The Tandy Color Computer 1, 2, the Micro Color Computer (MC-10), Dragon 32 and 64 and others used variants of the Motorola MC6847, MC6847T1, or XC80652P Video Display Generator (VDG) chips for text, semigraphics, and graphics screen displays.

The original MC6847 generated only uppercase and inverse uppercase text.

The MC6847T1 added lower-case with descenders, but slightly shifted the position of the characters within the display, causing display problems for a small number of games using the Semigraphics 8, 12, and 24 display modes.

The XC80652P is a variant of the MC6847T1 found in some of the Korean-made Color Computers, theorized to be an early production prototype, functions the same as the MC6847T1.

The pinouts for the MC6847 and MC6847T1 are not the same and are not “drop-in replacement” compatible without an interface board.



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