Table of Contents

Introducing the CoCo

Known to it's fans as the “CoCo” or “80C”, the Tandy / Radio Shack Color Computer was the first micro-computer I owned.

The “Color Computer” family of computers includes the Color Computer, Color Computer 2, Color Computer 3, Dragon 32, Dragon 64, the Micro Color Computer (MC-10), and a number of clones such as the CP400, Codimex 6809, and many more.

In the past 40-plus years (!) a fantastic community has grown up around these machines, continuously refining and expanding the hardware, the software, and the boundaries of what these early microcomputers can do.

Getting Started

Don't have a Color Computer yourself?
CoCo-Pi will turn a Raspberry Pi 3, Pi 4, or Pi 400 into a feature packed Color Computer emulation workhorse to enjoy 40 years of Color Computer awesomeness.

Quick Start: A quick description of various ways to load software into the CoCo.

Getting Connected

Join hundreds of “CoConuts” (or is that CoConauts?) on the CoCo Discord.

New to Discord? Get started quickly with this video introduction.

Exploring Further

Learn more about everything old and new for the Color Computer by tuning in to:

CoCo ~123 Articles

I've written the following articles for the Glenside Color Computer Club newsletter, CoCo~123, and would appreciate any comments, or criticisms:

Exploring DLOAD from CoCo ~123 Issue 40_1

Exploring CoCo Joysticks from CoCo~123 Issue 40_3

Exploring MEGA Mini MPI Sound from CoCo ~123 Issue 41_2nl

Additional Articles

My site is a chaotic mess but here are some of the things I've written that others may be interested in:
Decoding the CoCo Keyboard with KeyScn
Decoding the CoCo Keyboard Revisited with KeyScn2
Decoding the CoCo Joystick
Decoding the VDG ROM Font
CoCo Video Frame and Scanline Timing
module-mux-v00.asm Control Analog Multiplexor Select Lines
One-Bit Sound
testssc.asm for the Speech Sound Cartridge
testmidi.asm for the MIDI Maestro
testssg.asm for the CoCoPSG
testssg2.asm for the CoCoPSG
testgmc.asm for the Game Master Cartridge
Demo code for MEGA Mini MPI Sound
Restoring PSYMON with CoCo 1/2/3 Modifications
Color Max Deluxe ANIMTOOL Annotated
Color Max Deluxe MGE File Viewer in Python
Building XRoar from Source Step-By-Step
Boot CoCo3FPGA with NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Beta 6.1.0 (works for EoU Release 1.0 too!)
CoCo3 Boot Patch for OS-9
Linux for OS-9 Admins
New Documentation Set for OS-9
NitrOS-9 Ease of Use Beta 5 Plus DriveWire
Shell Built-Ins for OS-9
Source Code Conventions for OS-9
Color Computer Modifications
Text Mode Resolutions
DamienG Font Conversions
MC-10 Extension Multiport Joystick Info


My retro interests and projects: