C200-C3FF screen ram

C400-E163 tokenized basic lines

E164 setup F300-F7FF RAM

E240 overwrite line 10 with 10 REM ASCII for when game is re-RUN

F300 176-byte alien graphic

F400 176-byte alien graphic

F4C0 move F400 to F4B0 to C280 used by lines 8800 alien bouncing code

F4E0 move F300 to F3B0 to C287 used by lines 6500 alien still code

F500 alien and player positions

F590 modify C200

F5B8 screen switch load from table

F5D0 data table for screens to show in order

F5E5 current screen to show

F600 read keys player move hit walls and items

F700 alien move ai

F780 move memory block

F790 update things on screen

F7B0 alien caught player?

F7D0 update item numbers

F800 alien X position

F801 alien y position

F802 player x position

F803 player y position

F804 alien x next move direction flag

F805 alien y next move direction flag

F806 number items carried

F807 item 1 count

F808 item 2 count

F809 item 3 count

F80A item 4 count

F80B alien caught you flag

F80C unused?

F80D unused?

F80E unused?

F80F player hit something flag


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