in 1981-08
  • Software Review: Word Processor Text Editor
  • Teacher's Helper, Student's Friend - Listing GRADER 2.1
  • Software Review: SDS80C
  • Are You Psychotic … Ur, Uh … Psychic? Listing - PSYCHIC APTITUDE TEST
  • Graphics Printer - Listing
  • Make Your Kids Like The Quiz Kids - Listing QUIZ
  • Advertisement: The MicroWorks
  • Software Review: S.E.C.S. Screen Edit Control System
  • Two In One - Tape Merge
  • Official Stuff
  • Advertisement: Jarb Software
  • A Review: Microworks RAM Upgrades
  • Subscription Form

The Rainbow Magazine 1981-10

  • Rainbow Emphasizes Printer Uses
  • Software Review: CONFLICT
  • Program Quickie - Listing Percent Change
  • And They Said It Couldn't Be Done - VIDEOTEX Hardcopies
  • Videoprinter By Al Morgan - Listing VIDPRINT - Correction in 1981-11
  • Videoprinter By Jorge Mir - Listing VIDPRINT - Listing VIDFIX
  • Software Review: 80C Disassembler
  • Really Using PRINT USING
  • Official Stuff
  • Screen Monitor - Listing
  • Advertisement: Soft Sector Marketing
  • Helicopter Battleground For You - Listing HELO-BATTLE
  • Software Review: COLOR SPACE INVADERS
  • For Its … Gin, Gin, Gin - Listing GIN 2.0
  • Sticky Labels - Listing
  • Advertisement: The MicroWorks
  • Advertisement: Falsoft Vampire
  • Rosen's Color Connection
  • Subscription Form

The Rainbow Magazine 1981-11

  • Tandy Disc System Is Now Available
  • A Real Big One
  • Program Quickie: Where Am I?
  • Basketball StatsKeeper Will Have Them Bouncing Along - Listing STATSKEEPER
  • Advertisement: Chromasette Magazine
  • Software Review: MASTER CONTROL
  • Mailing Notice
  • Hardware Review: Serial/Parallel Converterr
  • Times Square Header - Listing
  • How's Your Day? Need Biorhythm Help? - Listing JARBBIORHYTM 1)
  • Software Review: Color Meteoroids
  • Letters to Rainbow
  • Downloading from Videotex by Jorge Mir - Listing VIDFIX - Listing VIDEOAID
  • Advertisement: Trans/Tech C. C. WRITER
  • Get and Put High-Res Graphic Movement by J. E. Pennett - Listings
  • Official Stuff
  • Correction - Al Morgan's Video Print 1981-10
  • Advertisement: The MicroWorks
  • Subscription Form

The Rainbow Magazine 1981-12

  • Editor's Notes
  • A Late Bulletin: Disc Savem
  • Inside
  • Zelda and Her Bats - Listing ZELDA'S BAT BOTTLE
  • Official Stuff
  • A Tale of Two Discs by Lawrence C. Falk
  • Advertisement: Spectral Associates
  • Here Come The Vipers - Listing VIPER ATTACK
  • Game Aids #1… Random Numbers Make Easy Fun by John L. Urban
  • Advertisement: Chromasette Magazine
  • Letters to the Rainbow
  • Random Graphic Fun by Robert Foulke - Listing POLYGON
  • Advertisement: Illustrated Memory Banks
  • Software Review: Chromasette Magazine
  • A Form of “CSAVE?”
  • Hardware Review: CPRINT
  • Software Review: KOSMIC KAMIKAZE
  • Machine Tape Finder/Saver by Jorge Mir - Listing FINDER
  • Back Issues
  • Advertisement: The MicroWorks
  • The Pipeline
  • Software Review: SPACE WAR
  • RomPak Backup by Al Morgan - Listing
  • Advertisement: Rainbow Connection Software
  • Software Review: Animated Hangman
  • Subscription Form














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